Double Rooting A Cutting/Clone?


Active Member
once roots have started just reg water and time would get them fatter

yeah i understand that with regular water and time they will get bigger.... but what about with the rooting hormone+ time would they get even bigger than with just regular water... i mean think of a plant with like a root system the size of a 5 gal bucket, i would think that would throw out some huge buds, and its an outdoor grow so they arn't going to get rootbound.

Think of all the other little things people do to their MJ to get a little more out of it, i know people use the seaweed method with regular watering im just wondering if the powdered stuff will do the same thing.

Do you know if the double rooted plant has even thrown out roots on what used to be the top?? or if its just like a plant that fell over but is continuing to grow from the actual root system.