Health Canada Proposes Amendments to MMPR


Well-Known Member
There will be a consultation period for the proposed amendments before they become law. Health Canada said it has had initial consultations with a select group of licensed producers who have indicated “they would regard this as a positive opportunity.” ( Bedrocan and Cannimed I assume )

I would say Peace Naturals.


Well-Known Member
There will be a consultation period for the proposed amendments before they become law. Health Canada said it has had initial consultations with a select group of licensed producers who have indicated “they would regard this as a positive opportunity.” ( Bedrocan and Cannimed I assume )

I would say Peace Naturals.
Given the articles posted about them in the last few days i truly think it's MediJean

Devil Lettuce

Well-Known Member
More details in this Huff article...I hope you folks don't mind me highlighting, and making a couple ( inserts )....

Health Canada is rolling out new regulations that would require medical marijuana companies to provide information about their patients and the doctors who prescribe the drug to medical colleges.

The proposed amendments to the newly enacted “Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations” would allow provincial regulators, most of whom have been vocal in their opposition to members prescribing marijuana, “to more effectively monitor the practices of their members.”
Health Canada estimates the changes will come at a cost to the industry of nearly $3 million over the next decade.

The new rules would require licensed producers to provide information about doctors who authorize the use of medical marijuana including their names, addresses and licence numbers when requested by a provincial medical licensing body.

Companies would be compelled to provide patient information such as the quantity of dried marijuana prescribed, the period of use and basic patient information.

Unlike the physician information, the patient information would be provided to medical colleges on a regular basis: semi-annually.

Health Canada officials had previously been responsible for deciding who had legal access to medical marijuana. But the federal agency changed the system on April 1, and now a medical document (doctors shy from the word “prescription”) from a doctor is needed to get medical pot.

The new program is under intense scrutiny from regulatory colleges across the country, and physicians who authorize the use of marijuana are going to be screened far more closely than they have been. Medical colleges have the ability to revoke doctors’ licences.

The new rules would also allow for a transition period for colleges to retroactively request the information back to when the companies were registered and before the regulations were updated.

Another amendment would require licensed producers to keep records of the information provided to the licensing bodies.

Health Canada estimates the new rules will cost the fledgling industry some $423,461 per year due to additional paperwork, with costs decreasing over time. The agency calculated the data based on the assumption that 50 licenced producers will operate in the market, even though it has received more than 600 applications.

The agency has never said whether there will be be a cap on the number of entrants allowed into the market, nor why it chose the number 50 for its analysis. It has approved licences for some 20 companies already.

Until now, licensed producers were required to make the patient and doctor information available to Health Canada but not the colleges that oversee and investigate physicians’ conduct.

There will be a consultation period for the proposed amendments before they become law. Health Canada said it has had initial consultations with a select group of licensed producers who have indicated “they would regard this as a positive opportunity.” ( Bedrocan and Cannimed I assume )

The agency said existing provincial monitoring systems do not provide oversight for doctors and nurses who authorize medical marijuana.

“Despite the efforts that have been made, ( what efforts?) there is less information and fewer other resources about marihuana for medical purposes available to healthcare professionals than would typically be available for an approved prescription narcotic,” it said.

Health Canada has since doled out a handful of production licences and has received hundreds more applications from entrepreneurs looking to cash in on the industry, which the government believes could be worth $1.3 billion and grow from 40,000 to 400,000 users in the next decade.
Some interesting tidbits in there.......great post Leaffan, thanks for sharing.


Well-Known Member
This is definitely good news for those currently forced to buy from LP's come the court challenge. The courts have ruled patients must have 'reasonable access', but allowing the college of physicians to intimidate doctors into refusing to sign for cannabis and HC forcing LP's to report to them is aimed at the opposite. Health Canada and the Harptler goons have repeatedly been slapped by the SCoC for violating our charter rights, so they've passed the buck to the doctors' and their governing body. So now we have a bunch of unelected morons deciding if I should be able to use a plant rather than the opiates and SSRI's they want to feed me. This latest assault on the privacy and freedoms of mmj users will only help kill the mmpr in court in February. If you can't grow yourself, buy BM. Better quality, lower cost meds from someone you know. Should you find yourself the victim of a over-zealous cop you simply have to prove a medical need and the judge will throw it out. Fuck the doctors and fuck health canada

