First Grow, an Evolving Effort

Johan Liebert

Active Member
All in all everything looks/sounds great man. My only concern though, and this may be a genetic trait of your plant...BUT..

The reddish/purple stems etc in that very last pic you posted, can be a sign of Phos defs. Keep an eye on it is all.
So I went and looked up phosphorus deficiencies, and it looks like if that were the case, I would have noticed through the leaves by now. However, I will continue to keep a vigilant eye. For now though, I'm hoping it's just a trait.


Well-Known Member
So I went and looked up phosphorus deficiencies, and it looks like if that were the case, I would have noticed through the leaves by now. However, I will continue to keep a vigilant eye. For now though, I'm hoping it's just a trait.

Yeah man, its not a BAD def if that is the case. It's just something I thought you might be interested to know..Mr. I wanna know WTF my plants are doing and why.. :finger:

:lol: j/k... :bigjoint:

yeah it's no big deal until you see it eating foliage IMHO. Just keep it in mind is all. If they are showing slight defs, it means they are not performing to their best. bongsmilie

Johan Liebert

Active Member
So, as predicted, the clones did not take. Tomorrow (today) if I remember, I will go to the store and buy an Exacto razorblade for better cuttings. For now, I spaced the plants apart to take advantage of the room provided by the clones being removed from the pot. I am eagerly hoping that even if I don't get the hang of cloning, keeping two regular plants will still yield me a favorable amount of cannagoodness.

As for said ladies, they are looking well. The top cola on #2 has already got some sparkling glandular trichomes all over its leaves, with several pistils starting to turn brownish orange. #4, still a week younger, is not quite so mature, but getting there. However, despite this, #4 continues to thrive due to its initially lanky nature. That is, the wider node spacing compared to #2 has allowed the fan leaves to situate themselves farther apart, allowing for these side buds to take off more rapidly than those of #2.

I have done some minor fan leaf pruning. When weighing the benefits of their light intake versus the tactics of pushing growth to other areas (to serve a strategy of exposing lower buds to more light [bearing in mind that due to LST, these lower buds should get an equal shot at size compared to their 'higher' counterpats]), pruning won out. There are probably a dozen better ways I could have worded that, but I'm high, sue me.

On behalf of my crop, and the Johan that exists 2 months from now, smoking his own herb, I want to thank you for watching this journey. This has been, and continues to be, a learning experience as well as an opportunity to reflect on life, nature, free time, nurturing, politics, the whole works. It's more to me than growing some stupid bushes in my basement to spite 'the man''s an attempt at liberating myself from the government's broken system of cops and non-violent offenders, and a way for me to test my abilities at maintaining regularity and responsibility (a nut that years of punishments, incentives, therapists, employers and teachers have been completely unable to crack).

There is a day coming in the future, when I will be sitting on a porch in the afternoon breeze, watching my grandchildren play in the yard, smoking some home-grown, home-bred herb from a glossy wood pipe. Maybe half-way across the country, or the world, you guys will be doing the same thing. And maybe while you are, you'll think, "I remember when we were helping that noobie try to tell the difference between calyx' and staminates."

And I think that's great.

Pics tomorrow at feeding time.


New Member
So, as predicted, the clones did not take. Tomorrow (today) if I remember, I will go to the store and buy an Exacto razorblade for better cuttings. For now, I spaced the plants apart to take advantage of the room provided by the clones being removed from the pot. I am eagerly hoping that even if I don't get the hang of cloning, keeping two regular plants will still yield me a favorable amount of cannagoodness.

As for said ladies, they are looking well. The top cola on #2 has already got some sparkling glandular trichomes all over its leaves, with several pistils starting to turn brownish orange. #4, still a week younger, is not quite so mature, but getting there. However, despite this, #4 continues to thrive due to its initially lanky nature. That is, the wider node spacing compared to #2 has allowed the fan leaves to situate themselves farther apart, allowing for these side buds to take off more rapidly than those of #2.

I have done some minor fan leaf pruning. When weighing the benefits of their light intake versus the tactics of pushing growth to other areas (to serve a strategy of exposing lower buds to more light [bearing in mind that due to LST, these lower buds should get an equal shot at size compared to their 'higher' counterpats]), pruning won out. There are probably a dozen better ways I could have worded that, but I'm high, sue me.

On behalf of my crop, and the Johan that exists 2 months from now, smoking his own herb, I want to thank you for watching this journey. This has been, and continues to be, a learning experience as well as an opportunity to reflect on life, nature, free time, nurturing, politics, the whole works. It's more to me than growing some stupid bushes in my basement to spite 'the man''s an attempt at liberating myself from the government's broken system of cops and non-violent offenders, and a way for me to test my abilities at maintaining regularity and responsibility (a nut that years of punishments, incentives, therapists, employers and teachers have been completely unable to crack).

There is a day coming in the future, when I will be sitting on a porch in the afternoon breeze, watching my grandchildren play in the yard, smoking some home-grown, home-bred herb from a glossy wood pipe. Maybe half-way across the country, or the world, you guys will be doing the same thing. And maybe while you are, you'll think, "I remember when we were helping that noobie try to tell the difference between calyx' and staminates."

