**First Grow Season 2010 BEGINS**


Active Member
Last year I had my first attempt on growing which kinda failed miserbably. Well this year I want to be successful and in order for me to attempt to do that Ive read many new articles on cultivating marijuana. Well I would like this to be very well organized and updated.

Right now I want to grow only 3 plants it will be easier for me. Currently I have 1 seedling that just sprouted today and I still have 2 more that I recently placed in germinating conditions. I'm growing these in 5gal buckets just in case i need to move them. I also see lots of success in 5 gal grows. Plus I will be growing in the good ole woods. I made a perfect spot and is secluded from any trails or paths. Sorry for no pics as soon as im done posting this I will go back and take a couple of pics of my newly sprouted plant and hopefully turn into a good smoke


Update: here are my pics Here are some pics ive taken. First one is the bucket I'm growing in /second one is aside view of the lil sprout, the third one is a top view and last one is a pic of vegetation by me in the ole Florida woods :eyesmoke:



Active Member
Update: Checked the lil baby today and its lookin fine and and healthy. The first leaves have grown a little bit more and its gotten taller. I noticed this back trail in the woods that led pretty close to my spot so I dug deeper into the woods where its almost impossible to find your direction of which your headed which means I'm the only person that knows about it :) I also pissed around my area to make sure no wild bores or panthers come by and eat my poor baby while its still young but as of now I have nothing to worry about.

As for my other seeds go, I just checked and out of the 5 1 cracked open so I might be planting it tomorrow or the next.

But does anyone know how muchh water I should water the lil plants? I'm scared I might over water it while it still young. As of now I water it till the top layer of soil gets damp then I wait till it gets dry almost like dirt but with a lil dampness till I water it again


Active Member
Haha thanks I think I will need some luck it would be very sweet to grow something and be successful! After this post I'll be checking on it to see how its growing or if it needs water. Watering around 2 days untill the soil gets dry. I watered it yesterday though. I'll will give an update on how its doin and a maybe new pic:leaf::-P


Active Member
Update and new PICS!!!

I checked on it today and seems to be doing excellent. Her leaves have grown a quit bit bigger. I added a lil soil to the root since it was a tab bit streatching and I'm not going to be able to check on it for a couple of days. I also watered her today so she will be fine without water for a day.

Heres pics.



Active Member

I haven't checked it in 2 days now. When I got there the soil was pretty dry so I watered it. It looks like its doing well. I see it seconds nodes are forming and I'm predicting those will be the same size as the first ones in 2 days or so. slugs or pest have not been a problem yet the only thing really to worry about is some animal come by but hopefully my piss barier will help that.

I also made my decision and I plan on buying 1 feminized trainwreck seed. So I can have at least a named strain this year. Hopefully it will germ correctly :)

Here are some pics.



Active Member
Lil update.

I just ordered Trainwreck AND auto ak47 both feminized and ordered them off of Marijuana Seeds - Worldwide Marijuana Seeds I heard mixed reviews about people getting there seeds but hopefully they will follow through. What do you think is the best way to germinate? I only have 1 seed of each so I cant fuck up you know? Like do you think the paper towel method would be better or placing them in a cup of warm water sit for 24hrs in darkness and plant them once they sink to the bottom?


Well-Known Member
you should start them inside first and then plant when roots establish. A red bucket isnt so discrete. Red and green dont mix. brown and green or how bout green and green?


Active Member
Its really bright orange :) But I was actually thinking this when I went to go check on the plant today. I noticed the bucket color kinda far away even between the bushes,weeds,trees,palms branches in the way. So Im either thinking to spray paint them camo or just dig a whole and put the bucket in the hole. Not to sure about this untill the plant gets bigger because it will be closer to the ground that has alot of small bugs and sometimes ants Idk maybe it would work if I keep it 3-5 inches above the ground.


Well-Known Member
i would dig a hole and put it in there dont mess with the spray paint just my opinion looking good though man keep it up!


Active Member
i would dig a hole and put it in there dont mess with the spray paint just my opinion looking good though man keep it up!
Alrighty then I will get onto that asap hopefully next update they will be in there holes. Now I heard of LST and does that go well for outdoor grows and if it does, does it make the plant height smaller because its bent over? I'm not sure how LST works or methods to be used outside


Well-Known Member
i would ditch the orange bucket. I thought white was bad enough. Think how well they can see it from the sky?
i heard of camo covers for the buckets.
get the green version next time lol. make sure its dark green so light can get in


Active Member
HAhA yea I totally forgot that police helicopters fly over once and awhile. Actually the last time I was out there a police helicopter was headed right for me so i had to hide in some bushes so they wouldn see me walkin around with buckets and shovels haha. And wear exactly can I find these camo covers...make some?


Active Member
So today I finally decided to go back since 2 days ago. I was thinkin they needed water in the hot sun all day so i went today instead.
Plus I like to see the fast growth it makes in 2 days its kewlz. I gave it some water to that made the whole top layer nice and watered evenly.

There maybe rain in the forcast so I'm hoping the soil will be ready when the rain comes and doesnt over water it.

Anyway here the pics. Its been 2 days since my last pics. :leaf:

