Drunks anonymous


Well-Known Member
<P>Hi my name is flatrider and I have beome a Acoholic lately.. I cant seem to toke without my booze... I never used to like Alcohol.. I think im started to develop a problem since all my family has issues with booze, It just makes me have a who gives a <A href="mailto:F@ck">F@ck</A> attitude and it helps my anxiety , I need to stop now before this alohol problem of mine gets worse, now this is what should be illegal, not weed, and all you drunks who have something against weed you can go *&nbsp;yourselfs.</P>

grow space

Well-Known Member
Alcohol is a evil thing..You can get addicted so easily, and especially when you have encountered alcohol problems before in your family...STOP, UNTIL ITS TO LATE DUDE!!!!


Well-Known Member
i know where ya comin from i USED to drink quite heavily but i quit that shit over a year ago. its not worth it. dont blame it on ur families drunkeness you need to make the decision to STOP on ur own. i grew up with a bunch of partiers and went down that fuckin awful path but I deceided to change for myself and my kids. goodluck to u..