How do you get fat and denser colas???


Active Member
Easy bro. Pinch your growth inhibitors (apical tips) in preflower with your fingers. this is a stressing tekneque. The stress you putt on the tips with 1 good pinch will send the energy to the top to rebiuld it, and the result is bigger buds in the end, it's a good old school strick. stressing tekneques are great for example water deprivation during the flowering period will make your plant go into survival mode and it will produce more oils/resins. then water again the plant has just gained more resins and spruced right back up. same with pinching except it effects the growth hormones. If you ever broke a stock and fixed it you'll see that where it broke is the strongest part of the plant when it fully recorrects itself.


Active Member
Hiya Uncle Ben - was just wondering if Bulb Boost (Espoma brand) is safe to topdress an indoor plant, until I can get out for more Schultz. Micro nutes (15) are listed on the bag and n-p-k is 4-10-6. I figure it can't hurt but thought I'd ask ya. The girls are flowering now for 2 weeks. And thanks for the great info on pinching the top. Folks I knew back in the 70's would talk of it, but I never bothered asking 'why, when and how' , since I never had an interest in growing.


Well-Known Member
True. The molecule is too large to pass the root epidermal gradient. IMO, molasses apps to soil is a waste of time and money. "Some say" it feeds the soil microbes. So does pissin' into your pot. :D

I'm surprised at your opinion, and not the slightest mention of the chelating benefits of molasses. Think that is a waste of time, too?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I'm surprised at your opinion, and not the slightest mention of the chelating benefits of molasses. Think that is a waste of time, too?
I think vendor ads are a waste of time. How about you? Point me in the direction of a bonafide scientific non-partisan study and I'll have a look.


ink the world

Well-Known Member
To the OP:

I dont think there is 1 magic bullet, its more of a combination of factors. Pot size, plant nourishment, lighting all play a part....Like UB said get to know your plants, I have a perpetual grow w/ a 2 strains that always stay in the grow and many that I try...each strain has different needs as far as feeding, watering etc...

Dont get caught up in all the mumbo jumbo, this is not rocket science. Keep it simple, learn what your plants want/need and tweak accordingly.


Well-Known Member
I think vendor ads are a waste of time. How about you? Point me in the direction of a bonafide scientific non-partisan study and I'll have a look.

This is from another site, and was first on the OverGrow website, along with further info on chelation.

...Molasses it turns out is a great source of that necessary Potassium. As we learned earlier, molasses also acts as a chelating agent and will help to make micronutrients in the Guano more easily available for our favorite herbs...

It goes into great detail for anyone interested in using molasses, or just learning the facts about it. It refers to beet and cane molasses, but I've read not to use beet molasses, but I can't remember why. One flaw from this article, IMHO.

I have other references to molasses and chelation, but I don't have time to dig. Should be easy to scare up, for anyone truly interested.



New Member
Co2 co2 co2. The key to perfection.. trust in science.. and of course lots of light and nutes and right temps........
I second this.... and a good feeding schedule. Do you use clearex? Or some bud booster? Good luck man! tatamama had it right.


Well-Known Member
does anyone think i would be able to get decent buds(potency+taste) with my setup(400w Sodium), for nutrients im using Ionic's Grow, Bloom & Boost. With my king kush plant i have it about 6-7 inches away from the bulb. Thanks
Pictures in sig;


i am very happy with my current harvest of blue mystic, bubba kush, northern light 5 and chocolope under two 90 watt ufo and 4 23watt cfl.

the bubba kush and chocolope are in 1 gal pot, the rest r in two gal smart pot.

the nugs are HUGE!!!!

i think i hit the spot this time with the nutrients =)

thx ya'll!