And I think that's great.

Pics tomorrow at feeding time.

Great log, I read the whole thing and I learned quite a few things, I am looking forward to your harvest and will be following...A fellow noob salutes you!


Active Member
Great log, I read the whole thing and I learned quite a few things, I am looking forward to your harvest and will be following...A fellow noob salutes you!

hey bro, when doing you clones post pic's of them while you have them going on. not only can we help with plants but we can cover the clones 2, another riu user was having problems 2. he thought his were dead we changed his mind helped him out once he got us pics. now he has 2 real nice looking ladies!! so put them up let me help lol


Well-Known Member
So, as predicted, the clones did not take. Tomorrow (today) if I remember, I will go to the store and buy an Exacto razorblade for better cuttings. For now, I spaced the plants apart to take advantage of the room provided by the clones being removed from the pot. I am eagerly hoping that even if I don't get the hang of cloning, keeping two regular plants will still yield me a favorable amount of cannagoodness.

As for said ladies, they are looking well. The top cola on #2 has already got some sparkling glandular trichomes all over its leaves, with several pistils starting to turn brownish orange. #4, still a week younger, is not quite so mature, but getting there. However, despite this, #4 continues to thrive due to its initially lanky nature. That is, the wider node spacing compared to #2 has allowed the fan leaves to situate themselves farther apart, allowing for these side buds to take off more rapidly than those of #2.

I have done some minor fan leaf pruning. When weighing the benefits of their light intake versus the tactics of pushing growth to other areas (to serve a strategy of exposing lower buds to more light [bearing in mind that due to LST, these lower buds should get an equal shot at size compared to their 'higher' counterpats]), pruning won out. There are probably a dozen better ways I could have worded that, but I'm high, sue me.

On behalf of my crop, and the Johan that exists 2 months from now, smoking his own herb, I want to thank you for watching this journey. This has been, and continues to be, a learning experience as well as an opportunity to reflect on life, nature, free time, nurturing, politics, the whole works. It's more to me than growing some stupid bushes in my basement to spite 'the man''s an attempt at liberating myself from the government's broken system of cops and non-violent offenders, and a way for me to test my abilities at maintaining regularity and responsibility (a nut that years of punishments, incentives, therapists, employers and teachers have been completely unable to crack).

There is a day coming in the future, when I will be sitting on a porch in the afternoon breeze, watching my grandchildren play in the yard, smoking some home-grown, home-bred herb from a glossy wood pipe. Maybe half-way across the country, or the world, you guys will be doing the same thing. And maybe while you are, you'll think, "I remember when we were helping that noobie try to tell the difference between calyx' and staminates."

And I think that's great.

Pics tomorrow at feeding time.
Haha...what were you smoking on dude? I want some! :bigjoint:

Anyway, sorry to hear about the clones. However you would be surprised what they can spring back to...after looking pretty much done for. Always post up pics before making a major decision if not 100% sure of something.

Better luck on this next attempt. I am sure you'll get it.

Johan Liebert

Active Member
Haha...what were you smoking on dude? I want some! :bigjoint:
Some harsh schwag, bruh. May have also been tipsy.

Anyway, sorry to hear about the clones. However you would be surprised what they can spring back to...after looking pretty much done for. Always post up pics before making a major decision if not 100% sure of something.

Better luck on this next attempt. I am sure you'll get it.
Noted for the future. Danke. :joint:

Johan Liebert

Active Member
So we lost the SD card for the real cam, but my buddy's Android phone has a 5mp cam built in. This is an up-close of #2's top



Active Member
Haha...what were you smoking on dude? I want some! :bigjoint:

Anyway, sorry to hear about the clones. However you would be surprised what they can spring back to...after looking pretty much done for. Always post up pics before making a major decision if not 100% sure of something.

Better luck on this next attempt. I am sure you'll get it.
not gonna lie i was pretty high

Johan Liebert

Active Member
Hey guys. We're still SOL on the good camera, but never fear, iPhone is here. But first, the boring details:

I had a frightful scare this week which requires some explanation: Since removing the clones, I have taken to giving the plants about 6 oz of water per day which comes out to be about half-a-bottle each (easy for me to just fill the bottle once and eyeball the amounts) and this system has been working well. Unfortunately, last Tuesday I short-changed them on water due to laziness, and then the next day falsely remebered giving them plenty, and went a day without watering.

To compound the problem, one of the fans' wiring came undone and their cool air intake cut off for a whole day. They were basically just baking in there. For #4, who really got short-changed on water, this was a violent impediment to its health. I was mortified to come home and see several fan leaves either crisped or dried to a color of an over-ripe banana (you know that sickly brown-darker-brown pattern). I quickly trimmed these leaves and returned them to their proper watering schedule and I'm happy to say that the crisis seems to have been averted. Although #4 currently smells a bit off (that is, burying my nose in its main cola, it smells more of sour dirt than of weed, but this smell has improved considerably in the last two days and I see no evidence of any other problems).

#2 on the other hand is plumping up beautifully, with smell in-tact. In fact, while cutting two no-longer-necessary strings, I accidentally drug my finger across one of the buds, and to my delight it was covered in yellowy kief. I nearly died when I whiffed my finger and it smelled like a bag of dank. I also remove a fan leaf today to expose the side tops to more light as there was no other way to position it.



looks like u got in good shape except for the mess up lol..but im a noob and i will be following ur journal as well. i will be starting a journal also just gotta set it up

Johan Liebert

Active Member
Here's an update for the week. They're truly beefy and still growing rapidly--in fact, today I forgot which top was the main cola on #2. I figure they've got about another 3-4 weeks to mature (or at least until I run out of time and must cut them) but they're already stinking up my entire room and a lot of my basement. #4 has seems to have lost some of its heavy weed smell and shifted toward a more "plant"-y smell. Still, it seems healthy and energetic. Took a few leaves off #2 today as they were getting a bit old and yellowing a bit. It's allowing more light to hit those bottom growths as well.

My lack of funds has made this a largely organic grow (save for the plant food in the soil) and I'm looking at that as a positive thing as it will give me a reference point for organic growing down the road.

Johan Liebert

Active Member
Been experiencing an increase in yellowing leaves from the bottom up. After some Googling I found that this is normal late into flowering, and so I've been trimming the dead leaves off as they appear to be entirely used up. I went back to look at the calendar and tomorrow night will be the end of 6 weeks of flowering. I want to let them grow as much as possible, but because of the smell (through the cab, through my room (which is not 100% sealed, it is a wood-and-drywall add-on in an old, concrete basement) and up the basement stairs, if that basement door is left open you can smell it simply walking into the house. Sorry if I'm rambling, but what I'm saying is in the next two, three weeks tops, I will probably have to harvest no matter how the plants look. At this rate though, I think that will be well enough. I know sativas take longer to grow fully, but this is the hand I was dealt.

Mostly I'm just curious to see how much dried bud I get out of these two little ladies. I suppose we'll know soon enough.

Johan Liebert

Active Member
Guys...I'm baked. I'm debating leaving my typos for comic effect. I'm so baked in fact, that I digressed from my point: I am baked on a sample of my own stuff.

I feel tremendous. This high is very "uppy," totally unlike the schwag from which the seeds came (will show compare / contrast pics at the end!). Although said schwag got me giggly, this has got me a cloud. I mean, my face, it feels so, my lips, my cheek, my...skull...I feel like I'm just a light, fluffy, water vapory cloud...

What I'm trying to say is this is amazing, this is an amazing experience...not just this incredible high (off a quick-steam-dried popcorn nug) but the quality of the experience in contrast with the seed's ill-fated parents. I am pumped for the final product.

I don't know if I can put my game face on well enough for a good update. I will try to give plant details and such tomorrow, but the layman's update is this:

I am disappointed in the operation, not because it in any way failed to meet my expectations (this has been an unbelievable growing experience for me [double entendre not intentional, but mildly amusing) but rather, because I wish I had known going in that I would only be able to do this once and then not again for a while...I might have created a bigger setup to yield more. Although I am sure I will be deservedly proud of my dank buds, I will be very sad that there won't be very much.

I believe that with my current time constraints and the cutting dates I have planned that #2 (1 week older) will yield the high of a more matured THC, but I believed that #4 (originally a very gangly and lengthy plant) will yield more bud over-all. The sample on which I am schmammered right now is of #4, so I have no doubt that an early harvest will not be detrimental to the quality of the high.

My eyes are so fucking dry.

I have Magic cards to go fuck with so I'm gonna go do that, but thanks for tuning in.

Johan out.

Johan Liebert

Active Member
Bad news, men. My ladies turned into ladyboys. I don't know if it's something I did or the bagseed genetics, but now I have a situation on my hands: seeds, and I can see several pods that have already gotten big and chunky.

Do I sacrifice and halt seed production now by cutting them early?
Do I say "fuck it, they're already hermies," and turn the lights on 24/0 until cut (1 week and 2 weeks) to try and maximize growth while I still can, seeing as how the daily rhythm no longer matters?
Do I just go in and pluck out the seed pods? Is that even worth the effort?

I need direction. My babies are pregnant and I don't like it. I now know what fatherhood feels like.


Well-Known Member
Pluck the male balls as they appear..go looking for them too. Youve already got seeds, but you can lessen the damage. Do not change the lighting cycle, it DOES still matter. Swapping the lighting right now will only make the hermie situation worse. Keep it the same. Don't cut em, roll with it. I had 4 hermies in my last grow, I just kept on top of the pollen sacs/banana's. I wound up with like 5 seeds across 5 ounces.

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but not much sense in plucking the seeds out while the plant is growing. You just damage/stress the plant more. That (seeded) calyx is done for anyway. Either by not producing THC, or by you ripping out the seed. It's not like the entire bud stops producing THC, just in the calyx's that get seeded.