Grow Set-Up 2-3 Plants?


Active Member
Well i decided i want to give growing a try. Unfortunately i tried using the paper towel method before to get seeds to sprout, but to no avail, so i didnt peruse the endeavor. This time i will probably attempt the paper towel method again.. But keep a closer eye on the towel because if i could remember correctly it dried very fast. I saw a very interesting set up using a small rubber bin, about 1 foot length wise. It had holes drilled in the top, and LED christmas lights put in those holes. This seems like a very inexpensive way to get seeds to germinate.. But the website i saw it on no one posted their success or failures using it.

This time, I plan on using my closet as a grow room. It is about 4ft by 4ft, with shelves in the back, and shelves on one side. I was thinking of clearing out one shelf, and hanging a small florescent lamp until the plants get too big for that area (Then i will move them to the back of the closet on the floor). The shelf has about a foot and a half of space before the next level of shelf.

As for soil, i would find some potting soil for plants, and use that. For air circulation, a small fan should work because it is a small area, and i could always open up the door to allow more air to circulate.

For seeds, il just look in the grams i buy until i pick out a few. I would really like to get 2-3 healthy plants growing by the summer. Basically, this is just an experiment to see i can get the plants to grow. If it does work, i would consider growing a much larger quantity of plants (10?).

Ive heard that Soil and water PH plays an important role in growing though. For just a beginning grower, how important is that to pay attention to?

Also, i am not attempting to get the best high quality bud. Just good enough to smoke and keep me :o till my next batch. I am just experimenting, as i find it very interesting. I think i may play around with clones as well.

Also, lighting is a major concern for me. I am considering using a florescent light, or HID. Unfortunately, most of the grow-lights ive seen have been 60$+. I would really like to keep the investment for a single light less then 30$. Are there more alternatives for what i can do with the light?

Opinions, advice, ect?


Well-Known Member
Hey i'm new too,
I like you wanted 2-3 plants
I Grow in the closet, cfls and T5HO 2 footer
(High output floro) bout 10000 lumens HTG supply.
Feel free to check the cfl forum for my post
and pics to get an idea of my setup
It's going really good.
Think its called: 1st post 2nd grow
All the info from the grow


Well-Known Member
I am just a beginner myself, I'm about halfway through flowering my first plants.

For sprouting seeds, i use the paper towel method. damp paper towel w/ the seeds inside it on a plate with an upside down bowl on top, then I place it on top of my cable box. In about 1-3 days my seeds have good sized taproots.

I just used the cheap potting soil they sell at lowes and perlite. At first I didn't mix in any perlite and the soil was way to heavy and didn't drain very well. when I transplanted I use a 50/50 soil/perlite mix. better soil will probably result in bigger plants, but I haven't had any problems yet.

Tap water has worked fine for me, I just let it sit out for a few days so the chlorine evaporates. My tap water is has a ph of ~6.8, when I add nutes it makes it slightly more acidic, but i try to keep it between 6.6-6.8. Sometimes I don't even check my ph though, I just get lazy

I would recomend getting a HID, there's nothing wrong with growing with CFLs but before you know it you'll have 15 lights per plant (thats what happened to me lol). Lifes been easier with my 150w hps, I use less energy and get about the same amount of light plus i don't have to adjust my lights everyday now. HTG has a 150w HPS for $70, and I feel it's well worth it.


Active Member
Where is the best place to get the light? I dont want to order online because there would be proof i bought it, and it could come when im not home.

Home depot?

And 150W HPS would suffice for 2/3 plants? What about changing color spectrums? I read somewhere that i think blue is better for budding, and red is better for flowering? or is that only for LED's?


Well-Known Member
Budding and flowering are the same...
Blue is better for Vegetation.... this is the stage where the plants have no sex and grow no flower...
Flowering is when they like red more... this is where there are buds or pollen sacks(OR BOTH IF YOU HERMI OUT LOL)
During both veg and flowering the plants will still require both colors of light... but if your only going to go with 1 color your best off with a red spectrum light as these are sufficient for VEg and flowering, the blue is just a little too obsolete when it comes to flowering...

im growing 2/3 plants right now... with all CFLS and they are lookin sweet


Well-Known Member
Where is the best place to get the light? I dont want to order online because there would be proof i bought it, and it could come when im not home.

Home depot?
You can usually find low wattage hps lights at lowes or home depot, they are usually labled as security lights. A 150w HPS should be fine 2-3 plants


Active Member
Thanks for the advice, im just going to keep using this thread and updating as i go so i dont have to keep making new ones.

Ive got another Q for you guys.
Moving the plants? First starting out with the paper towel. Then i think im going to use those single flower containers. Once it gets too big for those though, (They are like 5inch high), should i just grab it by the stalk and plant it in a larger container? Or should i take the time to cut it out of the container with scissors so i dont damage any of the roots?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice, im just going to keep using this thread and updating as i go so i dont have to keep making new ones.

Ive got another Q for you guys.
Moving the plants? First starting out with the paper towel. Then i think im going to use those single flower containers. Once it gets too big for those though, (They are like 5inch high), should i just grab it by the stalk and plant it in a larger container? Or should i take the time to cut it out of the container with scissors so i dont damage any of the roots?
you should try to be as gentle as you can when you transplant. Try not to disturb the roots at all

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
I would rather not spend around 80 dollars on a very nice lamp unless i was growing to sell. Just wanted to give growing a try though ;)

Im trying the paper towel method with 3 seeds atm. They are under a moistened paper towel, in a clear container. Do the seedlings need light?

Also as for the lamp once they start to grow, would something like this work?
A few of those would work, but @ 6500Kelvins, I'd only use it during veg cycle. You can get the 23Wers that I use fer flower cycle, they are 2700K


Active Member
Well 1/3 seeds has sprouted, its about 3 inches tall, and 4 beautiful green leaves. I had started it in a water bottle with potting soil in it, upside down so excess water can drain, and i decided to move it into a larger plant pot. This was kind of tricky and im really hoping that i didnt kill it. I also picked up a 120W grow lamp 6$ home depot, and a 13$ heat resistant lamp for the bulb from a pet store.


Active Member
Well, my plant is growing nicely. (Miracle grow mixed with sand from hawaii ftw. its about 8 or 9 inches tall. Little confused on how long i let it grow before putting it in dark for 12 hours and light for 12 hours.