help what should i do

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
dont mist, or anything, just keep the temp moderate (70- 75 degrees or so) and dont do anything that will put more humidity in the air, so keep the hanging laundry, humidifiers, misting fan coolers, and people who spit when they talk well away from her.

she needs cool dry air and a chance to grow.

dont forget to put dried crumbled eggs shells on the surface of her dirt in case a few slug eggs stowed away.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
why dont you shoot us a few more picture so we can see how she is doing?

you know we like to see pictures of cannabis plants right?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
1 big one will need more than that, or 2 small ones will veg nicely under that. 130 actual watts of CFL? make sure its REAL watts not the "incandescent equivalent". if your light is a real 130 watt cfl, it will be a big ass mofo, and it will illuminate about 2 sqaure feet of plant canopy adequately for vegetative growth.

im currently running about 200 real watts of CFL in my 40x40 vegetative room. I need a little more light though.


Active Member
I got 1 2 foot. 30 Watt blue light says grow light and 1 68 Watt cfl equivalent to 300 Watts and 1 24 Watt equivalent to 100 wats on the naked lady right now its 2 inch from top of her

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
you got 122 watts. of cfl brougham, the incandescent equivalent nonsense doesnt mean diddly, they make the numbers up so we always go by the actual wattage.

CFLs are about 20% less efficient than a metal halide and 22% less efficient than a HPS light. so 122 watts - 20% = about 98 watts of metal halide (check my math playboys, im a plowboy not an engineer). if you keep the lights real close 2-3 inches or so from the top growing tip you can grow her ok, but when she is sick like this, keep the light about 4-6 inches away so she basks in an even glow.

when you get down to flowering you will need more lights. probably about double what you got goin on now.


Active Member
Fuck its already to hot in there due to.light it's 85-90 degrees when lights on how much more need to flower

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
how big is the room you have your plant in? if its a closet, use that window fan you have there to blow in with one side, and suck out with the other, and place it higher in the room, right in the door.

if its a big room, like a bedroom, put the fan in a window, and use the fan to do the same (but this is even better)

at 85 degrees you need to get that temp down and the humidity as well. Ventilate the area. my growspace is real small, and ventilated to outside air with 1 small 12 volt PC case fan blowing out, up high to vent the heat, and one sucking in down low to draw in cool air.

my room maintains a fairly constant 80 degrees daytime, and 70 degrees nighttime and despite being a garden shed in the california sun.


Well-Known Member
ahhhh slugs !!!

I know my mom have problems with them in her garden (thanks God I grow indoor)

actually I didn't know they liked marijuana plant ? did you notice if they had small red, yellow and green hats on ?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Its in a cabnet 20 inch deep 18 inch wide 5 foot tall
well, you nede to ventilate your plant. can you put her in a room with a window, a large closet or someplace like your living room or breakfast nook? if you crowd her into a cabinet, in her wet and weakened state she might start to mould, or even damp off.

You do not want her to suffer from damping off. it's not as funny as it sounds. basically your plant falls over right were the main stem meets the ground. PLOP. no more plant. get her to someplace dry and cool, but not cold, under those lights, with 4-6 inches between lights and leaves.

There is no easy way out of this. if you intend on having her in a cabinet, youre gonna need to put at least 2 holes about 5-6 inches across, in the cabinet so she can breathe.

Put 1 hole near the top, with a PC fan blowing out, to the room, and one near the bottom on the opposite side, sucking in, to provide cool fresh air.

if you just put her into a cupboard, she will be dead in a few days.


Active Member
She and 2 other grew up on cabnet they went outside for 3 days and slugs only attacked that 1 ohmmeter dunno what I can do can't really cut holes that will.make the.old lady pissed as better off baking dirt LOL real talk Dino what to do

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
She and 2 other grew up on cabnet they went outside for 3 days and slugs only attacked that 1 ohmmeter dunno what I can do can't really cut holes that will.make the.old lady pissed as better off baking dirt LOL real talk Dino what to do
cabinet growing is for stealthy growing. if your old lady knows you grows, then put em in a place of pride! If she doesnt know, tell her how it's gonna be. perhaps something like this:

You: OY! Woman of the house! These here cannabis plants need to reside inside for now. Make some room in the closet, or im using the living room!

She: The hell you say! There's abvso9lutely no way im....

You: Shaddap! Here's how it's gonna be! These plants are comin inside, or you're goin OUTSIDE!

Six hours later....

You: ...And thats the last thing i remember Doc. I just woke up in the emergency room.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I could put her outside get the 13 inch 1 out there and flower see if it male or female lol
if you put that poor injured plant out there in the damp and cold with all those slugs still lurking, you will be a murderer!

If it's stopped raining you can do it though. quick tip, put the pot up on something, a stone, table a chair etc, and make a ring of table salt around the pot (outside the planter, never put salt in your dirt!) slugs and snails wont cross the line.