First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!


Well-Known Member
well I dont think I need to flush but I have no idea... I really need some serious advice...


Well-Known Member
i would most def. flush! TO BE ON THE SAFE SIDE! flushing ur plants aint gunna kill em dude..just dont water them for like 4-5 days after u flush them..u might be able to find some cheap lil store that sells gallons of water for like 60 cents or some shit...and will still have a ph of 7.0...u def. dont need spring water....think it this way man..10-20$ is worth it to grow some buds..u can sell one of ur boys a gram or 2 and there ur $ back from the flusing! good luck dude!


Well-Known Member
fuck man i feel your pain bro..youll pull i said stay positive.ill search around and try to get as much info as i can on droopiness and spots on foilage and try my best to get you some info..i know someone on this site would do the same for keep ya head up


Well-Known Member
Yeah I still got 3 days or so till I can water... Ill be giving them my flora nova nutes as well as some cal/mag supplement.


Well-Known Member
Im sure it's the lack of humidity now....I have my fan slightly too close to one plant in my room...(she's saving the rest from the same fate.) She has leaves on her that look exactly like that. I tried to upload some pics...but I have to resize them....if and when i upload....keep in mind that im 9 days from harvest, so the lower fan leaves have yellowed from lack of nitrogen and intense fan is aimed low at the plants so i dont dry buds ...just wanna keep air I keep telling you, get a humidifier...your night time humidity is good...but im sure it takes a while to build up...check the humidity every 45 min or so after the light goes out to see wich way it goes, up or down, then act accordingly. I am almost POSITIVE that this is the problem....especialy when you say some leaves feel dry and crackly....and others dont...lemme guess...the drier feeling ones have spots etc? Overtranpiration my friend....leaves cant take in moisture as fast as it is expelled in a dry enviroment...makes sence doen't it?


Well-Known Member
Im sure it's the lack of humidity now....I have my fan slightly too close to one plant in my room...(she's saving the rest from the same fate.) She has leaves on her that look exactly like that. I tried to upload some pics...but I have to resize them....if and when i upload....keep in mind that im 9 days from harvest, so the lower fan leaves have yellowed from lack of nitrogen and intense fan is aimed low at the plants so i dont dry buds ...just wanna keep air I keep telling you, get a humidifier...your night time humidity is good...but im sure it takes a while to build up...check the humidity every 45 min or so after the light goes out to see wich way it goes, up or down, then act accordingly. I am almost POSITIVE that this is the problem....especialy when you say some leaves feel dry and crackly....and others dont...lemme guess...the drier feeling ones have spots etc? Overtranpiration my friend....leaves cant take in moisture as fast as it is expelled in a dry enviroment...makes sence doen't it?
Thus, what I've been saying all along. The use of a heater definitely dries out the local atmosphere. Same effect from a light being too close and maybe not burning the plant, but still drying the air


Well-Known Member
ok man, this is what i am going to recommend to you.

- look into insulating your closet or wherever the grow is as best you can, you want to use the space heater as little as possible so make it warm, but keep good airflow.

- hopefully the humidity will treat the drooping.

- as for the spots.

...leach the soil...that means flush it with 3x the pot volume (i.e. 1 gal pots flush with 3 gal) of water phed to 6.5.

- this is going to flush out the soil completely, so you will need to add some nutes. be sure to ph them want to keep a close eye on that ph.

Hopefully the combination of the two will clear the soil and also help the environment of the plants out a little bit.


Well-Known Member
dad lent me a humidifier. posted another thread and lots of ppl think its a cal/mag deficiency. So when I water next ill be adding my flora nova nutes with some cal/mag supplements as well... Think ill just use the humidifier during the day as the humidity raises at night.


Well-Known Member
I dunno, the issue looks alot like those pics... I would think that the nutes I have already have enough mg in them, seeing as I havent fed them yet, but ive been told different.


Well-Known Member
about the same... the growth is so stunted... I just filled up the humidifier and put it in there so hopefully that will help with the humidity. Will have to check after work.