"Fair and Balanced" Bill O'Reilly attempting to revive "Reefer Madness" ideas?


New Member
Republicans support pharmaceutical companies and private prison contractors. By you supporting republicans you also support this. What part of this are you not getting?
I can see the fact you either do not understand how government works or you do understand but will not admit that government feeds the prison system whether it is private or not.


Well-Known Member
I can see the fact you either do not understand how government works or you do understand but will not admit that government feeds the prison system whether it is private or not.

As long as your head is buried deep inside your ass I doubt you see much.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
The three party system keeps Harper in control of Canada and it is a complete disaster down here, so I don't share in your hopes for a solution to this false dichotomy. I agree with the rest though, I think people need to form grassroots movements to steer their candidates toward their goals.

Again, I do agree with your sentiment that currently, we have little choice.
The only way to abandon the major parties is to vote for somebody else, or take up arms. I prefer the peaceful method.