First Grow. Blue Mystique & Bubblelicious (Auto)


Well-Known Member
You could LST them. That way they would get equal lighting. Nothing overhead is going to give you optimal light coverage unless you use side lighting or like I said LST them.


Active Member
I'm not comfortable using LST. I was looking at other forums online and i think i found a solution. When i get some money, I'm going to build a light mover. Its basically just a top rail, chain, and motor. This would move my light horizontally, hopefully giving equal amount of light per section. Should be pretty easy to build. Will post picture when project is done.


Active Member
After changing the light cycle to 12/12, my BB and my Blue Mystic have started to bud. I was forced to supper crop them, do to my limited amount of space. I also bought a new air pump. One of my BB roots started to look like it was getting root rot. Hopefully the new air pump would help with the root rot. I also turned off my water pump. My micro-sprinklers kept getting clogged with pieces of roots. I'm going to email Nirvana about the autoflowering problem. I have 3 more plants i wanted to put in my tent, but can't any more after switching to 12/12. So I'm forced to grow them with cfl bulbs i had laying around. Its pretty crappy, but hopefully it would produce decent buds. The Blue Mystic already started to flower. My plants inside of tent are 46 days old. Plants outside are 33 days old. Here are some pictures of my plats before supper cropping them.



Well-Known Member
Nice grow you have going. I'm growing mine under all cfl so I'm excited to see the results. How tall is your grow tent? Those root pics are SICK!


Active Member
Nice grow you have going. I'm growing mine under all cfl so I'm excited to see the results. How tall is your grow tent? Those root pics are SICK!
Thanks man. My tent is 4'' height, 4'' length, 3 '' wide. I think i need stronger cfl bulbs. I feel like the ones i have are not doing a good job. I don't even know the wattage of lamp cfl bulbs. I'm pretty sure they are under 20 watts. My 2 cfl tubes are 40 watts. Hopefully that would get me through this grow.


Active Member
ok, so i went to the store and bought me some hydrogen peroxide. Put about half of it in a spray bottle and sprayed the shit out of my roots. Will keep updating on this problem. Hopefully i am able to fix it.


Active Member
thanks man. It looks like i caught the problem early on. Hopefully my new airpump and the Hydrogen Peroxide work. Its going to take me some time to post pictures, went back to parents house.


Active Member
how u think you got the root rot dude, what is your water tank temperature? and what is your grow room temperature? i saw you wrote temp went up to 105, that means your tank water also went up, if its higher then a certain degrees it will start causing root rot. you should put your intake with cold air coming in directly hitting your tank to cool down your water further, that is what i did. im using 600w inside cooltube also.

my tank was kept 10 degrees cooler then the grow room, my roots are super white and im growing 3 snowryder autos on 1 5 gallon tank

i also used sesizyme by advanced nutrients the entire grow and that stuff is said to eat up rotten roots and feed new roots the material it decomposes, good stuff u should get some and put 30-60ml in your tank with just water overnight so it can eat up your dead roots, or think about buying some for your next grow


Active Member
I'm pretty sure the high temperature caused the root rot. Im glad only one of them has it. The rest are very healthy. But, i don't think its the water temperature anymore. I am able to keep my temperatures down under 90 with my air cooled tube. Im pretty sure it was my damn air stones. I did not check on them since i bought them, and when i finally did, they were clogged with hard water build up,, nutrients, and other stuff. I used CLR on the air stones, and they work/look like new. Hopefully with my new air pump, air stones, and hydrogen peroxide my root rot will go away.
On a side note, I never knew how much i could get attached to my plants. I hate not being able to check on them everyday. lol. I think im going to drive down tomorrow to check up on them :).


Active Member
hahaha, yeah i think you might be right. i'm really careless when it comes to light leaks. I open my container and expose it to light a lot. lol. I'm going to check on them tomorrow. Will let you guys know if problem is cured and how i fixed it. On a side note, home many plants do you guys think i can grow in my tent? I have 5 more feminized Blue Mystic and 5 autoflowering Hindu Kush i would want to grow at same time.


Active Member
I'm willing to bet it was light leaks more than temp or air stone quality. I am basing this on my current grow.
I think you might be right. I started looking through the pictures i took and I remember i drilled a hole on the side of my tot box. I was going to use it to run another water pump, but never got around to using it. It just so happens that the plant that has root rot was the one next to the hole. When i go back tomorrow, I'm going to change my tot box. Thanks for the help Lulu, i would have never though it could be caused by a small light leak. Hopefully, this problem does not kill my plant.