**First Grow Season 2010 BEGINS**


Well-Known Member
Man it sure would have been nice to have the inernet back when I first tried growing some smoke..Most of all my mistakes could have been fixed..Heck maybe it would not have taken 3 years to get a harvest. Hey your plants are doing good, It takes the fun outta growing weed if you ever "do it" to make money do it for yourself and it will always be a good time, thats my advice
exactly! People don't seem to understand, and its a shame that what we do is still a crime. I myself don't smoke much at all, and i have no intent on selling. I do this for pretty much pure fun and hobby which is another reason i hate it is illegal. I am not focused on if i get bud or not, but if I do i just consider it a bonus. But i just find growing soooo fun, and i am not fully sure why. It could be because i like the way it looks, it could be that it is a very interesting plant, or maybe the fact that your dealing with a very valuable plant wend you tend to it. I am not saying selling is bad because we have to get it somehow, but i am just saying that the reason i grow is for hobby and i don't believe i am the only one. Good luck guys!


Active Member
exactly! People don't seem to understand, and its a shame that what we do is still a crime. I myself don't smoke much at all, and i have no intent on selling. I do this for pretty much pure fun and hobby which is another reason i hate it is illegal. I am not focused on if i get bud or not, but if I do i just consider it a bonus. But i just find growing soooo fun, and i am not fully sure why. It could be because i like the way it looks, it could be that it is a very interesting plant, or maybe the fact that your dealing with a very valuable plant wend you tend to it. I am not saying selling is bad because we have to get it somehow, but i am just saying that the reason i grow is for hobby and i don't believe i am the only one. Good luck guys!
Damn, you took the words right outta my mouth haha. Every time I go out there to check on them I at least spend maybe 45 mins out there just looking at them or giving them proper care. These plants are far more interesting then any other plants I've grown. I cant beilive some people look at these plants thinking there some kind of evil entity. Sucks. These plants are so peaceful and there characteristics are far diffrent then alot of plants. Idk hopefully it will change.

But yes growing is some fun, alotta hard work but its def going to be worth it in the long run.

As for me I do plan on keeping it all to myself and maybe use a certain amount each month that would last me till the end of harvest next year. Then just do it all again. Weed is to dam freakin expensive. Growing is to especially buying all the soil, pesticides,buckets,plant food dam it all adds up. But its FUN :-P

ANND hopefully Oink your plants will be female, unless you want a male but pssh who wants a male nowadays. Throw em out, BURN THEM :fire:, Electricute them, Spray deadly chemicals on them, run them ova, do what you gotta do to get rid of them. Thats of course if you dont need them otherwise take good care of them

gunner this is so awesome I am in my first grow right now too my plants are in cups still in my backyard thet seem to grow sooo sloowww.. or maybe I just love them too much and can't get my mind off them :wall::-D:-D:-D:-D

oh and btw where did you get your seeds from? i really wanna try growing one of those autoflowers myself!


Active Member
gunner this is so awesome I am in my first grow right now too my plants are in cups still in my backyard thet seem to grow sooo sloowww.. or maybe I just love them too much and can't get my mind off them :wall::-D:-D:-D:-D

oh and btw where did you get your seeds from? i really wanna try growing one of those autoflowers myself!
Sooner or later the ones in the cup will get big FAST. They start out growing slow but once the 2nd set of leaves come they grow super fast usually each day new sets have been starting to grow then the next day those are fully grown and the 3rd starts to grow and so on and so on.

Haha yes alot of times through out the day I wonder what they are up to or if they are all ok. It's hard not to think about them. And the autos are from the single seed centre. Great stealth shipping + rep:leaf:


Active Member

Well lately I've been kinda busy to bring updates the past couple of days. But obviously not busy enough to forget about ma plants. :mrgreen:Well alot to say.

So first thing is first I started to LST 2 of my bag seeds. I plan on LST'ing the Trainwreck soon before the stem thickens up. It's pretty cool how the LST works. And they seem to like it so far. Stems have thickin quit abit after that.

And my Trainwreck, sour cream are growing so nicely. Sourcream leaves are quit stubby it looks like they maybe indicas, my other leaves are quit big and not as stubby so I'm guessing those are the sativas.

Now my auto ak is starting to produce some white hairs:eyesmoke: I'm so excited not sure how old it is but I have the date when it sprouted written down somewhere just got to find. Next update I will post on how old they are. Thinkin maybe bout 2-3 weeks now.

Finally I have pics of what the organic spray did to my leaves, or at least I think thats what it caused. It worked to keep the bugs off for a little and when I went out I found a few small small yelloworange critters I've never seen these things before or what there called I just took my time and scrape them off everywhere I saw them. The woods have some weird creatures livin in there

Well there ya go Tell me how my plants are doin!!

