impress me for free glass

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Well-Known Member
Would you be impressed if you saw photos of a giant Crocodile being captured, killed, dissected and found to have a young boy in its stomach?

FLick the Bick put it to the bowl.
Light the green but don't light it all.
Everyone likes a green hit but ill take a burnt one too.
So long as the smoke gets back to me from you.
Inhale exhale cough a little. why?
Everyone knows it makes you more high!
Smoke in the lungs and getting that red eye.
But it doesnt matter because im flying high.
Smoke rises up and thats where im at.
Smokes fills our lungs you can bet on that.
WHy we do it some just dont get it.
but at rollitup we just like to get lit.
so light one up and pass the smoke around.
enjoy the high and smoke safe and sound.
Just made that one up. Heres another one i made while i was stoned and eating soup. As you can probably guess its called soup.

I Lay in bed all day thinking about the future. Move out to the couch but still not too sure. Do i want to be happy, sad, lonely, or rich. Why can't i think straight lifes such a bitch. And i look into the hourglass and i still got lots of sand. but time moves so quickly even this i understaaaannnd. Welll i stumble to the kitchen cause all i taste is the night before. Open up the fridge, looks like im going to the store. Looking desperately around trying to avoid such a trip i pick up the oj and take a couple sips. Pull out the ramen noodles i can always count on you. New england clam chowder , chicken noodle soup. Wonder what its like to sit there in a can have no feelings at all only got a plan. Waiting for someone to pick you up and pour you in a pot. Heat you up and eat you up and hopefully throw the can in the recycling binnnn. Well soups come in many flavors and many shades. Yellow, green, brown, red, white and orange. Beans, veggies, meats, and seasonings all complete the equation. Eat em hot eat em cold its never a celebration. Eat it now eat it later eat it when you want the flavor. It's always there awaiting consumption so don't be scared it has one function. TO fill you up. Sitting on the grocery store shelf it has not thought, no image of self. WOnder what its like to sit there in that can its the same story in every nation. Cans SItting. waiting patiently, till their expiration.


Active Member
ahahahaha just kidding :)

There once was a man from Canntucket
who kept all of his weed in a jar
he had a brother named bob who stole it all end of story :(
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