First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!


Well-Known Member
looking really good...pretty soon those white pistils will start turning red and amber colored. the resin is really starting to go too. i know how excited you probably are i was in your shoes a few weeks ago. looking everyday and seein those trichomes creep more and more down the leaves haha. good job and keep it going


Well-Known Member
haha Im getting sooooooooo excited you guys!!! I think im going to water them today after work if I dont go work out so Ill snap some shots of them then... Im I on track for what day im on? on Day 22


Well-Known Member
i'd say your on the right track as far as a time line goes. from what i've experienced after about that 1 month point the pistils starts turning amber on the top cola and then not longer after the rest of them will follow.

also on my girl i cut off some of the lower bud sites that weren't getting anything light. i figured they wouldn't amount to much anyways as the pistils were still white, and they are taking needed energry and food away from the bigger buds.


Well-Known Member
Yeah... im going to be able to get a better idea of them tomorrow when I water so hopefully ill take some new pics and see what you guys think.


Active Member
SOMEONE please help me out.. feminized BC buddha. does anyone know anythign about this i cant find anything on the web. anyone know how ln it takes to grow outdoors? also im planning on getting some BC sweet tooth. any opinions? im lookin for quickness for outdoors


Well-Known Member
thanks bwinn, Ive learned so much, I cant wait for my 2nd one... hell I cant wait till these buds get fat, im excited, hope Im doing the right thing and am on track.


Well-Known Member
Well I think im going to flush tonight, couple signs the plants are doing make me think they need a good flush... I will snap some pics when my g/f gets home and we take them out for the flush. So make sure and check back! Also I'm pretty sure for my next grow Im going to get some Sweet Purple seeds. I heard they do well indoors, and purple weed is something ive always wanted. So if anyone has any ideas on that strain or info or thoughts :D please hit me up...


Well-Known Member
Ok well I was able to get two of them flushed tonight before the light shut off and will have to flush the other two tomorrow... Got some pics of the process, let me know what you think :D. Hopefully im on track.



Well-Known Member
yeah I think I will eventually... Im nervous that ill hurt the plant though ya know... Just nervous to do it I guess... thanks for the kind words though.


Well-Known Member
Im really curious if chopping of the big fan leaves that are casting some shadows will cause the plants problems... I really need some reinsurance on this issue :D


Well-Known Member
I did it my first week into didn't seem to bother them..i think ima hit mine up again tm..just dont go to crazy!


Well-Known Member
Yeah but my big fan leafs are big... I mean like the size of my whole hand... that wouldnt cause any problems?


Well-Known Member
i dont think it would man..think of it this way..ur takeing weight off the plant by removing big fat fan leaves just that is less stress on her...u dont have to take my advice but thats my thoughts! didn't seem to bother my ladies...and i sniped a good 20 leaves off 3 plants!


Well-Known Member
Yeah... I will most likely be chopping off some of the bigger fan leaves here soon. I flushed the other two ladies yesterday. They buds are starting to swell up quite a bit and its just getting me more and more excited!!! This waiting is killing me... :D


Well-Known Member
good choice..more direct light will prolly fatten you buds up quicker....hey check out my new thread...i got green homie!