George W. Bush, for prosecution!


Well-Known Member
Hey dude i read all through that and all though it all sounds good on paper your whole country is in recession and on the brink of civil war so its as the old anecdote goes"you cant do evil to do good."

The dollar has never been so weak and it is actually worth me traveling to your country and buying up a load of electrical goods and then sending them back here and making a mint i.e. making your country even poorer.

Personally i think that Bush is a total gimp and that he has ruined America and Americas worldwide image and that sometimes its not simply a case of jumping ship its just about realizing that the once cool leader has lost the plot and made some very bad choices.

Anyway i respect your right to freedom and to support whoever you like so i am not judging you this is just my opinion.
Also of note is that i am not new to this site or to politics,i am an adult and i have an above average IQ and i am not an ungrateful ass just actually interested in why you would want to support a lunatic that has ruined your great country:mrgreen:
This country is no where near a civil war man, I don't know where you got that idea from.

The dollar is currently weak, trust man I know, I was in Munich and it was 1.50 for 1 Euro, shits weak, but it is actually a collaboration of reasons that the USD is currently low.

As far as America's image, do you think was great before Bush got into office? Not even close. He has done far from ruining this country but if you really want to see that happen, elect Obama or Clinton.


Well-Known Member
I didn't actually read through all of that but I did read like the first couple things. And I really don't think a guy should be saying what a woman can and cannot do with their body and the things that develop within it. Sure I don't support abortion and I think it is wrong but I've got a cock, not a womb, so what do I know?

Zero tolerance aka zero intelligence. When that policy came into place, common sense and all intelligence went out the window.

The marriage issue... Why does it matter? Why must our country be run by ideology and policy rather than common sense and hope, as Obama preaches? You cant help how you feel, marriage should be between two people that love eachother not between two people that are convenient for eachother, which often happens in politics. If a gay man is gay they're never going to get married to a woman, so why force them and denie them the right to marriage to a person they love? Ya, I think gay person are kinda whack but that doesn't mean they should be descriminated against.

Point is Zenmaster is that any president could have done what Bush had done, without the war, without the retarded policies such as zero tolerance, without all the lies and deceit.

I really don't know how you can support a man like that. This country is "free" that's why we can't self medicate ourselves and that's we have mandatory miminum sentencing, 10 years for smoking a joint. A law that prohibits a drug should never be more harmful than the drug itself. Whatever though if you want to support a liar, go right ahead, just another blatantly ignorant fanatic that believes all that is bush.


Well-Known Member
I didn't actually read through all of that but I did read like the first couple things. And I really don't think a guy should be saying what a woman can and cannot do with their body and the things that develop within it. Sure I don't support abortion and I think it is wrong but I've got a cock, not a womb, so what do I know?

Zero tolerance aka zero intelligence. When that policy came into place, common sense and all intelligence went out the window.

The marriage issue... Why does it matter? Why must our country be run by ideology and policy rather than common sense and hope, as Obama preaches? You cant help how you feel, marriage should be between two people that love eachother not between two people that are convenient for eachother, which often happens in politics. If a gay man is gay they're never going to get married to a woman, so why force them and denie them the right to marriage to a person they love? Ya, I think gay person are kinda whack but that doesn't mean they should be descriminated against.

Point is Zenmaster is that any president could have done what Bush had done, without the war, without the retarded policies such as zero tolerance, without all the lies and deceit.

I really don't know how you can support a man like that.
Done what without the war? Nothing.

The U.N. were harping on Iraq for 10 years. 10 fucking years, and they didn't do shit. What happened had to be done, I'm positive Saddam was working on WMDs and the second he got them he would have used it either on us or Israel.

And tell me all the lies and deceit Bush has done.


Well-Known Member
Done what without the war? Nothing.

The U.N. were harping on Iraq for 10 years. 10 fucking years, and they didn't do shit. What happened had to be done, I'm positive Saddam was working on WMDs and the second he got them he would have used it either on us or Israel.

And tell me all the lies and deceit Bush has done.
Look at that link on the first page, second post. Just try not cracking up or dropping your jaw when he freezes up to the off-guard question.

