First grow - basic - bag seeds - 20quid setup


Active Member
sorry its taken me so long to reply!

pretty sure the tubes are 5ft. had to redo my grow area due to a light falling on plant accident... woops. no real damage tho, just bent a fan leaf or 2 but theyre fully recovered and are pointing slightly upwards again.

ye it is cool here bob! learnt loads about the stuff which is probably a good thing as i smoke quite alot!

plants are coming along quite nicely i think although they are abit slow. to be expected i suppose with just the 2 fluros but i dont mind waiting a little longer. will leave the hardcore stuff for round 2. need to look into the nutes for flowering tho cos im at 3 weeks flowering i think

will get sum pics when the lights on


Active Member
- not a bad leaf on the plants at the moment so theyre happy... guessing the nutes and lighting are their limiting factor, making them grow a bit slow

- there was always going to be problems with using video boxes to hold up the lights so when they finally decided to jump on the plants abit it spurred me on to rethink the area and this is the result... (a few little holes drilled into the roof, some little bracket type loops and some thick sheets to stop light getting in now its staying light longer. just need to cover the walls with something nice and reflective)

the same day they got abit damaged i also repotted them into MUCH bigger pots. sort of figured that if theyre going to be abit stressed anyway i might aswell do it all at once. the worst part was having to leave the light on in the room whilst i did the work which shifted their 12 hour cycle from 6am-6pm to 7.45am-7.45pm. i think they bounced back quickly though because theyve healed themselves and seem to be flowering faster and faster every day.

im sort of interested to see how well they can do without special nutes (just miracle grow atm). is anyone else interested to see what the raw basic can produce?


Active Member
first sign of trichs coming through on the leaves closest to the buds. theyre actually fatening up quite quickly now! about 3 weeks into flowering and id guess at least 6 to go...


Active Member
I think this one might be an indica

And this one looks abit more spread out so could it be a sativa?



Well-Known Member
wow, im impressed ur plants look as good as they do with ur 20quid setup.

only thing i would fault is dont use tin foil. it creates hot spots and burns holes in the leaves.

nice job!


Active Member
thnx for checking it out m8. on a very tight budget lol
from what ive read tinfoil can work if you use the dull side to reflect but ill look into it more. its realy cheap tho which is useful
do you think theyre going slowly or doing ok? i also have no idea what strain they are so if you can tell id realy appreciate knowing what i can expect
does it look like ones an indica and the other a sativa to you?


Active Member
bought a bag of wonder woman today. nice buzzy smoke and it keeps making me want to smile ^^ hope one of mine has a similar high


Well-Known Member
couldnt tell u the strain. hard to say.

looks more of an indica though. fat smaller leaves but could also have abit of sativa in them, so hard to say really. they looks really healthy anyways.

u bought a bag of wonder woman? never heard of that, i might google it now :p


Active Member
my mates buying an oz of the stuff so i think he was happy with it too! you never know tho, it could just be anything and the guys just called it that himself.

the buds on mine are realy coming along now but i still havent got any high phos nutes in there which i realy realy should. will try to get some pics up anyway so you can see how theyre doing. lights just turned off for the night


Well-Known Member
yeah nutes m8. even if u dont wanna spend a 10er which is like the minimum price on flowering nutes. just buy some blackstrap molasses. i got a decent sized jar from a health food shop for 89p. it was well worth it and you will notice the difference.


Active Member
just bought some vitax african violet feed thats 15:30:15 with trace elements. says its a high phosphate soluble feed to help maintain blooms and encourage flowering. hope it does the trick!


Active Member
heres some more recent pics.

the first pic is the one that i thinks more indica and the other 2 are of the plant thats much larger. its got ALOT more bud on it aswell. both smell amazing but the plant in pic 1 is abit cheesy smelling. very sickly.. and theyre sooo crystally. think im geting close to harvest now because the pistils are changing quite quickly. does that mean i should get another growth spirt or are the buds supposed to swell more? iv read that i shouldnt wait untill they all turn because by that point the thc is degrading into the other chemicals. is that right?



Active Member
hiya! havent posted in ages so i thought id update...

harvested two of the 3 plants with just over an oz total. not very much i know but the plant with the highest yield is yet to come.

My little indica produced some gorgeous buds with a very nice 'stoney' smoke. didnt have batteries for the camera at the time so sadly i missed the chance. (smoked most of it too now :p). Iv got to say that it was close to the best stuff iv ever bought though and was almost white in colour when dry due to all those lovely crystals.

Waiting on the last plant which looks to have an oz+ if the buds are a similar weight to the others so ill try get pic's of those because im realy proud of what this cheap setups actually produced...

I had some awesome news recently as iv been offered my dream job but it requires a substance abuse test before i secure the position. So sadly for me i now have weed in abundance for the first time but i cant smoke it :( and now im also terrified that if the test is soon that im going to come up positive... wohoo!

I havent had much luck with replies but if anyones been in a similar position please post with advice on how to detox because for the moment im relying on drinking lots of water dayly and hoping that the test is at least a month away!