How about we help?


and pictures plz! :)

alot of times, in my case at least, my camera wont take a quality close up picture to be able to see what i am asking about; not worth the effort just to get a thread full of "need a better pic" or "get a better camera"


Well-Known Member
yeah. my whole stance was just the repetitive posts. I always help if its a legitimate question or if the person has obviously read up but is still confused. I think we should certainly help if someone is confused about something. I know i have been confused about certain things in the past because of reading conflicting information. the biggest thing is people who join and make their first post... "how do i grow pot" or "what light do i use" those questions are pretty straight forward in the growFAQ.

This is a good point. THe internet give anonimonity (though kinda false People can get another's IP from posts, so it seems.)

Reading the FAQ and never posting keeps the extra layer of security.

Posting a Q, without reading/searching is lazy.
OK, sometimes you need an answer NOW.
An yes, I have seen many a post (probably guilty myself) of a standard Q.

I do agree with add the link to the FAQ instead of just saying go find it.

This forum is free to read without joining. I searched and read a bunch before joining (I usually do hate filling out the applications)

I'm a noob, but have done ok. made mistakes and rather not see others make them. I'll help where I can (tech/elec is probably more my thing)

(BTW, I have a few unanswered posts : )


Well-Known Member
Id also like to know that the person had at least done some homework on their own, and tried to solve it themselves.

They expect to just come to class and get the answers? :roll::blsmoke:
I do not disagree, and I like that analogy.

And pictures please!


Well-Known Member
a newbie grower? then no.. but knowledge of growing doesnt depend on a post count; so noob to the forum, but with valid input and legitimate knowledge of the subject; then yes by all means help others:blsmoke:
ok....... i will ba mah ha ha ha mah ha ha... :twisted::fire::twisted::fire:
do u guy want to learn how to turn a male into a female?:evil: