Iris and Sadie


Well-Known Member
"Dude, you should so come out for a ride." The mountains and passes should be clear til sometime next month for sure. Did I tell you where we are? I still need to work up the balls to ride in the rain, though. My husband did it all last year, I only rode a wet road once and felt my rear wheel slip out to the right as I was making a left turn. Nothing happened, but it gave me the willies!


New Member
I'm not a big fan of riding in rain. I've done it, I'll do it if I have to but I don't like it. It makes me feel like I'm clenching my ass so hard that it suctions me to the road.

What state are you in? I'm in IL where everything looks like a steamroller flattened it right out. You can literally see 10 miles down the road. Flat and straight and boring...


Well-Known Member
I'm in California's Sierra Nevada, a little over an hour south of Lake Tahoe. We live pretty close to a California Scenic Highway, too. On one hand, it's great living in a place where everyone else wants to COME to ride/ride to. On the other hand, though, it's a pain in the ass, largely due to two types of riders; the first and most common one being the inexperienced rider who goes out and buys the BIGGEST Harley he can find, then plops his wife/girlfriend/lover on the back in a tank top and a brain bucket, then proceeds to "fail to navigate the curve". Every fucking weekend. The second most common pain-in-the-ass-rider is the guy on the sportbike/crotchrocket, who doesn't have the experience, doesn't know the roads, or damn it, just failed to navigate the curve! Now, I don't know how you fail to navigate a curve, but if it were me, it'd be because I was going waa-aaay too fast.

This is a problem because, despite being in California, we're a poor county. There is one hospital in the entire county, and it doesn't have a trauma center. So, people who get into trouble beyond the "half-hour from the hospital" mark have to be life-flighted, those who are far enough upcountry go to Nevada. If their insurance doesn't cover the whole cost, guess who bears the brunt. That along with a very large elderly population, on fixed income, and our lack of industry (there is little logging or mining going on anymore), adds to the burden.

Worst time of year to ride up here is spring. There's still a shitload of gravel and sand on the roads, and upcountry you'll definitely find icy spots. Fall is the best, not too hot, far fewer riders/drivers out, and the passes are still open. I LOVELOVELOVE having the road completely to myself. Actually, I love having any natural/open space all to myself. :)

I just wrote you a whole fucking story that has zero to do with your grow... maybe it wasn't such a good idea that I learned to type. :lol:


New Member
We have no hospital in our county, in fact a lot of counties don't have a hospital around here. The closest one to us is 30 miles away. Hell we drive 30 miles to buy food. We have a store here but since it's the only one for 30 miles they can price gouge the hell out of people and they do.

They changed the motorcycle test here, now people can go take their test on a 125 scooter (yes scooter) and get a license for any size bike. Now that is some scary shit. We don't have helmet laws either. So Joe cool goes and take his test on a 125 automatic scooter and then runs out and buys a big bike and put his woman on the back wearing fucking shorts of all things and a halter top. Then they ride around from bar to bar slamming beers and talking about how cool they are.

We stay the hell away from those people. We like to ride to different places for cheeseburgers / ice cream.

I've been to San Diego and Hollyweird back in 93. I'd love to come ride in your area. Maybe someday we can do it. I'd invite you here to ride but there is nothing here but corn.


Well-Known Member
Im not a biker but that shit is really interesting guys. And misshestermoffitt that definately looks like signs of sex. Any day now you should be able to see male or female. It's usually 1-2 weeks into flowering when sex shows. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE!


Well-Known Member
You might want to while you still have time. My first attempt at cloning isn't going so well, and the big problem is that I could take more, except my girls are too far along I think.

Here's what makes Luci look like a girl to me, by the way.

(Edited to add: REJOICE!)



Well-Known Member
Dannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng. It's about time these fucking bitches showed sex. I been pulling my hair out waiting... Grats

I love you man.