First Grow w/ pictures.....Opinions on setup


Well-Known Member
haha yea dude nutes will only make it grow faster and make it more potent if u plant it in good soil it will do fine...

anyways its got 10 leaves now and is doin great ill get pics up within a couple days...


Well-Known Member
alright im gunna put it out side so unfortunetly this thread is gunna end...
but gimme sum tips on guerilla growing im thinking about planting it in a sunny and pretty discreet area...


Well-Known Member
keep a good water schedule and onyl visit them when u water or make a drip system get some good fungaside 3-1 from a walmart and piss around the area that ur planting so animals stay away


Well-Known Member
keep a good water schedule and onyl visit them when u water or make a drip system get some good fungaside 3-1 from a walmart and piss around the area that ur planting so animals stay away
well its been raining every weekend and ive been checking every once in a while on her but today i think im going to spray sum deer/rabbit repellant around it but is there an easier fungicide that i can use?.....i heard pine sol works good if u dilute it a lot