first grow conditions so far: any feedback?


Well-Known Member
hey dude nice pics and it looks great to me. same thing on mine the bottom older leaves seems to be browning and turning into crunchy shit and falling off. im sure its due to older age? i hope... looks good though. im paranoid so every day i see some of my browning leaves and trip out but it seems the part where it really matters "up top" seems to be staying very healthy.

I really cant wait till we both harvest and get that great first smoke. everyday i wonder what my bud is going to be like smell/taste/high. the anticipation grows more and more each day! my guess is we have maybe 30-45 days left to go??? anyway looks great keep us updated.



Well-Known Member
here's a three part picture update....

part one, the buds:

looking sturdy...

starting to turn into something respectable...

seems happy enough...

update part two... coming up...


Well-Known Member
part 2...

i added four 26 watt cfls to the grow, which bumps the lumens bouncing around in the room up another 7k... hope it helps the bottoms develop a little better... should i worry about how low they are?



Well-Known Member
part three...

the temperature has been getting way out of control since i added the white reflective plastic, like up to 90 deg f! so, i decided to install an unused air conditioner... gonna have to fiddle with it to make sure it doesn't give my girls a cold...

yin and yang

see ya next time kids...

this is the high temperature dripping right out of the air...

in the hour or 45 min that it was running with the door open, it dropped the temperature 10 degrees to 82... thank god... and also dropped the humidity down 15% (to like 55%)...

i'm psyched about my improvements... what do you think about it people- do you like them?


Well-Known Member
just a general log today, no time to upload pics... perhaps tomorrow (to celebrate day 20 of flowering!)

how do you people like how my setup is coming along? i'm starting to feel a little more in control of it :hump:... more work to do though...

the lights have been on for 5 hrs so far today, and the temp is 78 deg f... humidity is hovering around 60%... gonna be gone all day, so i'll have to keep my fingers crossed that it won't get too cold while i'm gone!

sealed off the door even better today, and my room just needs a little more tweaking to become air-tight and completely light proof... now if i could just make it a little more quiet... turned the ac unit fan to low, which is a little less obnoxious, just sounds like a dehumidifier running in the corner of the basement.

next big thing to deal with is installing a carbon filter, and maybe getting a hood that i can use to exhaust some of the heat, requiring less energy from the ac unit... god knows what my utility bill is going to be with 100 more watts of cfls and the 530 watt ac unit... now that things are sealed up better, the ac will spend less energy cooling the room, so that's good


Well-Known Member
hey man they strong enough now to take care of themselves and i wish i had your set up looks like its doing the job. I just wish for sun put mine outside if no sun under the CFL lol.

are they starting to smell real good? does it stink up your apt?


Well-Known Member
at week 3 of flowering, and since adding four 26watt cfls, an air conditioner, and sealing the room up much more airtight, temp is holding comfortably at 80 deg f and humidity is steady at 60%. the co2 is still kicking, but i don't have a way to measure what's coming out of the co2boost... hopefully it's doing some good.

400w metal halide multi spec bulb is between 8 and 10 inches from the tops.

gonna water 1/2 gall each plant tonight, but go a little lighter on the fox farm grow big nutes.

here are the latest pics! they look pretty good, despite the fact that i have made a lot of newbie errors along the way. soon we will be able to see what these crappy little bag seeds can do lol

bertha's top bud (the larger of my two girls):

skinny minnie's top bud... this is the plant that may have a little bit of sativa in its genetics... then again, it could be that it was just a runt that was severely root-bound in a tiny pot while the others grew in much larger pots... who knows... anyway here she is:

close side view of bertha's colla:

here it is from a little further away... looking forward to seeing what this might become in another 5 weeks from now:

i don't anticipate too much output from poor skinny minnie, but we'll see... hopefully they'll be tasty buds, all the same:

hopefully these sidelights are doing more good than harm:

this one leaf is showing spots... not sure what this is all about! the bottom buds seem to be developing more now, and there are leaves that are closer to the cfls than this one, but who knows what it could be...

and that's all for today kids... :joint:


Well-Known Member
Looking great but from the looks of the following image looks like a couple of them leaves are to close, but it could just be the angle of the camera.

Keep up the great work, oh how is that air cooler working for ya.


Well-Known Member
whats up loveit any new updates? hope all is going well with it.
thanks for asking! things are going pretty well, i think... here are some pics:

"bertha" bud shot:

bertha side a:

bertha side b:

bertha middle:

"minnie" bud shot:

minnie side a:

minnie side b:

minnie middle:


Active Member
dude kill it its going to burst and get pollen all over your females! haha jk looks excelent. tell bertha hi from me


Well-Known Member
dude kill it its going to burst and get pollen all over your females! haha jk looks excelent. tell bertha hi from me
that's a riot lol... thanks for asking about bertha :mrgreen:

here's an update...

bertha hit 3 feet today, and i started 12/12 when the plants hit 18 inches... that's exactly double height in a little less than a month of flowering!! i'm going to let them hang around 8 inches from the 400 watt mh instead of 10 inch... maybe they'll not race upward so fast. it's very cool under the light right now, because the ac unit is blowing air onto my fan, which is pointed directly up onto the light... i guess that's why i can have them so close. i'm thinking if i move my four 26 watt cfls closer to the top, that might help, too... the question is, will it give them enough to be content to bush out, or will it drive them on a furious growth spurt? stay tuned to find out.

starting to see some more interesting details in the closeup shots.



New Member
They're looking great... it'll be interesting to see how these turn out under the mh.

They are clearly a sativa strain.


Well-Known Member
Rgr that looking wonderful, I can't wait to see the finished product:mrgreen: keep up the great work!


Well-Known Member
those girls are getting big.. wow how tall do you think they will get? another few feet? i know sativa strains grow alot taller then most. cant wait to see more pics. mine isnt getting much taller :( but its getting bushy as FUCK! i guess thats what indica dominate plants do.


Well-Known Member
They're looking great... it'll be interesting to see how these turn out under the mh.

They are clearly a sativa strain.
cool! i think it was wutter that brought up the sativa idea before- should definitely be interesting to see the results- i will keep everyone updated :hump:

Rgr that looking wonderful, I can't wait to see the finished product:mrgreen: keep up the great work!
thanks for the good vibes hum!:joint:

how tall do you think they will get? another few feet? i know sativa strains grow alot taller then most.
that is the question, man... we'll find out. i haven't been adjusting the lights up so much, and it seems like it is keeping them at bay, so we'll see... light is at like 8 inches, and i think i'll have to nudge them up a bit tomorrow...

watered 1.5 gallon each yesterday w/ 1/4 cup fox farm grow big each... thinking about tweaking it so i water more frequently, but with a little less water, so the roots don't have to work so hard, and the girls can put more energy into their buds... would love to hear everyone's opinions on this!

will post some new pics tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
plants seem happy! the vertical growth is slowing just a little, because i'm not being so anal retentive about moving the light up... i think my plants have been really chasing the light, so i'm letting them stay within 6-8 inches of the 400w mh... there's no cool tube or glass in front of the light, but my fan blows cool air from my ac unit directly up to the light, and it keeps the heat down!

after having some questions about what i am doing to get the closeup pics i've been posting, i spent a good while this morning creating a tutorial about what i do- please check it out!!!

trichomes are definitely becoming visible- finally!

here are a bunch of updated shots... enjoy:joint:

see the crystals forming? :mrgreen:

"bertha" body shot

here's her mid section:

here's the middle of "minnie"... buds are definitely growing:

and here's one of her lower buds up-close:

finally, here's two shots of the garden- lemme know what you guys think!