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
This is definitely good news for those currently forced to buy from LP's come the court challenge. The courts have ruled patients must have 'reasonable access', but allowing the college of physicians to intimidate doctors into refusing to sign for cannabis and HC forcing LP's to report to them is aimed at the opposite. Health Canada and the Harptler goons have repeatedly been slapped by the SCoC for violating our charter rights, so they've passed the buck to the doctors' and their governing body. So now we have a bunch of unelected morons deciding if I should be able to use a plant rather than the opiates and SSRI's they want to feed me. This latest assault on the privacy and freedoms of mmj users will only help kill the mmpr in court in February. If you can't grow yourself, buy BM. Better quality, lower cost meds from someone you know. Should you find yourself the victim of a over-zealous cop you simply have to prove a medical need and the judge will throw it out. Fuck the doctors and fuck health canada
Yes ...Yes...Yes....Yes....well said


Active Member
which the government believes could be worth $1.3 billion and grow from 40,000 to 400,000 users in the next decade.

LMFAO................that is supposed to ROFL these guys are jokers


Well-Known Member
There will be a consultation period for the proposed amendments before they become law. Health Canada said it has had initial consultations with a select group of licensed producers who have indicated “they would regard this as a positive opportunity.” ( Bedrocan and Cannimed I assume )

I would say Peace Naturals.
Curious why you guess PNP?
This tactic wreaks of Bedrocan and Cannimed's stinky influence. These two LPs have always objected to clinics and skype docs. They also have some political pull.


Well-Known Member
Curious why you guess PNP?
This tactic wreaks of Bedrocan and Cannimed's stinky influence. These two LPs have always objected to clinics and skype docs. They also have some political pull.
The funny thing is, I just signed up with Bedrocan, and they know the doc I got my script from and he is totally down with a clinic and yet they were very happy to sign me up. Only problem is I got my script 2 weeks ago and still have no Meds. SMH this new system is so bogus, we need JT to give legalization, I want a system like Denver, home grows, dispensaries, the whole works.


Well-Known Member
It WILLL definitely be interesting to say the least.
I get a good feeling about what will happen when all these issue get brought up in court. The judge is going to stop each side in their tracks and FORCE THEM to make an agreement that will work for both sides.
We know what patients want and LP's know what they want. I am 100% confidant that the TWO can find a compromise.
Then let the others(law/Government) deal with the fall out.

End of story.


Well-Known Member
I heard a rumour it will be a jury?
Where did you hear this? Are federal constitutional challenges even heard by a jury? Not that it matters anyway since whatever the outcome one side is going to appeal leaving the ultimate decision to the supreme court.


Well-Known Member
From a CC owner who has lots of I said it's just a rumour.
I agree, appealed after decision then off to the supreme court.


Active Member
From a CC owner who has lots of I said it's just a rumour.
I agree, appealed after decision then off to the supreme court.
The trial is about right to grow. Doubt they will mention anything about these new hc amendments. It has nothing to do with the trial.


Well-Known Member me a conspiracy theorist...I think that Big Pharma has a lot of influence over the Colleges. The medical marijuana industry is small fry compared to Big Pharma.

So I don't think they want to allow docs to sign, but, they aren't stupid and know that the courts have said that it has to be available for us. I see them continuing to make it difficult for doctors, patients, and especially clinics and skype docs.
The Colleges want the family physicians to do the signing only, and will make them feel very intimidated every time they do. They will try and comply just enough to not have the courts up their ass.

This last stunt shows what these Colleges are all about. Punks who get Health Canada to do their dirty work. Holier than thou hypocrites.

The crazy thing is...the Colleges are established to serve the people. To help the patients. To protect us....HYPOCRITES.

I think Bedrocan and Cannimed have the most influence with the Colleges and Health Canada.
I really don't think Tweed gives a shit. I'm sure Tilray does though.

I think the amendments will go through, and will be challenged in court.


Well-Known Member
Less than 10% of doctors would sign MMAR forms and all those forms asked for was verification of a category 1 or 2 medical condition, they weren't prescriptions ("medical documents"). Doctors do not want to be the gatekeepers, they never have. With these amendments I think we will see the number of doctors willing to sign any kind of MMJ form plummet even more. If even 5% are willing to sign after this I'll be shocked, I'm thinking it'll be more like 1-2%. HC's idea of "reasonable access" isn't reasonable at all so yes it will be challenged in court eventually. HC loves to waste tax payer money in court.