First grow(CFL)red dwarf and white dwarf


alright guys im very new to this so bare with me k...... alright i live in this small town so the prices on good buds ridiculous so ive decided to grow my own :weed: ....i aint gonna lie i already had 2 failed attemps n they were some good strain seeds man but o well now i got to dwarfs, one white dwarf n the other red dwarf (white widow n skunk) they r beautiful n very different being germinated the same time...11days from germ.... fem seeeds from the best seed bank in my opinion based on stealth shipping...never got to grow one to full maturity yet....
they share a ten in" pot.....opinoins on that plz im not sure about it to be honest.... med is miralce grow potting soil n i started feeding terracycle plant food but just a few sprays once a week is planned for now...opinion on that too plz for lights i got 3 6500k 26watts cfls n 1 2700k 26watt cfl.... when should i put more on them ..... temp is anywhere from 79 to 84 any questions comments welcome n appreciated unless ur tryin to be an asshole to a noob n i see it in a lot of newbie threads im gonna put up pics some time tonight before the girl go to bed oh yea 18/6 light cycle thanks guys:bigjoint:bongsmilie:leaf:


New Member
dont really suggest having them in same pot man i would transplant one asap! havn one male and havin to remove would be horrible! plz transplant lol


i moved the skunk to its own ten in" pot n for my first transplant i gotta say i dont think i will ever put two plants in one pot again i think shes gonna die man that sux but we'll see what happens the widow looks good still cant wait i have some grandmas molasses n i wanna know when i should start n how much idk i just heard its good to use n i found some in the cabinet lol thanks guys