How about we help?


Well-Known Member
Well my opinion is a forum is a place for questions and answers. This place has a very dynamic membership. Talents range from beginner to master growers and everything in between. There are new growing methods discovered everyday. When even the most basic questions can't be answered then it should stop being a forum and just become a web site.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I the GROWFAQ...but....there is nothing like advice from a person who has done it before or seen it before...we all started somewhere and sometimes you just need to hear that you are doin it right or doin it wrong...but I will say this...if you have a question to ask...them post a few pics so we can all evaluate the situation. Either way....I am just here to help...lets all follow the golden rule...someday you will have a question too....and to may not seem dumb. DON"T HATE....EDUCATE!:peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
Well my opinion is a forum is a place for questions and answers. This place has a very dynamic membership. Talents range from beginner to master growers and everything in between. There are new growing methods discovered everyday. When even the most basic questions can't be answered then it should stop being a forum and just become a web site.:peace:
basic questions are already answered in the grow faq. thats why its called a F.A.Q.

U play any video games???

do U learn how to beat a new level by talking to someone who has already beaten the level??? or by reading the GameFaq and attempting to beat the level yourself???

and once U get past that level and come to a new challenge, do U talk to someone for help about it?? or do U try to use the same knowledge you have from the previous level, to beat the new level???


Well-Known Member
basic questions are already answered in the grow faq. thats why its called a F.A.Q.

U play any video games???

do U learn how to beat a new level by talking to someone who has already beaten the level??? or by reading the GameFaq and attempting to beat the level yourself???

and once U get past that level and come to a new challenge, do U talk to someone for help about it?? or do U try to use the same knowledge you have from the previous level, to beat the new level???
Wow! it's almost as if you want people to fail on their first shot at growing pot. Give some people some help and maybe some day down the road they will have some new tips for you. why would you want someone to learn how to grow pot though trial and error just because you did it that way? The way I see it.....growing pot is supposed to be something we all ENJOY doing. If you don't like a persons question then move's real simple people. and yes...I have asked questions to beat levels and even used walkthroughs....but I can grow a mad fuckin plant all by myself.'s still nice to have some help sometimes ya know...two heads are better than one. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Wow! it's almost as if you want people to fail on their first shot at growing pot. Give some people some help and maybe some day down the road they will have some new tips for you. why would you want someone to learn how to grow pot though trial and error just because you did it that way? The way I see it.....growing pot is supposed to be something we all ENJOY doing. If you don't like a persons question then move's real simple people. and yes...I have asked questions to beat levels and even used walkthroughs....but I can grow a mad fuckin plant all by myself.'s still nice to have some help sometimes ya know...two heads are better than one. :mrgreen:
thats why we have a grow FaQ. and yes, ppl need to learn thru trial and error. thats how we get good at anything. think about it. without the persistence to continue after a failure or temporary defeat, we wouldnt keep getting up and trying again till we eventually got better.
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Well-Known Member
thats why we have a grow FaQ. and yes, ppl need to learn thru trial and error. thats how we get good at anything. think about it. without the persistence to continue after a failure or temporary defeat, we wouldnt keep getting up and trying again till we eventually got better.
I am in no way trying to start any kind of fight but I have to ask you this....if you feel that we should learn through trial and error, then why do we have schools and colleges? If you learned how to do your job through trial and error wouldn't you be fired?....isn't that why there is training with a person and not JUST a manual? Maybe I am confused but I think if I learned how to do my job through trial and error I would have no business. Just a thought. and yes people should want to read the growfaq....and they should. im not talking about that....there are just a lot of useless dickheaded remarks on a lot of posts. that's all. we should all just have a good time cause reading a stupid question is still better than being at work.


Well-Known Member
I am in no way trying to start any kind of fight but I have to ask you this....if you feel that we should learn through trial and error, then why do we have schools and colleges? If you learned how to do your job through trial and error wouldn't you be fired?....isn't that why there is training with a person and not JUST a manual? Maybe I am confused but I think if I learned how to do my job through trial and error I would have no business. Just a thought. and yes people should want to read the growfaq....and they should. im not talking about that....there are just a lot of useless dickheaded remarks on a lot of posts. that's all. we should all just have a good time cause reading a stupid question is still better than being at work.
this is a horrible comparison/arguement. you cant compare going to college and working to growing marijuana. but since you did the answer is yes you do go to college and learn through trial and error its called FAILING or PASSING your classes. you learn why you failed and you have to take the ccourse again and try harder to pass. at work its called the difference between a raise and getting fired. if you get fired you learn from your mistakes and you find another job where if you arent an idiot you dont repeat the same mistakes again. but now its just off topic from the point of this post.

marijuana is trial and error. he isnt wrong about that. this is a forum so no one is physically there to hold each others hand while they try and grow their pot. and no one is saying that they wont answer questions, but questions that are laid out in the FAQ already like "hey dudes, what kind of light do i use to grow marijuana? cause ive been using christmas lights and its like dying and stuff." that just shows that the person has put no real effort into attempting to read/google information to learn how to grow.

if its an issue of clarifying a confusion or a real question that may not be answered than of course people help but come on everyone has to admit its really fucking annoying seeing "what seed bank do i order from" every few hours!!


in my opinion, most people are not here for a weed growing tutorial, that can be found in any bookstore or webpage online; rather they are here because the cultivation of cannabis is illegal, therefore, this is one of the few places one can talk about their grow without fear of the law. also, those damn faq's can get kinda confusing by yourself; think about it, we dont just throw our kids some books and say "now go learn" do we? some of the more repetitive questions do get pretty old though


Well-Known Member
in my opinion, most people are not here for a weed growing tutorial, that can be found in any bookstore or webpage online; rather they are here because the cultivation of cannabis is illegal, therefore, this is one of the few places one can talk about their grow without fear of the law. also, those damn faq's can get kinda confusing by yourself; think about it, we dont just throw our kids some books and say "now go learn" do we? some of the more repetitive questions do get pretty old though
yeah. my whole stance was just the repetitive posts. I always help if its a legitimate question or if the person has obviously read up but is still confused. I think we should certainly help if someone is confused about something. I know i have been confused about certain things in the past because of reading conflicting information. the biggest thing is people who join and make their first post... "how do i grow pot" or "what light do i use" those questions are pretty straight forward in the growFAQ.


do u guys want a noob like me help others? then everyone will have a screw up plant

a newbie grower? then no.. but knowledge of growing doesnt depend on a post count; so noob to the forum, but with valid input and legitimate knowledge of the subject; then yes by all means help others:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
a newbie grower? then no.. but knowledge of growing doesnt depend on a post count; so noob to the forum, but with valid input and legitimate knowledge of the subject; then yes by all means help others:blsmoke:
I don't know.. I'm new to growing weed, but I read VORACIOUSLY. I also have extensive knowledge of water and water quality as well as light and lighting. So, if I have a particular area of knowledge that is applicable, I offer that up.

What gets me are all the threads that say HELP! and that's it. Come on, man, give us an idea of what you need. Help us help you. :)


Well-Known Member
I don't know.. I'm new to growing weed, but I read VORACIOUSLY. I also have extensive knowledge of water and water quality as well as light and lighting. So, if I have a particular area of knowledge that is applicable, I offer that up.

What gets me are all the threads that say HELP! and that's it. Come on, man, give us an idea of what you need. Help us help you. :)
and pictures plz! :)