First Grow. 600 watt HPS.

California Buds

Well-Known Member
Think I'm on like day 38ish of flowering.
Been having some battles with powder mildew, but it's looking like I'm going to win :).
I also got a new 200 gallon a day reverse osmosis system. I just need to get a 55 gal water drum. I have the air stones to keep the air in the water as well.

Also a sneak peak of my outdoors :).

Sorry for taking so long to post the pictures, I've just been really busy!


Well-Known Member
Very nice, wouldnt mind to get up more to a grow like yours soon, Im more of a ghetto cheap grower lol.. I have however went up to 400hps lights now though ahah... feel free to check my grow in my sig

California Buds

Well-Known Member
Thanks sik sol, this is my first grow and I started off quite ghetto and still pretty ghetto myself lol.

My clone section used to be on top of milk crates, my mothers were on top of milk crates, and everything I was flowering was on milk crates.

I had to water each one with a coolaid picture ontop of a wired garbage can upside down to allow drainage.
Once it stopped draining I could put it back up on the milk crate 1 by 1.

But hell, If I didn't do it that way I wouldn't appreciate the tray I got not to long ago.

Makes life soooooooooo much easier.

And when I finally get that Reverse osmosis system I can stop buying 5 gallons from the water stand and just have my own filtered water.

California Buds

Well-Known Member
Just got done installing my reverse osmosis system.

Soooooooooooo happy the water hauling has come to an end.
It's 200 gallons a day, and comes out quite fast.
Here are some pictures!

I just need to get a 55 gallon reservoir for the water and I will have 55 gallons of water ready at all times. :)

Went to Home Depot last night hoping they would have a 55 gallon water drum and they don't have what I was looking for. :(

Oh well, today's a new day and I will search for it again.

If worse case comes, I will just store the water in 5 gallon drums till I find a 55 gallon.

The only thing about the 55 gallon is I would have a flood valve and I wouldn't have to watch the water filling up, it would just stay at a certain level all the time.

Thanks for checking in everyone!

California Buds

Well-Known Member
Found a 55 gallon drum for $35 bucks but it was a long drive away, so I ended up getting a 50 gallon $65 heavy duty garbage can with a lid from Home Depot.

Here is some pics, Finally! It's done. :)



I am only growing one right now but from all the information that I have gathered from other peoples grow journals and what people have said so far on my journal I could definitely do a big grow if I had the funds and space to do it in. You guys are awesome and when the Govt finally takes their heads out of eachother's asses they will realize that it's people like you guys who who make a Corporate Pot Growing Company boom, because you guys are constantly upgrading and doing things that make your plants yield more or grow bigger buds or whatever...Everyone on this site who has committed some time to do a grow from seed/clone to ingestion. Keep up the fuckin' amazing work!!!

Bud Smokers Unite To Legalize Freedom


Active Member
looking good cali , I would love one of those,
I still ,(under the cover of darkness) have to run a hose from my front yard through my front door to fill up my water tanks, only once a fortnight thank fuck!!!!
tell me about reverse osmosis, i'll googal it to


Active Member
Looking very nice, like how everything is sophisticated and up2 date. Lol the things money can buy

California Buds

Well-Known Member
The reverse osmosis clears out all the bad stuff and fixs the ph for me to what I need, because my hose ph is 8 lol.
The box said it does 200 gallons a day, but It filled that 50 gallon can in 30 mins, so 200 a day is nothing compared to what it's capable of.

My next step is to buy a water pump to throw in there and a tube so I can transfer water elsewhere.
Like a 5 gallon bucket so I can mix nutrients.

Right now I just siphon it with a tube.

Thanks everyone for checking in, I'll try to get some pictures of my outdoors plants tomorrow, they are little pretty nice.
Stupid weather is making me leave them under the patio though, because it keeps raining.

I can't wait to give them direct sunlight again!


Active Member
more upgrades, slow down I'll never catch up,lol
my plants: just started flush for last week, then pick, yeppppyyyy
wont me to put some pics on your thread

California Buds

Well-Known Member
For sure man!
Put some pictures of your entire setup as well if you want.
I just took some pictures of my outdoor setup for you guys so I'm uploading those from my cam as we speak, then I'll upload them here.

And I'm not getting the dehumidifier for awhile, it's just what I NEED next.


Those look so beautiful, happy and full of life. I'm hoping mine will grow to be a monster.

California Buds

Well-Known Member
Thanks S1C.

I try to smoke as many joints outside as I can so I can admire their beauty. The Hindu Skunk is really a beautiful plant.


Active Member
just got home from work and had to put the girls to bed , i'll get pics 2moz,
your garden is fantastic, ppl would pay a entry fee to came and see that , I know I would