YouTube - Bush Admits Lying to the Press Heres another one for you,
YouTube - Bush Administration Caught Contradicting Itself 6 Times and another,
YouTube - Bush Lies to the Media about Rumsfeld heres a couple more

How many videos and how much proof do you need before I make a dent in that thick head of yours?

YouTube - George Bush: Lying Through Your Teeth Not too sure about this 1 but its funny none the less. "If you don't like what we tell you to believe in, we'll kill you." Apply that to marijuana users.


Well-Known Member
Look at that link on the first page, second post. Just try not cracking up or dropping your jaw when he freezes up to the off-guard question.
Your talking about the Advance Knowledge of 9/11?

That is your irrefutable evidence? That he recalls a memory of when he first saw the plane hit the tower? What happened was when the plane hit the tower, he was reading to the kids and someone came and whispered in his ear that a plane hit the tower, he thought it was probably pilot error. He is a courteous guest and didn't want to thunder out from the kids because of an accident so he continued to read. (there wasn't a TV near him) It wasn't until the second plane hit and he was notified that he left.

So when he watched the plane hit the first tower (and it was probably from a security camera on a building somewhere) it wasn't until much later.

So under that interview he wasn't trying to be accurate as he could detailing WHEN he saw the planes hit the tower, just what he was thinking when he did see it.


Well-Known Member
Your talking about the Advance Knowledge of 9/11?

That is your irrefutable evidence? That he recalls a memory of when he first saw the plane hit the tower? What happened was when the plane hit the tower, he was reading to the kids and someone came and whispered in his ear that a plane hit the tower, he thought it was probably pilot error. He is a courteous guest and didn't want to thunder out from the kids because of an accident so he continued to read. (there wasn't a TV near him) It wasn't until the second plane hit and he was notified that he left.

So when he watched the plane hit the first tower (and it was probably from a security camera on a building somewhere) it wasn't until much later.

So under that interview he wasn't trying to be accurate as he could detailing WHEN he saw the planes hit the tower, just what he was thinking when he did see it.

Good attempt at defending him but you're wrong. If you actually watched the video instead of watching what you wanted to see in the video, you would see that he was told (while in the classroom) about the SECOND plane that hit the towers, not the first. The first he supposedly saw on the news before entering the classroom, but considering there was no live video of the first plane I seriously doubt he saw it on the news. Not only that Zenmaster but you contradict yourself. Here you are trying to support and defend this man but at the same time you agree that there was no television in the room, so how could he possibly of seen the first plane on the teli? Don't make excuses and assume things just to fuel your own justification for supporting a liar.


Well-Known Member
I would post who i agree with and my opinions but im not going to sit here and get bashed for stating my opinions.


Well-Known Member
Actually i dont care. I agree with zen 100%. Bush is not a ad president. Sure he's made mistakes but hes also done good.


Well-Known Member
Actually i dont care. I agree with zen 100%. Bush is not a ad president. Sure he's made mistakes but hes also done good.
He's done so much good like attack another country, piling a sum of a trillion dollars into a war that could have been avoided, a war that was fueled on the assumption that there was weapons of mass desctruction which was later proven false when none were found. In fact I remember reading an article where our military had conviently mis-placed 2,000 tons of explosives (missiles and ammunation and what not), which were probably stolen by the enemy and not misplaced. 2000 tons? How can you misplace 4000000 lbs. w of explosives? If there wasnt any threat before, there sure is now. Now a country hates us, now theres a massive cival war in the country, now we have reason, 100% reason, to believe there could be an attack later on, now theres a reason for someone to attack us, as we attacked them.

Not only that but now our money isn't worth as much as it was before, thanks to bush pumping so much into random shit we don't need and would never need if we actually had a president that was intelligent rather than a president that is often compared to a rock, or a dictator.

