flowering for 4 days, ph of 8.0


Active Member
alright guys, so i'm four days into flower. two confirmed females under 150hps and 4x26w 2700k cfl.

my ph for most of veg was 7-7.5 .. a little high, i know. right now it's up to 8.0.

my question is, my plants haven't shown a -single- sign of nutrient lockout. there are zero deficiencies, everything looks big, strong, and healthy.

i'm adding ph down with every watering, but it's still not doing much of anything.

my veg nutes will be solely tiger bloom. i'm currently doing half strength big bloom and quarter strength tiger bloom for the rest of this week, and the following week will be quarter strength big bloom and the week after will be only full strength tiger bloom.

i've heard that full strength tiger bloom will most likely bring my ph back down around 7.0. should i not be entirely concerned as everything looks 100% healthy? or will this absolutely become a problem as flower continues?

thanks guys.


Active Member
in the cervantes medicinal bible, it always says high ph ---MAY--- cause problems.

assuming all else is dialed in, can i get away with an 8.0 ph?
I have seen people grow nice healthy plants with regular tap water and no nutes. I wouldnt recommend it but it has been done.
I say if your plants are looking healthy then keep going as you are but if they start looking sick, thats them telling you your doing something wrong.
Test the PH before you water then test the run off water (presuming your doing soil) and you should be able to tell if the PH is too high or too low and then correct it from there.


Well-Known Member
Dude if you are using big bloom and tiger bloom and your pH is 8.0....seriously you either need to calibrate your meter or your water has a starting pH of 8 or > and a super buffer, cuz tiger bloom is like battery acid! A teaspoon knocks a gallon of 6.6 to the mid to low fours! and a full eye dropper of pH up is needed to get it back to 6.0

I assume you are in soil. Your soil probably has dolomite lime to buffer the usual high pH of city water...this is what has saved your ass...so far!



Well-Known Member
Ph even if not showed at moment will worsen as plant grows take care of it add more Ph down to 6.5 to 7.0


Active Member
thanks a lot guys.

i think the problem is that i'm using one of those terribly crappy soil meters from home depot. i'll get an h2o tester and test the runoff on monday.

my soil mix is peat moss, perlite, and an organic fert-free mix from the nursery.

i water only with distilled + ph down + nutes.

could it be just that my soil tester is a piece of shit (which it is)?