FU*K the Texas Board of Indoctrination



Oh shit, did I miss the start of Texas Bashing Day?
The reason that textbooks are influenced by Texas didn't start out about the size of the school system here. It was about the high standards that Texas USED TO HAVE in its schools. When a textbook was approved by the TEA is was an excellent learning tool.
How did it go from an "excellent learning tool" to what it is today in 40 years?

Sorry to ramble off topic, but short and sweet: If your state wants to teach different material than Texas, go ahead. Make sure your educational boards pick up the slack and do what they have relied on Texas to do for them for the past 40 years.

It's a little more complicated than that... A big part of the nation purchases textbooks from Texas, it's about national educational standards in place, states don't get to just teach what they want to teach on an individual basis, they're required to teach similar material, if not identical.

Do you guys not have an issue with the material this article in the OP details?!

The COMPLETE REMOVAL of the nations 3rd president, the author of the Declaration of Independence..!

Emphasis on the successful campaign of Joseph McCarthy and the infiltration of the communists into the American gov.???

BTW, I went to my kid's school the other day. The principle has a bible and a cross in her office. And I like it.
How would you feel if she had an atheist symbol instead?

The term "God," or "Creator," or "God of Nature," is NOT Christian. These terms fit all religions from Jewish to Muslim and all in between.

I am in possession of the Constitution and Bill of Rights for the old Soviet Union. The Soviet citizen had WAY more rights enumerated in their Constitution than we have in ours. The difference was, their rights came from the government, and as such, the government could take them away at will ... and they did. Our country was founded upon the principle that rights are God given. They are innate just because we are human. That's why they are called "Human Rights."

What comes to mind at this point is the "right" to health care. Health care is a good, and or, a service. Food is a good. Shelter is a good. There can be no innate right to goods and services. The only way to receive these so called "rights" is for government to violate the property rights of one citizen in order to give these "rights" to another citizen. How can theft, and receiving stolen property be deemed a "right"?

We have the Natural Rights to Life, Liberty and Property. The only legitimate function of government is to protect those rights ... and nothing more. When the government swerves from that premise, tyranny prevails.

The above has been conveniently white-washed from our history books. In order to regain and preserve liberty, this must be taught again in our schools. Texas has taken the first step, and whatever Texas textbooks contain, will also be contained in the textbooks in California and other states as well. About time!

Dude, go back and answer my questions. You didn't answer a single thing.


New Member
There are survivors, number one.
The ATF/FBI both fucked up royally in their handling of things, number two.

But if authority knocks on my door to 'take my liberty away', the one thing I can do to make sure that happens is to start shooting. That shit is fucked and stupid. If they are doing it unjustly, lawyer up, plead your case, and cross your fingers that our fucked up justice system gets it right.


Well-Known Member
Things were different.

Remember .....................

Wood Shop
Electric Shop
Metal Shop
Auto Shop

When I got out of high school I could:

Work with wood and all of the hand tools and most automated woodworking tools.

Build a radio out of wire, a block of wood , a diode and some earphones. Five band radio, electrical etcher, and knew all of the laws of electricity.

Make metal castings , operate a metal lathe, milling machine, drill press, and other things needed to operate a metal fab shop.

I learned how to rebuild brakes, tune up a car, change the oil, most things you go to the mechanic for today.

Every young man could.

Of course this really prepared me for REAL life, but they don't do that any more. :dunce:

And talk about evolution or creationism.....

I was taught by a Mormon who was very religious, but also a very good science teacher, who taught us everything you need to know about evolution. My High School was 90% Jewish, so it was very diverse religiously.

The worst part about the textbooks, is that after Texas completes the curriculum, it will be copied by most of the other states. I understand that in four years, California will be buying the books recommended by this committee.

Life's a bitch :blsmoke:


New Member
Wood Shop
Electric Shop
Metal Shop
Auto Shop

I really wish I was that lucky. I was lucky enough though to learn most of these things from my dad, or the Haynes 1988-1992 Toyota Corolla repair manual.

Wish I could build a radio like you though....fucking awesome


New Member
Yeah, God forbid that schools start teaching about freedom, liberty and the Founders again. <Sheesh!> :lol:


New Member
Like religious freedom? Sheesh!

In earlier votes, the elected board - made up of lawyers, a dentist and a weekly newspaper publisher among others - rejected an attempt to ensure that children learn why the U.S. was founded on the principle of religious freedom.


