Idiot liberals say Iran is not dangerous, look at this

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Its all really stupid.

Sucks that we cant just say fuck the world and build a giant armored bubble around ourselves.


Well-Known Member
Idiot Liberals? How about dumb as fuck Republicans who have been spewing shit about how this is a bad deal, and not one fucker had read or reviewed it? NONE. What the fuck is that about? Please explain that, because I am an idiot liberal, and don't get it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Posting a picture is somehow worse than dropping bombs all over the world whenever it pleases, in the name of freedom from oppression and tyranny, while having the highest incarceration rate and number of prisoners in the world

Sure Iran is dangerous, most countries are, but they're pussy cats compared to some other ones ;)


Well-Known Member
In america and china, people dont get away with shit and get caught even if they're really innocent. Strict is an understatement sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Fuck Iran, the worst threat to peace is the Middle East is ISSIL and Israel, and maybe not in that order. In a way, Iran is doing Israel a favor by holding up ISSIL and Al Qaida in Syria. If is wasn't for Hezbollah and Iran, ISSIL would be up Israel' ass by now, so Israel had better hope Assad stays in power.
Israel has been fucking up the Middle East since they started high jacking land and murdering the indigenous population in 1948, and things don't look any brighter for the future. So, unless Israel changes it attitude towards the Palestinian situation, every country surrounding them is going to want them dead. And we are their defenders, which put's a big fat bulls eye on US citizens around the world. You know what was the 1st Arab/Muslim terrorist organization was? The Palestinian Liberation Army, or PLO for short. They invented the high jacking of airplanes and even ships. Why did they start blowing up shit? They simply hated Israel because of the abuse of the Palestinian people. You know what was the main reason that Bin Laden attacked the US? Palestine.
So, until Israel is reigned in, there is ALWAYS going to be the worry of Iran developing a bomb to match the one Israel has.That's why the Iranians hate our guts and want to blow the shit out of Israel, the Palestinians.
So, take one, if not the only one of reasons that Iran would like to incinerate Israel, off of the table, and actually establish a State of Palestine, instead of year after year after year of Israel talking shit, then the US, and actually the whole world could say are you fucking happy now to ALL the Arab nations in the Middle East, and I think they would say yes. That would be nice, wouldn't it? (never going to happen, as long as Republicans exist) Oh, well.
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Well-Known Member
Idiot Liberals? How about dumb as fuck Republicans who have been spewing shit about how this is a bad deal, and not one fucker had read or reviewed it? NONE. What the fuck is that about? Please explain that, because I am an idiot liberal, and don't get it.
AIPAC cash and hate of the black man who is president