First time poor woman's grow in box. need help.


Ok so now I have a new problem. I just put them down in the basement yesterday like people were saying to do and now my leaves are curling under. They don't seem to have lost any of their color, but esp the bigger leaves have started curling. I'm thinking it may be from the fact that the air down there is very damp, hence my hesitance to put them down there to begin with. I'm afraid they're going to die, get mold on them or something else. Idk what to do. Help? Should I just bring them back upstairs? I also added another light and put a little more foil in the box to help reflect all the light possible onto the plants. I haven put in any fert at all since I planted them cause theres suppose to be up to 6 months worth of fertilizer IN the soil, it's miracle grow. But wouldn't it be discoloring if there were a deficiency?


Staff member
ima think their in a bit of shock, considering, you went from upstairs (which heat rises, also time of year) to a basement which is cold.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
and a hygrometer? Try and get one that keeps track of hi's and lo's

the more info you can have from your environment the better.