found gnat and slime help plz


Active Member
if youre in veg just kill the aphids. buy some bayer tree and shrub and or spectracide and use as directed. fill a 5 gallon bucket and dunk your roots for like 20 minutes. you wont see any leaf eating bugs on your plants the rest of your grow. give yourself at least 60 days from application to harvest. at least 60.


Active Member
do two application a week apart from each other. maybe use spec one week and bayer the next or im sure just using one will be just fine. i like to overdue it when dealing with bugs. it works, believe me.


Well-Known Member
When i do next res change im gonna hit it with bayer. Crazy thing is the plant is growing at least as fast as any ive ever grown.


Active Member
ya dude, dwc is the shit. dont fill your entire res and buckets with the stuff. just fill a 5 gallon bucket and dunk the plants individually for say 15 minutes. run a bubbler in that bitch and let em go an hour if you want. fallow suit with the rest of em. fill the 1 gal all the way up so it flood the base of the plant every sq inch. you want it over the top of your medium to ensure total saturation. have a second bucket on hand full of the mix to replace the shit that spills out or gets absorbed.


Well-Known Member
DM Zone is by far working better for me than h202 or aquashield. i heavily and roughly sprayed my roots down after a bayer dunk. been using zone wit res temps of 68-72 and looking way better.