Doom and gloom or hope?


New Member
Do the majority of you patrons of RIU expect things are going to get worse or better. Please describe why you feel the way you do.
I think they will get worse before they get better, how much worse is unknowable at this juncture.



Well-Known Member
Trickle up economics will be no more effective than trickle down economics. The whole central bank scheme is coming to an end. It is unmanageable.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion things will get worse for those that are trying to judge what better or worse is. Does that make sense? I can explain further if necessary.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
I do not ever see things going back to the way they were.Greed is what rules the world now.Not just for the rich,but for everyone.People in their 30's and 40's have grown up in a period of time when their parents were able to give them everything they ever wanted.
Now that they are on their own they still want everything,but they want it right now.No one knows how to save for the things they NEED,houses,cars and clothes.Instead they charge everything they WANT,house,car,food,clothes and crap they don't need.
Credit is why we are in this mess,and till the system is changed it will never get better.OPH


New Member
I do not ever see things going back to the way they were.Greed is what rules the world now.Not just for the rich,but for everyone.People in their 30's and 40's have grown up in a period of time when their parents were able to give them everything they ever wanted.
Now that they are on their own they still want everything,but they want it right now.No one knows how to save for the things they NEED,houses,cars and clothes.Instead they charge everything they WANT,house,car,food,clothes and crap they don't need.
Credit is why we are in this mess,and till the system is changed it will never get better.OPH
I find myself in full agreement. I, and I suppose you also ,would like to know a solution. I can't see one the way things are right now. For example, read my signature. That was written by that member. One of the above postured i'm guessing


New Member
As soon as average Americans wake up to the fact that we are living under a dictatorship things will begin to get better.

Here's the problem: Both political parties have melted into one. So, we have one party rule, catering to large international corporations and a press that has totally rolled over to support this by issuing nothing but supporting propaganda. There are a few exceptions like Fox News and conservative talk radio, but for the most part, the dictatorship rules.

Until Americans start showing up in protest in numbers equal to those who arrived in Washington in adoring hordes to attend Obama's coronation, we will have to live with the status quo.



New Member
As soon as average Americans wake up to the fact that we are living under a dictatorship things will begin to get better.

Here's the problem: Both political parties have melted into one. So, we have one party rule, catering to large international corporations and a press that has totally rolled over to support this by issuing nothing but supporting propaganda. There are a few exceptions like Fox News and conservative talk radio, but for the most part, the dictatorship rules.

Until Americans start showing up in protest in numbers equal to those who arrived in Washington in adoring hordes to attend Obama's coronation, we will have to live with the status quo.

You ought to get on SNL, fox news, what a fucking joker, Conservative talk radio, those blithering idiots like Rush and Mark Levin. I see CNN got rid of that Idiot Glenn Beck and sent him packing over to Faux news where he belonged. If you get all the idiots in one place, it's easier to ignore them


New Member
I think things will continue on a downhill slide for sometime. Then they might get better. I don't think things will truly improve until the people as a whole put their foot down on the federal government and say "we aren't taking your shit anymore"

The riots and looting will be fun to watch on TV though.


Well-Known Member
Things will get worse, probably. We need to nationalize the FED put it under the Treasury Dept. were it belongs. I want banking policy in congress on C-Span not in smoky rooms with God knows who running the show. Hell I would like the profits from the mortgages to go to the Government, they could pay off the debt with it then do away with the income tax.

Congress is given the power to coin money and determine the value thereof. Ok, so they must also have a means of distributing the money. IE the FED.

I am not big on socialized anything but banking should be controlled by the people through their representatives. They could even turn a tidy profit and pay off our debt.

Ever notice how whenever we have a major economic problem its almost always banking??


New Member
Citibank just got a huge bailout and as a thank-you gift, they sold my mortgage to another company. :finger: Citi.......hope you all die in pain........


Well-Known Member
I don't think that if the government made a profit from mortgages that any of it would go toward paying off the national debt! Have you ever seen them try to put anything like that toward the good of the country first? Congress would vote themselves another raise first.

I think things will get worse, at least until March where we will see the Adjustable Rate Mortgatges come due. March is the month when most of them come due I've heard. But then again, after that, we have to deal with the group of monkeys that got loans for mortgages based off of Stated Income! That was a GREAT creative financing scheme for small business owners to get into some nice houses, but now that the economy is taking a nose dive, their (small business owners) profits are nose diving as well. I think that's where we'll really see things get bad. Hopefully all the SBO's were smart enough to put SOME of those profits away for a rainy day instead of just spending or doing a bunch of business re-investment. Eventhough business re-investment is a good way to go usually. . . I don't think this time it was. :(


New Member
CNN said last month that malls and city buildings will be foreclosed on this year, they won't be able to meet their mortgages and they won't be able to get new loans either.

1/4 of all stores are predicted to close this year, it's not looking good.....


New Member
One need only look at the economic data and the govt solution to that data to understand it is going to get horrific...... very.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Horrific, that's about right. It can't possibly get better until there is enough of a citizen base with what they see as a stable enough economic future to buy cars and houses and etc. Even if you hand out a government funded temporary job to everyone in the country it can't help, because people know it's temporary and there's no confidence in that.

I see the great depression coming around again until it all has fallen apart completely, and then a long road back to anything resembling what we used to have.

I also think none of that really matters... Live your life and don't sweat what you can't control.


New Member
I agree with you. You know what turned the depression into the GREAT depression? FDR that's who..... now the same assinine mantra is starting all over again....

Did you see where Obama is now going to cap high end bonuses? Watch the talent flee those jobs.... gosh I hope it was nothing important they were doing :lol:

All the media spin can't hide the fact that Obama doesn't have a clue.... he dashed my hope in 2 weeks... I thought I'd at least hang in there for him for 6 months.... but the writing is on the wall.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
All the money they're throwing out to try to fix it is just going to be a drop in the bucket compared to the overall losses which will probably happen anyway. It's worth a shot to try even if the chances it will actually help are slim. What it will do is save lives. (except a few stupid dead babies) (hehehe)

Tax breaks wouldn't help either, if anyone tries to suggest tax breaks as opposed to the current proposed stimulus.


New Member
Jax, where are those CEO's going to go? If they flee their jobs, they won't get any unemployment and there certainly aren't any jobs that will pay even a percentage of what they've been making. Let them flee their jobs, let them sit around with no income wondering what went wrong. It'll be good for them.

Looking doomier and gloomier everyday, apparently the phone lines to capitol hill have been jammed for 2 weeks now, people are pissed off and they aren't afraid to say so.