Help with proper installation of duct through ceiling


Active Member
If I want run duct through a ceiling, in order to get to an attic vent, what is the correct way to do this.

I've seen lots of metal parts in the HVAC aisle at the Home Depot but I can't get the right combination.

Does anyone know the right sequence of parts for this airflow diagram....

light > fan > duct > ? > ceiling > ? > duct > attic vent

what goes in the question marks?


Active Member
Thanks a million. I tried starter collars, which are like the first link you provided. They work great for making a place to hook duct to one side. However, I need to hook duct to both sides of the drywall and have had a really hard time getting a second collar to insert into the first one.

So, this is what I've tried.

light > fan > duct > starter collar > drywall ceiling > starter collar > duct > exhaust vent.

It's the second collar that's giving me trouble. But, your second link has snap in collars that look like they might work. Home Depot doesn't carry them AFAIK so I'd not seen them.

This is probably a stupid concern but I'm kind of anal about my work and want the connections to look good as well as be functional.

Thanks again for the links.

If anyone else does something different I'd love to hear about it.