i'm making some cake


Well-Known Member
damn ive got no fucking pins yet, ive defintely done something completely wrong i dnno, i fruited them last wednesday....


Well-Known Member
18 grams WET off my first cake. i am taking spore prints. i am letting the others go a little longer. i'm pretty sure these are the Hawaiians.

i have been reading up on "dunking and rolling". i'm gonna try this on my second flushes.


hahaha 18 grams wet??? lmao wow thats gonna dry to half 1/8 lol. :eyesmoke: you should always dunk and roll it makes for a better pinset. you can also scratch you cakes mildly with a fork it also helps with better pinning though i dont know why. i usually average about 70 wet grams per half pint pf cake when i grew with cakes


also a good dose for a guy like you would be 30-35 wet grams. eat them fresh and they kick in in like a half hour or less.


Well-Known Member
It's the guys first time growing mushrooms, hes doing it purely for the experience of growing them. Why come to his journal and laugh at the yield he got from his first cake, first run?
Kinda a dick move, if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
why you gotsta laugh? kind of a DICK move. but you always have been a DICK to me, haven't you?

my FIRST cake ever.

what an asshole.

why do you even post in my threads? i hate you. :finger:

hahahhahahahahahha, i really don't care. about ANY of it. i just sold a bunch of glass to a shop so i'm on my own kinda high right now. :wink: :eyesmoke: :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
funny we both called him a dick at the same time. i didn't see the post above mine until i posted.

i still don't care. bongsmilie


lol fdd you hate me huh? its all gravey you know your my idol:lol::lol::lol::lol:.:finger:

anyway man next time just dunk and roll people do it for a reason. and im not a dick im just ah.... misunderstood. lol good luck to you and your advantures man. btw my first pf cakes yielded 5 grams and up. why??? because i dunked and rolled. it makes for more prolific pinning.

also next time throw a little spent coffe grinds into your cakes, there loaded with good stuff shrooms love.


^^ that made me laugh my ass off.... "i hate you":lol::lol::lol:....

I say congratulations!! I know a guy that grew the same strains, and couldnt even get pins ;)


Well-Known Member
i think when people tell people what to do when no help was ever asked for only do it to boost their own egos. why else would they feel the need to "help" someone who doesn't seek help?

i was following a "specific tutorial". everyone reading the thread knows this. :cool:

well, almost everyone. :dunce:

i have harvested 1 of 12 cakes as soon as the veils opened. simply because I WANTED TO. the others are twice as big already and still growing. :)
My thought was that you are just doing it to do it and aren't interested in all the different methods etc etc. Then the comments on how 'poor' you did were somewhat of a buzzkill.... IDK Just my thought.


Well-Known Member
i have harvested the first 4 that went in together. i don't have a dry weight yet. i have rinsed off all the loose stuff and am dunking them for the day. then i'm gonna roll them in vermiculite and put them back in the chamber.

my perlite is feeling somewhat dry so i am lightly misting the 2 other cakes in this chamber. i can see how the mushrooms grow where the moisture is. i AM learning a lot.

i have 6 other cakes in the second chamber. i put these in with the dry side up and am lightly misting these as well.

sucks not being able to post pics. now i know how half the forum feels. :(