Drone Strike in Yemen tries to kill a U,S, Citizen


Active Member
Who is attacking America????


I'll tell you the biggest threat to the US. The Government, and the dumb fucks who support it. That's your biggest threat


Well-Known Member
Yawn. Enjoy wherever you are. Wouldn't change you places in a million years.

Cheers though. Pretty sure we probably have more in common than not. Nothing personal. We all have holes in our asses too.


Active Member
your responses are good.. Tons of knowledge backing them.. lol I guess you see it one way, I see it another. Oh yeah!! WHO IS ATTACKING AMERICA?????

damn politics.. i'd burn one with ya though.. :eyesmoke:

And if you're tired take a nap..


New Member
Who is attacking america? Our own government is - my 2 cents. Social Conservatives, Progressives, Democrats, Fiscal Conservatives, Obama, the patroit act, the list goes on lol


New Member
oh yea cant forget the bankers, really anyone who does not protect the constitution or serve the interest of the people, there is a lot of these "people", big pharma is another one, how about monsanto?

why cant we drone pfizer or something instead of some radical dude in ymen with an ak47


Well-Known Member
Well, the Ft Hood shooter who killed Americans on American soil had direct ties with this guy. Not many are attacking us today no matter how many times they claim that they are going to because they are either dead, in jail or hiding like rats. Yeah, America is winning and is going to win this war that was started by these radicals. Let them attack Spain or France or Germany. They probably won't retaliate. But you attack America or claim you are going to, well, our guys are going to kill you. Pretty simple. When you are the baddest nation that has ever existed on this planet, you get to do shit like that.

Yeah politics suck and foreign relations suck even worse. That's why I like the world described in Richard Bach's ONE. Wars were settled over flying competitions and everyone drank together after the victor was declared.

I know I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.


Active Member
Well maybe if America would secure their borders better. Do you realize how easy it is to get into this country to work?? It's like we invite them on in

America is an awesome country, but with that mentality of "WE ARE THE BEST EVER IN THE WORLD" .. With all the religion and so called morals this country preaches, I would think the US would be over that kind of mentality. c'mon man that's redneck bullshit


New Member
your chances are better that you die from a being struck by lighting, stung by a bee, or shot by a cop accidentally then it is for you to be killed by a terrorist, probably millions of times more likely that your in a car accident, is the terrorist really the big bad enemy, the threat to our freedom, no its not, get real, lets fight the real enemies, these guys are a joke. This is exactly what they want you to buy into that terrorism is some big threat so they can get more power and control over us using fear tactics...soon the constitution will be a joke and so will our freedom if we keep heading down this path.


Well-Known Member
Oh I agree and have been saying the same thing for years. "You are not going to be killed by a terrorist."

I agree, they are a joke and they are going to die getting laughed at. If you are suggesting that we simply return to ignoring their rhetoric than I think you are mistaken. Like Mites. You fight them until they are gone or you're going to wish that you had later on.

And I don't know if any of you have access to the Front Pages to the news over here but they get better and better each and every day. Sunny skies on the horizon! Hope you don't miss it.



Active Member
well, for being a joke we sure take them serious, and spend trillions on em.. I ask. Is it really worth it?? I mean you just said you will not be killed by a terrorist. hmmmmmmm

you must watch way too much Fox News..


Well-Known Member
Not sure. Ask Bush if he wishes he would have taken this more seriously when Clinton told him OBL was a threat to us.

Remember, over 3,300 innocent Americans were killed by terrorist on a single day as they went about their jobs because a President didn't take their threats seriously. We seemed to have learned from that mistake. Are you suggesting that America position itself so that such an attack could happen again?


Active Member
BULLSHIT!!! BUSH was clearly warned about a threat to America in August 2001..

The American Government, and the CIA attacked 3,300 innocent civilians on that day..

They were warned from several other countries prior to sept 11th. Did they warn the American people about any attacks coming?? NO !!!! Go ahead and continue to back your flawed system.


Well-Known Member
Correct and he didn't take it seriously. He read a childrens book instead and thousands of Americans died. You really want or expect America to do that again?


Active Member
Why didnt he? well you said terrorists are a joke didnt you? War on terrorism. lmfao so the US is at war with a verb, an action with no clear enemy.. goddamn some people I swear..

he didnt take them serious so why isnt that whole regime not locked up for ignoring the largest attack on American soil????


New Member
I do not have time to watch mainstream media but when I do the scripted nature of it seems often times entertainingly obvious and laughable. From my cultural and historical studies it seems that the extreme 'jihadist' that advocate violence (as in going to war with the world not including the ones that advocate repelling of foreign invaders) are as rare as say 'westboro' for us if you want a comparison, most people in the middle east and conspiracy theorist believe they are actually fictional characters made up by the USA. This leads me to believe that they are indeed something which could be easily perceived as fictional(as in they are in the great minority). Which makes me question how can they be the biggest threat to the largest military empire on earth? They aren't - They are simply a tool used to push agendas and to break the law - ultimately the tool to increase power against the people AKA to take away freedoms as they see fit, modern day looting and plunder.


Well-Known Member
Why didnt he? well you said terrorists are a joke didnt you? War on terrorism. lmfao so the US is at war with a verb, an action with no clear enemy.. goddamn some people I swear..

he didnt take them serious so why isnt that whole regime not locked up for ignoring the largest attack on American soil????
We did not "ignore the attack". What was ignored was the warnings. Make no mistake, we are still hunting these guys, no matter where they are and we will continue until justice is served and threats nullified. We Will Not Forget and our leaders actions, Republican and Democrats since that event, prove that fact. America is a bad ass fucking country with the most bad asses in the world out administering justice and defending against another attack and I support them 100% in their effort to track down these people where ever they try to hide.

Yemen is trying to kill this guy too.


Active Member
so you support an endless war? I guess you support the war on drugs to huh? you can kill some, but when you kill 1, 10 more step up to take the job. terrorism will never be defeated... NEVER!!! Bust one grow op, look how many more there are.. I just dont see how you can support spending trillions for something that will never be won or end.. Oh yeah, that's the governments whole objective!! sustain long money wasting wars... HOW CAN U SUPPORT THAT?? HOW COULD ANYONE SUPPORT THAT??