Infared Blocking


Active Member
'Erroneously stating that thermal imaging was a technology not available to the general public, and concerned that some unknown future technology might make it possible to see the intimate details of private life within the confines of a home's four walls, the Supreme Court banned a current technology that does not reveal the intimate details within a home.
Catch that? Yep, worried about something that does not yet exist that could see into a home, the justices decided to restrict a technology that does exist but does not see into a home. So, courtesy of Kyllo v. U.S., police officers must now obtain a search warrant prior to performing a thermal scan of a private dwelling."

HA HA Little piggy is irritated that he can't go sniffing around people's private lives. Imagine that, you're not allowed to go around using technology to look into people's homes.

These guys love to say shit like "If you're not doing anything wrong, why worry?" The thing they don't realize is there is no seperation between having power and using power. Just as you cannot distiguish lightning from the lightning bolt, you cannot seperate pocession of power from use of power.

Then one day someone they don't like comes into power. The laws of what's right and wrong are changed, and all of the sudden they realize they have given away all their rights.

Best to retain any rights you have, and whenever possible, tell the government "We don't need you. Go away"


Well-Known Member
There is no way to "block" infrared. Infrared cameras will show temperatures variations on outside surfaces, ie. they can tell how hot the outside walls of your house are. Obvious signs of a grow op could be things like a very hot garage or a single wall of a house being much, much hotter than the rest of the house or neighboring houses. An 80 degree attic at night would be very suspicious indeed. Of course the heat must get out somewhere, there is NO way around that. The best thing you can do is work to distribute the heat evenly thoughout the property. Don't vent high temp, concentrated exhaust in suspicious places like windows, instead use a dryer vent, or even a chimney (as long as its not Texas in the summertime!) Use exhausted air to heat your house if possible. Use large spaces as mixing chambers. For example, exhaust into a second large room that has a couple of windows that are always open, a garage, or even a crawl space under a house. Just don't allow concentrated heat to show itself in the form of suspicious exhaust and/or exterior walls.

But if LEO is using thermal imaging on your house he is suspicious and you have already fucked up somewhere. Best to not let it get that far in the first place.
The only effective way to use infrared anti detection foil is to line the ceiling and 4 surrounding walls and cover up seams with foil tape. Floors are not neccasary. Unless you are willing to invest in this and do everything properly, your only using it as a reflective material, not for its purpose. Quite expensive so if your going to do it as I did, invest and do it right. Jorge Cervantes and other how to vids have discussed this.


I have read alot of the posts so far on these forums concerning this issue and the one thing i consistently notice is there is always alot of posts stating people are being paranoid etc.... Now i know if you dont have enough lamps etc then it wont be worth covering up etc.. but my main question to the people who keep stating that cops need search warrants and blah blah is this: Do you personally know any cops? Think hard now, how many of your high school buddies that were unbelievable idiots became cops? OR How many cops do you really think WOULDNT scan your house for fun on the flight back to land the helicopter?
Scenario: 2 cops leave in a helicopter for whatever reason (chase a car). Cop#1 says hey man now that were done with our work lets see who is growing or scan these houses on the way back. I mean sure we cant really do much but isnt ur buddy john in narcotics? Shit im sure he would love an "anonymous tip". A precinct works just like every other business in the world and they have budgets and need to bring money in. I have known cops who would get drunk and then go out and give DUI's as a power trip. Wake up people, its a messed up world we live in so dont ever think you dont need to cover every angle. Cops are just like u and me and i know damn well that human nature says if people can get away with it then they will do it.
Next thing you know u have some car watching your house waiting for any excuse to come in. Crazy? not as much as you would think


Just wanted to be clear that im not generalizing that all cops are not smart in my last post. Theres just as many smart ones as well i was just giving an example....