Like religious freedom? Sheesh!

In earlier votes, the elected board - made up of lawyers, a dentist and a weekly newspaper publisher among others - rejected an attempt to ensure that children learn why the U.S. was founded on the principle of religious freedom.
lmfao, pwned. :clap:

No thanks. Billie Holliday said it all in her rendition of "Strange Fruit." You should listen to the lyrics sometime. I think you's be amazed. Here, listen to the pain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8VRMzITmCU
Are you OK with the standards the TBE approved?


New Member
Are you OK with the standards the TBE approved?
Yep, I'm OK with it. What liberty devotee wouldn't agree with it? I DO think the article is a bit slanted though. The author was using his/her own bias in this sentence, just as you did in your critical analysis of the article:

But the board agreed to strengthen nods to Christianity by adding references to &#8220;laws of nature and nature's God" to a section in U.S. history that requires students to explain major political ideas.

The author is, and you are as well, just assuming that the "laws of nature" and "nature's God" is a reference to Christianity. Unless the schools are teaching salvation through Jesus Christ, and making The New Testament required reading, it ain't Christianity, my friend.

Again, to believe that the rights of Man come from a source other than He who created Man, and to erase that ideal from our history books, is an invitation to tyranny. This has been proven throughout history. This ideal is what has made our country so unique in the abundance of freedom, liberty and prosperity that we have enjoyed for over two centuries.


Well-Known Member
LOL a guy who is in a skrool system that teach's billy has two daddy's is worried about what is taught in Texas?LOL
the very worst school systems in the USA are in mexifornia. yea..tell us all how smart you all are in cali. what we call these days a job free and business free zone.
hows all them socialist ideas panning out for you all in cali>?
i heard your state is bankrupted and would like uncle sugar to bail you out with tax payers money from others states..yea..sounds like a good idea.
subsidize idiots in cali.
you know what you get when you subsidize something? MORE OF IT.
the american tax payer has been subsidizing with welfare and food stamps and WIC and other programs the breeding of a whole class of idiots in this country that do nothing but leech and such the system dry. it is to the point the productive can no longer pay the way of the non productive as they out number us .
normally through natures natural process of selection the weak and stupid die off. the fat lazy die off . the strong survive and thrive.
we have the weak stupid who should have died off and thinned themselfs out supporting them selfs on government programs and government jobs.
in the future i can see two class's of people. the smart hard working intelligent class who are thin and good looking. and then we have the genetic garbage.
fat lazy stupid ugly. we can already tell the underclass right now just by looking at them and talking to them.


New Member
the smart hard working intelligent class who are thin and good looking.

You must be so intelligent that you skipped over the part where thin used to be regarded as unattractive and chubby was attractive. My, how quickly we forget...

You are in fact so intelligent, let's put you in charge of selectively breeding the youth. Someone else tried that not too long ago, it didn't work out for him, what was his name? How quickly we forget...



New Member
the very worst school systems in the USA are in mexifornia.

I can only assume that by 'Mexifornia' you actually mean California and that you were just trying to stigmatize California using racially charged wording in your describing of the Golden State. In any case, the worst schools in the nation are not found in California, usually New Mexico and Mississippi compete for that title with Arizona and Alabama lagging closely behind.

A fact that eludes any idiot too busy trying to make a point using the same tactics that were used to prohibit cannabis (not the slur marihuana)


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
one of the constitutional dutys of the US federal government is to protect the borders of the USA.i grew up in oregon. oregon was a great state back in the 60s 70s. until californians moved to the state in droves and fucked everything up.oregon was the most beautiful trash free state id ever lived in . the air was always fresh and clean you never seen liter on the side of the road.
it was a very poor state so all of us kids recycled news papers .even then oregon had deposits on bottles and cans. this is before all this plastic shit come out. so we kids collected cans and news papers and recycled them for extra money .we also picked black berrys and strawberry's for school clothes money and spending change. all that utopia(albeit poor) was ruined when piles of californians moved in . just saying.


Well-Known Member
Emailed images show Hispanic students demonstrating against proposed immigration legislation by hoisting a Mexican flag above an upside-down American flag at Montebello High School in California.

Description: Emailed images
Circulating since: March 2006
Status: Images are authentic

Email example contributed by K. Best, April 20, 2006:
This is one e-mail that you would hope wasn't true, but the pictures seem to tell it all. Very sad!!!