Ooooh big bad bush wants to be like his father, so he jumps the gun and starts a war and starts our path spiraling down a road that will ultimately end in the destruction of america, unless we get some new blood in there and that is Obama, at least in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
He's done so much good like attack another country, piling a sum of a trillion dollars into a war that could have been avoided, a war that was fueled on the assumption that there was weapons of mass desctruction which was later proven false when none were found. In fact I remember reading an article where our military had conviently mis-placed 2,000 tons of explosives (missiles and ammunation and what not), which were probably stolen by the enemy and not misplaced. 2000 tons? How can you misplace 4000000 lbs. w of explosives? If there wasnt any threat before, there sure is now. Now a country hates us, now theres a massive cival war in the country, now we have reason, 100% reason, to believe there could be an attack later on, now theres a reason for someone to attack us, as we attacked them.
I dont see how were on a verge of civil war. Please explain.


Well-Known Member
I dont see how were on a verge of civil war. Please explain.
If you actually read what I said instead of just zooming out cival war and country and bush, you would see that I was speaking about Iraq, not our country. Fanatics you and Zen are, blatant and ignorant fanatics.

Now if you were really intelligent, which you arent, you would talk about how Bush has done well with our taxes, not try and defend bush on his lies.


Well-Known Member
If you actually read what I said instead of just zooming out cival war and country and bush, you would see that I was speaking about Iraq, not our country. Fanatics you and Zen are, blatant and ignorant fanatics.
Okay you democrat douchebag. I was stating my opinions.


Well-Known Member
Okay you democrat douchebag. I was stating my opinions.
Opinions that are still blatantly ignorant. Opinions that haven't been thought out. Opinions that stem from where? Where have you researched anything, or are you just assuming as President Bush did when he said there was weapons of mass destruction.

I believe it is time that we learn from Bush's mistakes, not continue to support a person that has led our country to the brink of recession.


Well-Known Member
Opinions that are still blatantly ignorant. Opinions that haven't been thought out. Opinions that stem from where? Where have you researched anything, or are you just assuming as President Bush did when he said there was weapons of mass destruction.

I believe it is time that we learn from Bush's mistakes, not continue to support a person that has led our country to the brink of recession.
All you focus on is WMD's and iraq.


Well-Known Member
All you focus on is WMD's and iraq.
And all you focus on is the positive things hes done, which are often negetive things.

I can't change how you feel, not when you're so far lost.

The fact of the matter is is Bush is a terrible president. So what if he's done some good in his presidency, I believe the war and the blatant ignorance of Medical Marijuana, and the belief that gays shouldnt be allowed marriage, and all the other 'positive' aka 'negetive' things he's done greatly outweighs the positive things. And I can't believe you people, I.E Zen and yourself since that seems to be about all who supports Bush, continue to support him and would probably go so far as to say you would vote for him again?


Well-Known Member
Bush is just a pawn to the moneylenders

At the start of bush's first term there were 7 countrys in the world not controlled by the bankers.
Now there are just 5.
I wish Saddam had used wmd's on Isreal.
most of our problems would have been solved.


Well-Known Member
Hey HippieMan, I watched Dick's documentary... so amazing, it's exactly how I want to live my life at the end... and I know I'll be safe up there from the trials and tribulations of the world. Unless of course the Russians plan on crossing the Bering Straight in WWIII... oh well, hopefully they'll leave me and my little cubby cabin alone!


Well-Known Member
Opinions that are still blatantly ignorant. Opinions that haven't been thought out. Opinions that stem from where? Where have you researched anything, or are you just assuming as President Bush did when he said there was weapons of mass destruction.

I believe it is time that we learn from Bush's mistakes, not continue to support a person that has led our country to the brink of recession.
You need to chill out HippieMan, I was trying to keep it civil but you are going down a road that won't end well.

And if your worried about us not finding WMDs you have to keep in mind that Saddam knew we were coming to invade over a year in advance man. When Congress passed Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia it was an immediate red flag to Saddams eyes so he began to scrap/bury all the evidence.

All the bureaucracy that we had to go through to invade Iraq gave him ample time to cover up.

And last of all, do you know anything about the economy? We go into recessions all the time, its the natural pendulum of the economy, and we are long over-due for one.

Quit trying to think of things to blame on Bush.