Hydro plants a bit sick.. Need Help!!

I have 3 plants in a home made grow box I built. Theyr on 18/6 lighting, around half strength grow nutes. 2 are clones about 6 weeks from sight of first roots, and the other is about 3 weeks from seed.

As you can see in the pictures, there are some leaves that are turning brown on the tips and yellowing spots on the leaves but i also found tiny white bugs on top of a few leaves. could this be whats making all my plants sick?

any feedback would be great :)


Well-Known Member
Your plants are starving for nutrients (mainly Nitrogen, it looks like). What type of nutes are you using, and at what pH level? I see you're on half strength. You may need to up the strength. And remember, when pH levels are too high or too low, certain nutes will be "locked out" and not absorbed by the plant.. I would recommend pH levels of 5.5 to 6.0. I hope you have a meter..

white bugs? well without a pic of them I can only guess that you have Spider Mites. You will need to get and ORGANIC bug spray at your local grow store. Make sure that is specifies that it will kill spider mites. Spray the tops and bottoms of ALL leaves. You will need to repeat this process a few times. I have seen good results with Bug Assassin. It's an organic bug spray. You also need to figure out how your grow box get infested in the first place. The mites are NOT the reason your plants are sickly.


is it DWC? could be Ph or to weak nutes. you should get a cheap meter if possible to check the ph and EC levels.


Well-Known Member
I've been looking at your pics some more... I'm now thinking that what ever nutes you're using, you're probably getting enough Nitrogen, even at half strength. These plants are starving for Phosphorous and Potassium... You need to up your nutes asap, and the yellowing should go away, replaced with new green growth... Good luck.

Thanks for all the feedback,
i decided im gonna up the nutes tonight and i bought a organic bug spray and have sprayed the leaves tops and bottoms.
yes its a DWC set up, yes i check my waters ph and i usually keep it at 5.8 i dont have a ppm meter though so i am kinda stuck with not knowing egzactly how much nutes i am giving them.
ill see how they look after this and ill post pics along the way :)
keep posting!