Help fast please!!! Plant dying **photos**

These are photos of two of my plants. It's day 20 from germination. I transplanted them to larger containers two days ago and this one has fallen over with light green splotches all over. I need to save it but want to make the right choices. What should I do? Growing in rockwool. Watered with 600ppm solution and had treated rockwool with 5.5 ph adjusted water. Whats this look like. What should I do. Need to do it soon. Note, the room has been 77 constantly but now using two 600w lights and its been around 81F. Don't think that would be it but not sure.



Well-Known Member
its not the heat. looks like transplant shock. or pretty bad underwatering. at least for the drooping. the light spots im no sure about, kinda looks like somethings been munching on it to me.
Wow yeah. I figured it was probably underwatering. Growing in 25 gallon containers I thought they would hold what they had longer than they did. I pushed my hand down the sides and it was really dry all the way to the bottom. After two hours of a really good watering its almost back to normal. I'm assuming the light green spots are just some side effect of the stress they went through being so dehydrated. Everything looks good now. My battery died but soon as its charged I will post after pics so you can see how fast it perked up. It's an indoor grow and i'm pretty sure there are no insects having their way with them. Thanks for your reply.