Found a spider in my coffee help!

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
Found this in my coffee pot after i made a cup of coffee. took a few sips then rinsed out the pot and bam seen this. any help if its gonna kill me to finish the rest of my coffee with my joint? seriously should i be alright? idk who else to ask i dont want the cops or paramedics here


Well-Known Member
lol I think I pushed the post button first. had I used the protein bit you would have been in first.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
  1. it's not a black widow
  2. even if it WERE a black widow your stomach acid would deal with the poison
  3. ewww
  4. oh my god
  5. yuck
  6. I'm sick to my stomach

Smoking Loon

Well-Known Member
i hear you eat at least 3-5 spiders everynight. They crawl into your mouth when your sleeping, and you just simply "swallow"