First Harvest


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell without checking trich's properly , bare in mind you want to be checking them on the Buds themselves not the leaves as they mature faster , still a lot of white hairs reaching out which would suggest to me it's a got a little longer and a little more to give ..

My advice wait till 20th , get some pics on and get an opinion then , may still be early but doesn't mean you won't be able to chop if needs be .

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
I don't, however I'm starting to see tiny glints of somewhat gold in the trichs when under a light on each plant. Hoping by the 20th things may be more defined. The trichs are all totally milky from what I can tell
Most of us get excited and want to harvest early. You should listen to the others, you still have two weeks even on the one with the pistils turning red. Bud swell does not look like it started yet. Keep taking picks as they change. If you harvest to soon your gonna end up with less potent, less flavorful smoke. You will get several confirmations here when they look ready.