good hash strains?


Well-Known Member
any of you guys knowledgeable when it comes to growing marijuana for hash?
i.e. which strains produce killer hash, which ones are best left as buds.

also, if you guys know which strain is grown when producing "black hash"...please share :blsmoke:


Note: mods, also posted in the general marijuana growing section. please delete one of these threads. (wasnt quite sure where it should be posted).


Well-Known Member
hash plant maybe?
HAHAHA! That made me laugh really hard. I must almost be high enough.

In all seriousness... Yes, Hash plant would be a decent choice. Also anything with 'Kush' in it's name probably came from a hash strain. The Hindu Kush area in northern Afganistan and into Pakistan is known for it's hand-rubbed hash, but is usually a dark brown in color. In my experience, that type of black-tar hash you refer to is usually Morroccan. I don't know how they make it to produce such a dark final product, but yes that is a very powerful hash. I know it's my dad's favorite! Unfortunately Morroccan genetics are hard to come by, I've heard the name 'Ketama' used for the strain most Morroccan Hash is made out of. A company called "World Of Seeds" offers a plant by this name, I don't know If it is the same traditional Hash strain as what was used to produce the black type of hash you smoked. They claim it to be, and thier entire company is based on landrace genetics. Also, since I am ignorant of the exact methods used to produce this kind of hash I cannot tell you how to actually make it were you to grow this strain to bud.

All this being said, many Indicas have been traditionally used to make decent hash, and I don't see any reason why one couldn't use a sativa either... I Imagine if you got hash from southern India, it might be made from a sativa. If you have any plants you particularly like, you would probably like the hash you made out of them.

I will try and do a little research into how to make that particular type of hashish, the black-tar. because If it is the method, rather than the plant, that turns it black, it may be possible to make black-tar hash from just about any variety. I'll let you know if I find anything interesting out. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
according to the book "HASHISH!" (Robert Connell Clarke) "Oxidation of resin from glands broken during pressing turns the surface of the hashish ball black"

ther is also a photo in the book that shows green powder being pressed and darkening in color in about 6 photos darkening more, then being rolled into a snake


Well-Known Member
according to the book "HASHISH!" (Robert Connell Clarke) "Oxidation of resin from glands broken during pressing turns the surface of the hashish ball black"

ther is also a photo in the book that shows green powder being pressed and darkening in color in about 6 photos darkening more, then being rolled into a snake
Very interesting Kas. I imagine that the oxidation and breaking of the glands also leads to the degradation of THC into CBN. This is most likely why most samples of hash tested have a much higher ratio of CBN to THC than freshly cured buds. Also one of the reasons hash gives such a different high than just regular bud smoking does. The process you described reminds me of Charas. because they also roll the hash into a snake, but Charas is almost always hand-rubbed. The process you are describing is most likely Turkish or Pakistani, at least in my opinion.

The process you are describing sounds like the way that Morroccan is made all up until the "rolled into a snake" part. Morroccan hash is usually pressed. Sometimes it is very hard, sometimes it is kinda gooey and very black, not just on the outside. The soft variety is better (higher THC %), At least where Morroccan is concerned. Not sure about Turkish. Anyway, :peace:


Well-Known Member
there also some intresting info about hand rubbing too, its good for imediate consumption, but is susceptible to mold and fungus over time. thers a white mold that grows in it and dealers would claim that its opium lol.
it also says sieved hash is "demonstrivly" better than hand rubbed.
"I imagine that the oxidation and breaking of the glands also leads to the degradation of THC into CBN"
yes it says the powder will preserve its potency longer than pressed hash

Its a good book, I been reading it alot on the crapper lately, so many intresting ways to collect resin glands.
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Well-Known Member
I'm not surprised that some dealers would claim that white mold is "opium," lol. Fuckin' opium is black, it's when you process it into morphine for either distribution or further processing into heroin that it turns white. And as if it would be cost effective to roll your hash around in morphine before you sold it! lol, Good thing there's people like you and I around to set these poor misguided souls on the right path!

Also, interesting about the powder keeping longer, That does seem to follow with what I understand about THC's degradation over time. That is good to know, I will be making hash in a couple months, maybe I should just keep a 'sandbox.' I'm probably not making enough to worry about it degrading before I smoke it though, haha! I will say that some degradation is not always a bad thing. Of course hash with a higher THC% is better, but if you have a hash with a very high THC% AND a high CBN%, the synergystic effects can create a very powerful body stone while maintaining a strong head high.

I think I would be very interested in that book. I'll try and pick it up online somewhere, or at a head-shop that sells books. I doubt Borders carries it, lol. You never know, though!


Well-Known Member
haha Im hardly a hash expert, I'm realy just quoting from the book. I smoked hash twice in my life, unlike my dad whoes had just about every type mentioned in that book, as well as alot of people from his generation.

I keep thinking about that one episode of Trailer park boys, when they made that drive way out of hash just sitting out in the sun and open air. I imagine the best way to store it would be in an air tight container in the dark, in a moderatly cool refrigerator or something.

you might wanna try Tower Records, I think thats where I got it? they ussualy have a good selection of Marijuana books. and borders should have it too, its pretty common book.


