First time poor woman's grow in box. need help.


Yeah I was on gaia.. since 2004 i think. But I got hacked and bastards took all my donation items. I had quite a collection.
Ya I think I've been on since like 06 with my original account. I miss the old gaia. it's kinda dying. =/ I have a pretty decent collection of stuff on my main account too now. lol. But I'm rarely on anymore.


I know you are trying to do this for cheap. (aren't we all) But if you are going to grow anything worthwhile indoors you will end up spending some cash. Trust me on this one. I started w/a converted refrigerator as a stealth grow.
I WISH I had as much space as a refrigerator. I have VERY little space at the moment to grow. And I'm really only trying to get a SMALL plant or two just for myself. I'm not even giving them much time to grow very big before I put them into flowering. It's been proven you can grow in as small as a pc box, so I know space isn't the biggest issue. I know lighting is probably going to be my biggest investment, but for now, I have to work with what I have because with an anime con I'm going to next weekend and just paying my phone bill and stuff today I'm flat broke at the moment.


Aside from Y-splitters, you can also get 65W CFLs that fit in regular light sockets for about $10. Granted it would be better if you could mount them horizontally with a reflector rather than in a desk lamp. Optimizing the light you have is also a big consideration. They get a bad rap, but cheap emergency space blankets are a viable alternative to expensive Mylar sheeting, Panda film, etc. The dirt cheap option is flat white paint. IMO, space blankets work a bit better.

I found photos of the first bagseed plant I tried to grow under a single 23w CFL and it's not pretty. Waste of a good female, too. We all start somewhere.


Well-Known Member
If you want to go cheap start composting and you'll have a decent soil admendment. Believe it or not you can get some decent nutes for 20$ a pound. Cfls are fine for growing but you'll need more. The good thing about cfls is you can keep adding more when your budget allows. Get some Y splitters do easily and cheaply add additional lights. Good luck I think you'll do ok just add some spaces or breaks in your posts next time makes it easier to read lol


Well-Known Member
If you want to go cheap start composting and you'll have a decent soil admendment. Believe it or not you can get some decent nutes for 20$ a pound. Cfls are fine for growing but you'll need more. The good thing about cfls is you can keep adding more when your budget allows. Get some Y splitters do easily and cheaply add additional lights. Good luck I think you'll do ok just add some spaces or breaks in your posts next time makes it easier to read lol


Well-Known Member
Ok so more light (if I can fit more) and I have good drainage on the cups, so that's not an issue, though i'll try to get better pots. And I know its possible to do it without MUCH better equipment, I've seen it done by other people. As I said, I'm super poor and still living at home. I'm also not letting the plants get terribly big before I throw them into flowering, so I'm not terribly worried about pot size at the moment. I'm flowering them as soon as possible. And my cfl size is kinda small atm but it's what I can get. 13w At the moment. I will try to pick up more lamps or bigger watt bulbs when possible soon. hopefully. And it's between the miracle grow or crappy cheap outside soil at the moment that's got a bunch of random crap in it. Figured the miracle grow was the better of the two.
4 pack of 26 watters at home depot 1600 lumens each is 10 bucks. you'll need sockets, got any busted lamps or vanities with lights laying around? It's easy as hell to wire them together on an extension chord. If your going really small before flower, I would say the hell with the 5000-6500k spec bulbs, you would only use them for a week or two anyways, just get the 2700k's pack of 4 for ten bucks, that should at least put you into flower until u can afford some more. although i would recommend 100 actual watts per plant, if your going super small i guess 50 watts could do per plant? Seems hardly worth the effort though in my opinion.

Like the one guy said, it's extremely difficult to keep a grow stealth from other house occupants, its best to just see if you can get them on board before you really start.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
thats why I said basement. Heat is way less of a factor as well and she could put more of her money into lights or nutes or other essentials.


Well-Known Member
Although I'm not necessarily budget constrained, I save where I can. Threw together this little piece of hackery hood for my clones with a piece of 12" aluminum ducting cut in half, some construction pigtails, cut holes for the lights to go through and have 3 'Y's each with two lights (I broke two when mounting it the other day so I need to pick up more today).


I just took the CFL string I made that I was surrounding my LED with (see my sig link for pics) when I went to MH/HPS. I use the CFLs for my clones/seedlings, and the LED for Mom (which I decided to flower instead until I get my new veg area finished).



Well-Known Member
Yeah, "open windows" will help alright. Gonna help let everyone of your neighbors know you have weed in your house and you will end up busted by the cops and/or robbed by your neighbors.

I dont mean to be "sassy" but you have real issues. The person who you LIVE with, told you not to grow in THEIR house and you say FUCK YOU ILL DO WHAT I WANT. You do realize MOM goes to jail as well when YOU get busted? You realize in non-legal states they can TAKE your MOM'S HOUSE for YOU growing in HER house?!

Sounds to me like you are a selfish little spoiled child that doesn't care about anything except you want to get high.

Just a reality check, with that setup you might get a total of a 1/2 ounce after 3 months of growing.

Way to risk your mom and her house so you can get some bullshit half-assed grown weed.

It is amazing to me so many people on here are jumping in to help you screw yourself and your mother.


4 pack of 26 watters at home depot 1600 lumens each is 10 bucks. you'll need sockets, got any busted lamps or vanities with lights laying around? It's easy as hell to wire them together on an extension chord. If your going really small before flower, I would say the hell with the 5000-6500k spec bulbs, you would only use them for a week or two anyways, just get the 2700k's pack of 4 for ten bucks, that should at least put you into flower until u can afford some more. although i would recommend 100 actual watts per plant, if your going super small i guess 50 watts could do per plant? Seems hardly worth the effort though in my opinion.

Like the one guy said, it's extremely difficult to keep a grow stealth from other house occupants, its best to just see if you can get them on board before you really start.
Might as well do the 42w GE 4 pack for like 30 bucks 2700 lumens each. That is if they fit... May be a wye splitter will fit in those lamps?


I took a few people's advice and went straight to flowering, so after, I (hopefully,if all goes well) harvest this, I'll be good on bud for a while until I can work out better growing situations where I don't have to be so worried about hiding it. I may try to move my grow box to the basement(if I can keep the dampness and shit away rom them) or garage(we don't use it much) soon for flowering so the smell is more contained once it starts to smell. I don't smoke JUST because I want to get high, I smoke because I have medical reasons for doing so and unfortunately pharmaceutical medications don't work well for me. I get sick from them a lot of the time.