Heres pics



Active Member

So its been awhile since I posted an update. Been busy. But I'm never to busy to stop checkin up on my plants an taking care of them. I have been seeing them at least every 2 days sometimes 3 because its been raining almost every day. I love the rain though. They grow soo much the day after.

As for the plants they seem to be growing strong and healthy. Might be a little bug problems but its florida summer in the woods so I dont think I can stop it that much. I'm sure I have helped it a little with my spray but it doesnt keep all of them away. They bugs like the leaves but hopefully they wont like the buds.

The ak47 auto is growing very healthy. The bugs seem to ignore the buds. So thats a good sign. Each day the buds have been getting quit bit bigger. Which I like alot. I wonder how much time now for harvest for the auto. Maybe 40-50 days? I planted the germinated seed on May 22nd. I do not know how long autos take I read around 90 days.

My sour cream has very bushy short leaves. It looks more of a indica dominant with a little sativa in it. Its growing pretty well a little short. But its getting there.

Now my trainwreck is getting pretty tall. But lately it seemed to slow its growth and started producing more leave sets. So thats good I didnt want it to get to big where it cant hold it self up. I had to put some nylon rope on the base of the stem and tied it to the bucket to keep it upright. It was leaning over quit a bit so that should help it.

And for the bagseed. They have been growing the best yet. There not to big and not to short. They are growing big healthy leaves and they are growing at almost the same rate as the other bagseeds. My biggest plant which is the bagseed is almost as tall as me. It's about 5,5 now. So its getting pretty tall. Very bushy to.

O yea and there have been mushrooms growqing in my soil in 3 pots. Is that a good thing or a bad thing and should I pick them or leave them for like protection of anything.

Well I think I covered everything! Tell me some feedback on how I'm doing

(O I know my camera sucks for macro shots. I'm getting a sony 12mp so Ill have better shots soon)



Active Member
Well I ran into a small problem. It happened to be a underwatering issue but I believe I fixed the issue I just got to water them everyday now since there getting so big and its sooo hot out.

You should see them now. They gotten so much bigger. The auto flower is getting very very dank smell and the thc crstals are so big I can see them coming off the leaves I never seen that on bud before haha I think thats kinda cool.

It looks like all my plants are starting to flower now. Sourcream looks like it started to flower first. Trainwreck is not far behind it. And the 2 big bag seed are having a lil star to flower maybe since I haven givin them enough water lately. But I watered them well recently so it wont be long till I see some buds on them trees. I can see where the buds will form small hairs on the stalk.

Plus i out of all the 6 seeds I got all of them turned out to be female so thats a huge plus!
I still have 2 regular autoflower PurpleJems seeds I got that I might be planting in December. Because I hear cold makes bud purple so hopefully the purple gentics will show well around that time

More updates with new pics Soon!!


Active Member
O yea I forgot on the way there today I was face to face with a wolf/coyate. It was scary as hell. I saw him so I stopped and he was sniffing the ground and he kept coming towards me looking down then about 5 feet from me he finally looks up. At this point Im shittin my pants thinkin Im gunna die or this cant be good. So it just stared at me for awhile. I didnt want to show any domincene towards him so I just slowly sat down. So did he.

Tens minutes pass and I try to slowly get back up and each time he starts to growl and show his teeth so I decided to just stay there still as can be.

I start dripping in sweat its so hot outside and all I carrying is empty water bottles. I was so thirtsy. I tried to check my phone to see if I had service which I didnt so that was bad. Butt finally after maybe an hour of him just looking at me dead in the eye he got up and quickly ran off.

That has to be one of the scariest moments of my life. For now on Im carrying a hunting knife just incase.

Anyways I posted a video of ma plants about 3 days ago I forgot to give you the link. So the video was taken a few days ago so alot of growing has occured since then enjoy :smoke:


Active Member
Well I think its time for a new update. After all watching marijuana grow is so interesting.

Anyways alot of growth has occured. I successfully put back to life my biggest plant which seemed to be dying slowly but now is alive and super healthy now thanks to grasscity. Just got to keep it that way now.

Approx, 4 plants are flowering now. Sourcream trainwreck biggest bagseed and of course my autoflower are flowering and producing some smelly buds now. Sourcream seems to be my favorite plant. It had a cool leaf structure and the buds are going to be quit hairy. Trainwreck on the other hand seems like its gunna produce some nice smelly nugs. So its gunna be a tough battle between the two haha.

On a bad note WTF happened to my autoflower. IT looks shitty! Idk what happened a day after the tropical storm hit I came back and it looks like half the leaves are dead. It might be from nute burn or overwatering its def between the two. Im not going to feed it or water for a couple of days and see if thats helps. All the leaves are basically dying off one by one and I cant control it. I dont even think new leaves are going to grow.

I think I killed it

So yea comments or tips appreciated Ill be sure to listen to em.

Heres pics.