I'm fucking heated!!!


Well-Known Member
I'd tell her that she's never welcome to stay at my place again..

When was it thrown out? It may still be in the garbage... or the dumpster outside. Shit, I'd be in the dumpster looking for that kush.
i would butit was in a container which she looks like she emptied it out so i'd pretty much end up smoking shit even if i found anything and since it's an apartment they use big 8 foot dumpsters and the local homeless guy is always in there, i'm not about to join him

she came in with her and left again she didn't say anything about it i'm still ready 2 throw her out


Well-Known Member
i couldn't i don't kno if her friend is a snitch cuz she told all her friends of my d-boy past so i dn want anyone 2 think that's what i do full time she needs 2 be alone


Well-Known Member
plain and simple, hide your weed properly.


It wouldn't ever happen to me because i know where to put my weed if someone comes around who i can't trust. ;)


Well-Known Member
You know what? I don't ascribe to that notion. That's like saying that people deserve to be ripped off because they were too trusting. Bullshit! Just because isn't suspicious of everyone and everything doesn't mean that they are at fault for someone else's actions. This is the guy's SISTER, man! That makes it the worst. She overstepped her bounds and needs to be educated, by the right person, as to where those boundaries lay.


Well-Known Member
You know what? I don't ascribe to that notion. That's like saying that people deserve to be ripped off because they were too trusting. Bullshit! Just because isn't suspicious of everyone and everything doesn't mean that they are at fault for someone else's actions. This is the guy's SISTER, man! That makes it the worst. She overstepped her bounds and needs to be educated, by the right person, as to where those boundaries lay.
Even though my Family knows I smoke it, hell my mum smokes it with me occasionally too!

They are fine with it.

That doesn't mean i'd leave it lying around!

Leaving it in the bathroom?
Where the whole family goes at least once a day?

Heck, if i lived with someone and they left weed in my bathroom i'd be annoyed as fuck. It's just not the right place to be putting your weed, is it, in all honesty?

If you lived at home would you leave Full beer Cans all over the place?
Hide them in the bathroom?

You'd put them away, in your room or in the fridge. The places people expect to find beer..

Just like you should with Cannabis.

If you live on your own, then you do what you like with your weed.

Just respect the fact that you are living under someone elses house and they can do what the fuck they want to your shit.

I'm not saying you deserved it dude, i'm just saying you should have put it away properly..

p.s. not causing an Argument, i'm just saying my p.o.v


Well-Known Member
jeez i got a sister and i dont think she would do that. if she did then she probably would have known to pack up her shit and get out before i told her to. but i doubt she would do anything. if it was anyone else they DEFINETLY would be paying for it but i guess since their fam making them leave would be bad enough.

why is everyone blaming him for someone taking his weed? i dont care what it is. if someone even moves sumthin in my place im flippin out. i hate my stuff bein messed with so i would hate sumthin to be thrown away. obviously whoever did it knew that they had no right messing with someone elses stuff but did it anyway and even in HIS place. whether or not this person who did it believes in weed or not it doesnt give them the right to STEAL or DESTROY someone elses property. what the hell is everyone talkin about?


Well-Known Member
jeez i got a sister and i dont think she would do that. if she did then she probably would have known to pack up her shit and get out before i told her to. but i doubt she would do anything. if it was anyone else they DEFINETLY would be paying for it but i guess since their fam making them leave would be bad enough.

why is everyone blaming him for someone taking his weed? i dont care what it is. if someone even moves sumthin in my place im flippin out. i hate my stuff bein messed with so i would hate sumthin to be thrown away. obviously whoever did it knew that they had no right messing with someone elses stuff but did it anyway and even in HIS place. whether or not this person who did it believes in weed or not it doesnt give them the right to STEAL or DESTROY someone elses property. what the hell is everyone talkin about?
If you saw a family member on Heroin, you wouldn't think about throwing there gear away?


Not even once?

Not even to try and help them?

That's how a lot of people think, If they throw it away, they are helping the person who it belongs to.

It was his fault in a way for not putting it away properly.


