help with medium

Hello all

I am about to do a grow in a PC box.

Where I am, there is not much access to soils and ferts. all I can get access to are:
  1. coco peat
  2. a NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer called Suphala . They also have 20:20:20
  3. Urea 46:0:0, Diammonium Phosphate 18-46-0, Muriate of Potash 0:0:20
  4. vermicompost
There is no perlite/vermiculite.
For a grow medium, I am thinking of mixing:
25% coco peat, 25% Suphala 15:15:15, 25% vermicompost and 25% thermocol granules.

Does this make any sense? Any advice is greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I would advise not to do this. Your mix will not be ph balanced unless you add dolomite lime to the peat. It is very acidic. It would be easier to buy a bag of potting soil. The ferts will work but are not the best options. try organic. what are thermocol granules?