Drone Strike in Yemen tries to kill a U,S, Citizen


Well-Known Member
Can I ask you why you repeatedly attempt to make this personal? What the fuck man. Enough of the YOUS already. Fair enough?


Active Member
well "YOU" are the only one here defending "YOUR" statements.. fair enough?

Nothing personal at all..


Well-Known Member
Ok, well I am going to ask you to refrain from putting words into my mouth. Deal?

I am going to the pub to enjoy a beer. Nice chatting with you.


Active Member
You see, all this political jargon that the past and current Governments have created comes between way too many US citizens, and is destroying this country. Kinda like the dems and repubs can never seem to agree on shit.. We simply forget the value of life and living prosperous as human beings. So I really just wonder how "someone" could support such a flawed bullshit system?? We need a Government, but it should be LIMITED AND GOVERNED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE COUNTRY!!!!! A Government was not created to control the people, but we have let it become that way buying into all of their bullshit propaganda.

enjoy the brewski and take care


Well-Known Member
Can I ask you why you repeatedly attempt to make this personal? What the fuck man. Enough of the YOUS already. Fair enough?

It's a sport fuck.

There are people here who don't care to argue a debate when they can beat someone in a fight.

So at every turn it's necessary to inch a debate toward the more satisfying negative emotion for the sport fuck.

You will need to ignore the trolling. I came up with a standard reply that I paste of "This reply is intended as a courtesy and nothing more."
Then move on. Trolls get nothing until they can get your goat.

So just place some nice standard reply and save your energy. You will get post counts and avoid the sport fuck that is legal in this forum.

It's a game not an intellectual society for most who are under age or immature and both.


Active Member
I really hope you're not calling me out for trolling, and arguing a point. something I've also noticed from this site is that if someone does not agree with you they automatically call you out as a troll. why?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Drone Strike in Yemen tries to kill a U,S, Citizen.
Is it right to decide a US citizen is to be killed without a trial?
U.S. Assassination Campaign Continues as CIA Drone Targets U.S.-Born Cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen
If there is evidence that he is a member of Al Queda, then yes it's fine. We are at war with them. Hasn't this guy collaborated with people to commit 2 separate terrorist attacks against the united states in the name of Al Queda? If so then he crossed the line between criminal and enemy combatant.

There were Americans who joined the nazis during world war 2. They were shot on sight. No trials. So this wouldn't be unprecedented. You're talking about a guy who was actively waging war against the united states.

I actually support these assassination campaigns against Al Queda and even the ones against Qaddafi. Ultimately if successful they will end these wars quicker and reduce the total amount of life lost.


Well-Known Member
I really hope you're not calling me out for trolling, and arguing a point. something I've also noticed from this site is that if someone does not agree with you they automatically call you out as a troll. why?

Nope just answering the other friends question. It's not any one person it's a sickness we all must avoid so we can get some legalization going.
No calling you out as I was replying to someone else on the general subject of fighting vs debate. It slips into fighting all too easy.

Like "You talking to me?" "You disrespecting me?' Droll.. be well..


Well-Known Member
attack America or claim you are going to, well, our guys are going to kill you. Pretty simple. When you are the baddest nation that has ever existed on this planet, you get to do shit like that.
Have you ever heard of Korea or Iran?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
according to the us constitution:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attaider of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

according to the united states code:

whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

anwar al-awlaki is brutally public about being in al qaeda. trials are not for traitors. /thread


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah.. Getting the bad guy is a good thing I agree.

It's just not the vision of America I grew up with. So I question how this applies to Americans.
Like I said.. Who wants to be shot on site in America? I hope I get a day in court if I am a suspect.
Where is the line drawn? Once accused how do we defend against such power?

It these questions that concern me and makes for good conversation.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah.. Getting the bad guy is a good thing I agree.

It's just not the vision of America I grew up with. So I question how this applies to Americans.
Like I said.. Who wants to be shot on site in America? I hope I get a day in court if I am a suspect.
Where is the line drawn? Once accused how do we defend against such power?

It these questions that concern me and makes for good conversation.
I think as long as the cops are after you, you are ok and rules of justice that you would expect would ring true.

But once you get the US Military after you, yeah, you're pretty much fooked at that point.


Well-Known Member
Drone Strike in Yemen tries to kill a U,S, Citizen.
Is it right to decide a US citizen is to be killed without a trial?
U.S. Assassination Campaign Continues as CIA Drone Targets U.S.-Born Cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen
just because you are not convicted does not mean you can't be declared an enemy combatant, US citizen or not.
us citizenship is not a magical international talisman of safety these days, if it ever was.
he's inserted himself into al quaeda in yemen's command structure, making a military target out of himself.
this isnt a law enforcement issue and the constitution isn't very specific about how we are to comport ourselves during war.
it's a military issue, we have permission from yemen to go after al quaeda there, this guy is very mouthy and a member of al quaeda.
grease him, i say. and good riddance.

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
exactly, where does it stop? 20 years from now they are gunna be predator drone bombing marijuana grow houses in our own country taking out 'terrorist', the governments definition of terrorism is much different from the peoples definition, I am all for doing this to someone like OBL in a foriegn country sure but the only problem is were does it end?
good question , its a pretty shady business our government is in


Well-Known Member
Maybe we could just have the navy seals kill him next time he's having dinner at the pentagon, fox news just said---
they have confirmed he was a dinner guest of the pentagon.