Well-Known Member
Alright I will give it a look see the next time I'm in town. I live out in the country and have made my own hash before. Also, like you said the slightly older generation (our parents age) are the ones who REALLY got to try this stuff out. My dad used to get the Turkish Govt. Issue kilo bricks. Relatively cheap, too. They have some ex-hippie friends who sometimes get hash from a Jamaican who married into their family. He sometimes gets moroccan hash, It's usually really hard, you have to heat it with flame to break any off. Once it was this black gooey ball in saran wrap and it was super soft and honestly the best hash I've ever had. $20 a gram too. Luckily I've never had to pay more than that.

I have a hookup that used to be able to get bricks of morroccan (supposedly, seemed like Afgani or more likely Turkish to me) and it was like the stuff you described. Dark on the outside and sort of a caramel brown tinged with very little green on the inside. The outside also had what appeared to be gold leaf just flecked all over the outside of the bricks. It looked really cool, I don't know about the cost effectiveness of coating your drugs in gold, but it was some of the better hash I've had (better than the hard kind), and was only $10 a gram. thats how much we paid for weed! I don't know how he got it for so cheap because it was not bad AT ALL. Needless to say he still supplies my chronic when my own coffers run dry.

You know the more I think of it, the more I know that I have seen that book somewhere. So you are probably right, I probably saw it at Borders, lol. Anyway in case you can't tell I LOVE HASH, so that book is probably going to be in my hands pretty soon. Thanks for the info about it!


Well-Known Member
I am one of the "old timers" that got to smoke a lot of different kinds of hash back in the late sixties and early seventies. My favorite always was blonde Lebanese. It had a flavour and high that could not be beat. And at about 3 bucks a gram(less if you bought quantity), it was one hell of a bargain. Lots of military guys were bringing it back, so I got to at least sample hash from around the globe. Cant wait until I get a chance to go to Amsterdam and see what kind of hash is around these days.


Well-Known Member
I am one of the "old timers" that got to smoke a lot of different kinds of hash back in the late sixties and early seventies. My favorite always was blonde Lebanese. It had a flavour and high that could not be beat. And at about 3 bucks a gram(less if you bought quantity), it was one hell of a bargain. Lots of military guys were bringing it back, so I got to at least sample hash from around the globe. Cant wait until I get a chance to go to Amsterdam and see what kind of hash is around these days.
Wow dude, that is actually really cool. I am envious of you in that generation, you got to live through some of the craziest and coolest stuff that ever happend in the history of this nation. The sixties and seventies were times I really wish I could have lived in.

Yeah my dad said that the Blonde Lebanese was really good, one of his favorites, and I know for a fact my mom's Favorite, every time I get hash she brings up how it's not as good as that blonde Lebanese from back in the day. But I have yet to make bubble-hash, so after this grow, my first indoor, we are gonna have bubble-hash with 3 different strains in it. should be pretty killer.

And yeah Tx, The shit they have in amsterdam today is a little bit of a mix. you can get the old school stuff like charas or temple hash still at somewhat reasonable prices (if you are used to $3 a g, get ready for some sticker shock). by reasonable I mean $20 or $30 a gram. If you want Violator Ice-o-lator, however, get ready to shell out 45 euros per gram, which is something like $60 or more for the highest quality, smallest sieved bubble-hash per fuckin' gram. It's really unbelieveable. But possibly worth it for the experience, i suppose, only once maybe.


Well-Known Member
Those prices are pretty steep, but if I was actually sitting in a coffee shop in Amsterdam smoking the stuff, it would be worth it.

Jonnie Iirish

Active Member
Lets keep it simple. Bottom line SOUR DEISEL! Made me sweat and tingle over my face. plus the black hash might of been bubble hash......................


Well-Known Member
thanks guys for all the help, although none of you really have any answers :D

Im doing research into it as well and if I happen to come across a fact thats worth sharing Ill be sure to do so.

Note: where are all the elites??????


Well-Known Member
I thought I somewhat answered one of your questions?

anyways I reading the book some more tonight and agin it basicly says the more the resin glands are broken open and oxidized the darker the color.
another quote from the book "Dark colored hashish ussually has been kneaded more thoroughly, heated to highter temperatures, and pressed harder than light-colored hashish. All three factors lead to the breaking open of individual resin glands, leading to the rapid oxidation and degradation of their resinous contents and reduction of the THC level. In Light-colored hashish, a higher percentage of the resin glands remain intact, protecting their contents from degradation,"


Well-Known Member
I thought I somewhat answered one of your questions?

anyways I reading the book some more tonight and agin it basicly says the more the resin glands are broken open and oxidized the darker the color.
another quote from the book "Dark colored hashish ussually has been kneaded more thoroughly, heated to highter temperatures, and pressed harder than light-colored hashish. All three factors lead to the breaking open of individual resin glands, leading to the rapid oxidation and degradation of their resinous contents and reduction of the THC level. In Light-colored hashish, a higher percentage of the resin glands remain intact, protecting their contents from degradation,"
well yeah, you did somewhat answer one of my questions...but somewhat wont get me black hash. :peace:

Lionel Richie

Active Member
any afghan or kush strain is usually used to make black hash but you can use any strain you just have to lightly heat unpressed sieved kief and thrash it till the trichomes break and its dark brown-black and all sticky.