Drone Strike in Yemen tries to kill a U,S, Citizen


Well-Known Member
Drone Strike in Yemen tries to kill a U,S, Citizen.
Is it right to decide a US citizen is to be killed without a trial?
U.S. Assassination Campaign Continues as CIA Drone Targets U.S.-Born Cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen

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The Obama administration launched a drone strike in Yemen last week in an attempt to assassinate a U.S.-born Muslim cleric who has never been convicted of a crime. Anwar al-Awlaki survived the attack, but two suspected members of al-Qaeda died. It was reported to be the first U.S. drone strike in Yemen in nine years. “It’s illegal to kill a U.S. citizen in Yemen, outside of armed conflict, without any due process,” says Maria LaHood of the Center for Constitutional Rights. The attempted assassination of al-Awlaki comes just days after U.S. special forces executed Osama bin Laden and NATO planes bombed Libyan leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi’s compound, killing his son and three grandchildren. [includes rush transcript]


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's really not a good idea to align yourself with an entity at war with America and clearly state your desire to destroy America.

Doesn't really read well on the Resume if you know what I mean.

I hear that America might even add a line to the Pledge of Allegience to make that clear to everyone from now on.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. And don't you dare try to fuck with us."

Congress votes on it next session I believe.........


Well-Known Member
Then you are in favor of the US shooting you first and asking questions later?


New Member
Ya know, Im not in favor of robots killing anyone personally, do unto others..



Well-Known Member
Me? No.

Those who have vowed to destroy the American Way of Life and replace it with Sharia Law and have acted on it? Absolutely. There are no questions to ask. He may surrender to either American or Yeman officials at any time. Both have called for him to be brought to justice dead or alive. The dude has a choice.


Active Member
it's your so called government that is vowing to destroy your way of life.!!!! Afraid of some cave dwellers..lmfao some of these countries don't even have a military.. the US stood up against the soviets when they had tons of nukes. Now all the US does is dabble in these tiny countries bullying them out of their resources.. You've got North Korea saying hey pussies, WE HAVE NUKES, what does the US do about that??? NOT A GODDAMN THING!!!!!!!!!! gimme a break with that sharia law bullshit... chicken shit!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Me? No.

Those who have vowed to destroy the American Way of Life and replace it with Sharia Law and have acted on it? Absolutely. There are no questions to ask. He may surrender to either American or Yeman officials at any time. Both have called for him to be brought to justice dead or alive. The dude has a choice.
Thanks for you opinion. No charges have been brought against that US citizen. I'm concerned that it's legal to just show up at someone's home and shoot them now rather than arrest and try them.


Well-Known Member
I'm not chicken shit it's just that we don't fuck around. You vow to kill Americans and destroy America way of life, you get a target on your head. Pretty simple really. Having ties to previous terrorist attacks on America gets your ass shot full of holes or thrown in jail for life. People need to understand that.

Really. Don't fuck with us. Everyone who has, has paid the price or is going to soon. That's how we roll.


New Member
exactly, where does it stop? 20 years from now they are gunna be predator drone bombing marijuana grow houses in our own country taking out 'terrorist', the governments definition of terrorism is much different from the peoples definition, I am all for doing this to someone like OBL in a foriegn country sure but the only problem is were does it end?


Active Member
Whatever man.... watch this video, and tell me how you can still support your bullshit government!!!!!!



New Member
its not being paranoid its being intelligent, to trust a government (any government), the sworn enemy of humanity, you are a fool, to give them authority to murder on a whim is very bad for mankind.

NewsFlash - Government is not our friend - they are not our protector - they do not work with our best interest in mind - this would be counter government to do such.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for you opinion. No charges have been brought against that US citizen. I'm concerned that it's legal to just show up at someone's home and shoot them now rather than arrest and try them.
I absolutely understand what you are saying and as standard practice, no this is not the way it should work. But there are exceptions to every rule and it is my opinion that this guy clearly fits into the mold of "an exception". The guy has helped coordinate attacks on American soil. He is wanted dead or alive by Yemen who have charged him.

Again, I completely understand where you are coming from but there are simply exceptions.


Well-Known Member
Is it right to decide a US citizen is to be killed without a trial?
Lets see what the Constitution for the United States says about that shall we?

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
and we also have :
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
and just so people know the authority cannot be usurped, they put this in there too:
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
I think the answer is quite clear.


New Member
Keep following a government and buying into everything they say, there is a word for people like you: sheep.

Governments have shown us time and time again that they are the enemy of mankind, history repeats itself again and again, it is important not to allow history to repeat itself with our government, give them and inch and they get a mile, give them a mile and they ultimately swallow our society whole. It is not in governments interest to act in the peoples interest.

In Nazi germany I see you as one of the men that went along with the regime ultimately at your own demise, lets call you a french business owner living in Austria as a closet homosexual, seems an appropriate past life for your mindset.

The US constitution and our founding fathers ideas is what protected us from being swallowed whole by our government, it protected the peoples will thus far, but this is slowly dieing one peice at a time, If we let it die our fate will be no different from the fate of other past great societys and empires, we will be the new rome, greece, the new 1920s italy, or the new nazi germany.


Well-Known Member
"Always question Authority and Demand the Truth." Words to live by.

You're barking up the wrong tree. I simply agree with on this. There is no innocent calls coming out from this guy. He wants to go to war with America as he has displayed by his words and actions? Well he's got one. Bad choice.


Active Member
As long as AMERICA feels it's ok to police the world there will always be violence against US citizens. Would you like it if China said, You know what America, you owe us billions so we are gonna build a couple military bases in Cali, and Texas. You don't think there would be some "CRAZY" Americans killing chinese people on or around those bases?? sure there would.. You want less people hating and attacking the US? THEN GET THE FUCK OUT OF EVERYONES BUSINESS AND QUIT TRYING TO IMPOSE OUR WILL AND WAY OF LIFE ON EVERYONE


Well-Known Member
You seem to be jumping to some wild assumptions and scenarios.

You attack America and America is going to capture or kill you. Good. Let's try to stay on topic.