i'm making some cake

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
go grow , i want to take the press cooker and prep the chiken gizards before they get fried ...oops sory its the south slipping out


go grow , i want to take the press cooker and prep the chiken gizards before they get fried ...oops sory its the south slipping out

you gonna get me in trouble :).... I did think about using it for my deer roast this week though.....

so fdd...... how'd the prints come out? and did you eat your 1/2 gram????

(i'll try to at least post on topic when i post off topic ;) )


the prints were "vague".

i have not eaten any.

dont blame you for not eating any :).... alas another question.... did you make a syringe with the print (or prints, i dunno) that you had??? if so, did you just make one dark fucker, or opt to take the more "conventional" route and make a few out of it??