You will not see this heart-stopping photo on the front page of the NY Times or on the lead story of the major news networks.

American flag v. Mexican flag at CA. high school--disgusting public acts!



School Walk-Outs
03/28 : Student protest in Whittier. Area students from Pioneer, California and Whittier high schools walked out of classes to protest the proposed federal immigration bill March 27, 2006.

(Leo Jarzomb/Staff photo)

The protestors put up the Mexican flag over the American flag flying upside down at Montebello High. Our laws state that NO Flag will fly higher than the US Flag, so why does an American school in the USA allow this??? How is this acceptable? These students are in America, not Mexico!!!!!

If you want to stay here, America comes first, last ,and always otherwise go back and make it better where ever you came from but don't try to turn my country into yours by ILLEGALLY entering mine and then demanding all the benefits of a LEGAL citizen of our nation ..... NO funding from federal tax dollars for any student out of class that day or any other day for such subversive activities.......teacher led or not.

Years ago, U.S. Senator from California, S.I. Hayakawa, suggested that English be made the official language of the USA. He was belittled for suggesting it. I predict this stunt will be the nail in the coffin of any guest-worker/amnesty plan on the table in Washington. The image of the American flag subsumed to another and turned upside down on American soil is already spreading on Internet forums and via e-mail. Pass this along to every American citizen in your address books and to every representative in the state and federal government. If you choose to remain uninvolved do not be amazed when you no longer have a nation to call your own nor anything you have worked for left since it will be "redistributed" to the activists while you are so peacefully staying out of the "fray". Check history, it is full of nations/empires that disappeared when its citizens no longer held their core beliefs and values. One person CAN make a difference. One plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one.........

The battle for our secure borders and immigration laws that actually mean something, however, hasn't even begun. Like I said: Welcome to reconquista.

If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under!


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On politics in the Golden State

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Jerry Brown urges unions to 'attack'

March 17, 2010 | 12:12 pm
Faced with the daunting prospect of being significantly outspent by his Republican opponent, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown spoke to a labor group Tuesday and urged them to go on the offensive. "We're going to attack whenever we can, but I'd rather have you attack," Brown said at a gathering of the California delegation of the Laborers' International Union of North America in Sacramento. "I'd rather be the nice guy in this race. We'll leave [the attacks] to ... the Democratic Party and others."
Tucker Bounds, a spokesman for GOP candidate Meg Whitman, said Brown's pitch was unseemly and perhaps even illegal.
"I think this is pretty clear evidence that Jerry Brown is actively seeking independent support to prop up his campaign from the unions attacking Meg Whitman," Bounds said. "And more importantly, I think, it's Jerry Brown in his own words laying out a very cynical campaign strategy that's playing fast and loose with the campaign rules in California."
Brown spokesman Sterling Clifford noted Brown singled out the Democratic Party in his speech and "pretty clearly was not talking about" giving money to other groups. Brown has been aggressively urging unions and other groups to donate money to help offset the millions of dollars that Whitman and rival GOP candidate Steve Poizner have committed to spend on the campaign.
"Meg Whitman's claims are completely false and without any basis in fact," Clifford said. "Not content to buy the airwaves and bully her primary opponent, Whitman and her attack-dog consultants are trying to shut out the voices of working Californians."
Many of the Laborers' International local unions have donated directly to Brown's campaign. In his speech, Brown thanked them for being "very generous, but we've got to keep it coming."
No contributions from the labor group have appeared in the coffers of any independent committees attacking Whitman, according to the official campaign finance database at the California secretary of state's office. But state campaign laws do not require disclosure of such contributions until later this month.
California election law states contributions to independent expenditure committees may not be "made in concert with, or at the request or suggestion of, the candidate on whose behalf, or for whose benefit, the expenditure is made, or any controlled committee or any agent of the candidate."
You can watch a copy of the video below.
-- Anthony York


Well-Known Member
no. max420thc, the problem is people like YOU.

most of the problems in the US right now have nothing to do with poor migrant workers, and more to do with rich white men in suits......

you are ignorant, racist, and easy to point fingers.


Well-Known Member
no. max420thc, the problem is people like YOU.

most of the problems in the US right now have nothing to do with poor migrant workers, and more to do with rich white men in suits......

you are ignorant, racist, and easy to point fingers.