Active Member
she's gonna pull a Black Snake Moan on your ass.... you'll wake up with a big ass chain tied to your leg with your sister sayin that you can't leave until you give up the devils lettuce... hahaha... Not unless you chain her up first! Tell her to give you the weed or you'll call the hounds! :twisted: hahah
seriously though, that's fucked up, and i wouldn't let her live with me anymore


Well-Known Member
I am sorry for your loss of weed. You have a serious problem because someone who would throw away your stash might turn you in for your own good.

I go along with Arrid. Baby sis drank the Kool Aid and there is no reasoning with a Kool Aid drinker. At the end of the day, WE must remember that in society's view, WE are in the wrong and they have the law to back them up in that assertion.

Protect yourself in the future. Do not ever, EVER, leave her in a position where she can do this again. The fact that she is your sister is relevant because she did it to save your life (in her Kool Aid-addled mind.)

Best of luck to you.


Active Member
my mother-in-law lives with my wife and i. one night after fishing until midnight, i go to my rolling room. i open the drawer and bam right in the heart, my weed was gone. a good 1/2 oz gone. rolling machine, my hog leg rolling papers, my grinder, well every thing. i throw a fit. everyone and i mean everyone i know knows i smoke (alot). after about 3 days i'm checking on my lovely lades and giving them some water. holly shit their it was. everything laying behind my mother plant. i know it was my mother-in-law but she still will not admit it. As of right know shes moving out. today is her 30th day. someone had to go. either her or me and she choose me c u later bitttttttttch


Well-Known Member
Stain, my father-in-law hit my husband's tobacco (the man will walk around picking up crushed butts off the street to get his fucking tobacco fix) and OH MAN! All hell broke loose! :lol: But, he cannot care for himself, so he stays as long as he is ambulatory (able to walk around).
Even though my Family knows I smoke it, hell my mum smokes it with me occasionally too!

They are fine with it.

That doesn't mean i'd leave it lying around!

Leaving it in the bathroom?
Where the whole family goes at least once a day?
Yeah, what? If it's his home, should he not be able to leave it wherever he likes, though?
Heck, if i lived with someone and they left weed in my bathroom i'd be annoyed as fuck. It's just not the right place to be putting your weed, is it, in all honesty?
With all due respect, that's only your call when it's your home. It's not appealing to you, but it's not your home nor your living situation. The man has a right to store things as he sees fit, as suits him.
If you lived at home would you leave Full beer Cans all over the place?
Hide them in the bathroom?

Huh? I do live at home. My home. :? If I don't finish the beer (the occasional beer, I am a real lightweight and a cheap date :lol: ) then my father-in-law (who lives with us) will dump it into the jug where we put the leftover beer for my girls and take the bottle or can downstairs for his recycling.
You'd put them away, in your room or in the fridge. The places people expect to find beer..

Just like you should with Cannabis.
Ok.. so you've got rules for acceptable places for your stash. But, they're your rules, for you, for your home. Why should anyone else have to mind your rules in their home?
If you live on your own, then you do what you like with your weed.
Just respect the fact that you are living under someone elses house and they can do what the fuck they want to your shit.
Maybe I missed it, but.. I thought this guy has his own space. And if I recollect his sister is visiting him. That implies to me a few things. First, she doesn't live there. That makes her a guest. That means that guests have a certain code of behavior or ethics, and THAT means that you don't fuck with your host's shit, no matter what it is.

Second, as his guest, she was violating his generosity, abusing it. She seriously overstepped her bounds, which is something I'm a little sensitive to because I've got me a little sister who has the same tendencies (not to mention, she's an AWFUL guest!). She's one of the main reasons why we are, for the first time in five years, having Thanksgiving here at our home instead of traveling to my folks' place for the holiday.
I'm not saying you deserved it dude, i'm just saying you should have put it away properly..

p.s. not causing an Argument, i'm just saying my p.o.v
Same here. :D I just disagree with your stance, but that may be because I'm probably old enough to be your mother and live in my own home.

