female preflowers?!! 24/7 light?!!


Well-Known Member
Im confused, I thought that the plant shows it sex early on in the flowering process... Are these pics of females?? I see little hair looking things near where the branches connect to the main stem, correct me if im wrong, but arent these female preflowers? I thought these only show themselves when you switch the lights to 12/12. But mine have been on 24/7 for their whole life.

You tell me!



Well-Known Member
Your plant is not showing sex yet. You are looking in the right place though. Those things you see have a name(not sure) & both female & male plants have these.


Well-Known Member
they are the start of a new branch or leaf. not pistols
what you want to look for is what looks like the brown/red hairs in the weed you smoke but they are going to be white and coming out of a little green pod


Well-Known Member
yeah those growths are stipules, often thought to be female growths. get a full shot of the plant. if its short, stout, bushy. chances are its female. if its tall skinny and lanky its probably a male, frome the pics ive seen its looks more female to me but those are close, and those sexing criteria arent foolproof. but they do tend to indicate sex to some extent.



Well-Known Member
Thank you all so much. This plant is absolutely intrigueing and gorgeous. I love watching it grow and learning new things bt it each day. Its simply amazing. Thanks for all the replys. They all have 3-4 nodes. Do u think I can start nutes yet?? 1/4 strength every over watering??


Well-Known Member
yeah tey are definetly stipules give it an other week or 2 and u will see the true pre flowers at that same spot