By the way, if I find things like alcohol in my son's room (like when I go looking for dirty dishes), I don't touch it. He knows the deal and our family rules, which are that if he's going to drink he had better do it HERE where we can keep an eye on his silly ass.

Either way, I vehemently disagree with the notion that the person who's been ripped off is at fault here. I just do.


Well-Known Member
Stain, my father-in-law hit my husband's tobacco (the man will walk around picking up crushed butts off the street to get his fucking tobacco fix) and OH MAN! All hell broke loose! :lol: But, he cannot care for himself, so he stays as long as he is ambulatory (able to walk around).Yeah, what? If it's his home, should he not be able to leave it wherever he likes, though?With all due respect, that's only your call when it's your home. It's not appealing to you, but it's not your home nor your living situation. The man has a right to store things as he sees fit, as suits him.Huh? I do live at home. My home. :? If I don't finish the beer (the occasional beer, I am a real lightweight and a cheap date :lol: ) then my father-in-law (who lives with us) will dump it into the jug where we put the leftover beer for my girls and take the bottle or can downstairs for his recycling.
Ok.. so you've got rules for acceptable places for your stash. But, they're your rules, for you, for your home. Why should anyone else have to mind your rules in their home?HELLO! :D
Maybe I missed it, but.. I thought this guy has his own space. And if I recollect his sister is visiting him. That implies to me a few things. First, she doesn't live there. That makes her a guest. That means that guests have a certain code of behavior or ethics, and THAT means that you don't fuck with your host's shit, no matter what it is.

Second, as his guest, she was violating his generosity, abusing it. She seriously overstepped her bounds, which is something I'm a little sensitive to because I've got me a little sister who has the same tendencies (not to mention, she's an AWFUL guest!). She's one of the main reasons why we are, for the first time in five years, having Thanksgiving here at our home instead of traveling to my folks' place for the holiday.

Same here. :D I just disagree with your stance, but that may be because I'm probably old enough to be your mother and live in my own home.

By the way, if I find things like alcohol in my son's room (like when I go looking for dirty dishes), I don't touch it. He knows the deal and our family rules, which are that if he's going to drink he had better do it HERE where we can keep an eye on his silly ass.

Either way, I vehemently disagree with the notion that the person who's been ripped off is at fault here. I just do.


Well-Known Member
If the place belongs to him ... his sister shouldn't touch shit. However, if the place is owned by the family he shouldn't use the bathroom(which is communal) as a hiding spot for his stash.

It sucks that you lost your weed man, if it's your pad she owes it to you. If it's family owned you need to hide that shit in YOUR room.

I see both Arrid and Sea's pov but it really depends on the situation.



Well-Known Member
yea dude it was his place...she was just staying there for a visit. if i had my own place i would put my weed anywhere i want. leave it right out on the kitchen counter, dining room table, living room coffee table, on the sink in the bathroom...wherever the hell i damn well please. if i had a guest come to MY home and get rid of MY weed, whether i left it out in the open is beside the point. its MY place. you're a guest. leave my shit alone...or i'll fuck your shit up! :D lol its not his fault for not hiding his stash. its her fault for being disrespectful of his home and his belongings.


Well-Known Member
yea dude it was his place...she was just staying there for a visit. if i had my own place i would put my weed anywhere i want. leave it right out on the kitchen counter, dining room table, living room coffee table, on the sink in the bathroom...wherever the hell i damn well please. if i had a guest come to MY home and get rid of MY weed, whether i left it out in the open is beside the point. its MY place. you're a guest. leave my shit alone...or i'll fuck your shit up! :D lol its not his fault for not hiding his stash. its her fault for being disrespectful of his home and his belongings.
Exactly. She probably thinks she can get away with it because pot is currently illegal... and if he says anything to her about it, he'll get the "pothead" speech. "You're a pothead" - "its illegal" - "this is why you can't get a good job" - "grow up and get your priorities in order".

Thats when I'd point at the door and say "bye bye"... and I'd follow it up with "don't ask me to stay at my place until you're ready to respect ALL of my belongings".