Is there a FEM side to ROLE IT UP?..........

Cooking with cannabis WE grow If you want to kick it back "old school" im pretty sure tending gardens and FLOWERS were a ladies responsibility. True enough men were farmers, but last time I checked (even on a large scale) you don't use a tractor or hay baler to harvest pot. JUST SAYING. It's all good though your certainly entitled to your opinion. :) Maybe someday our paths will cross and we can share a bowl of MY premium smoke. Best wishes. CK #afemaletouchmakeseverythingalittlesweeter


Well-Known Member
A newb here to this forum and also a girl…. I don't mind what my title is, just given a shout out to cannabis kitty~ Heya sister!:weed:


Well-Known Member
I don't know any ladies that grow mj but the best regular gardeners I know in person are little old ladies.
This isnt xbox if a woman joins here hopefully they will be treated with some respect just dont try to be treated any women faught for equal rights and now a lot of em don't even like the rights

I hope to be treated with respect as I always try to do the same. Always. I expect no different treatment. However having a title that insinuates I am a man doesn't seem respectful or welcoming. You wouldn't want to put Ms. or Mrs. in front of your name would you lol? Im fine with unisex names Ganja Guru instead of Mr. Ganja's not a huge deal. Im not a bitchy person by nature, but this would be a nice way for RIU to let it's ladies know they are acknowledged and respected. That's it. :)
Then what?
Then what? Well either way the sun is still going to shine and im still going to grow lol. The only reason I brought this up in a forum at all was because It was in my mind a good place to start. Valid question though Singlemalt....I love RIU. Dont want to change it. Not being known as a man (ON RIU) is my only wish as I am proud to be a woman. :)


Well-Known Member
Then what? Well either way the sun is still going to shine and im still going to grow lol. The only reason I brought this up in a forum at all was because It was in my mind a good place to start. Valid question though Singlemalt....I love RIU. Dont want to change it. Not being known as a man (ON RIU) is my only wish as I am proud to be a woman. :)
Have you posted pics yet? I don't think I've seen them. Until then, you're a dude. :razz:

PS: Don't forget the RIU tag. :-D
Have you posted pics yet? I don't think I've seen them. Until then, you're a dude. :razz:

PS: Don't forget the RIU tag. :-D
I suppose now I should question your sexuality as you too, like most of RIU, don't have self pictures posted. That was a very selfish and sad remark. You don't know don't know why I grow, why I smoke, or why I ask for this one little piece of femininity. Many of you have been very kind....but there are equal amounts that have had really nasty things to say. APPARENTLY THE CANNABIS ISN"T WORKING SO WELL FOR YOU. Surely you all have moms, sister's, grandma's etc. Maybe you should delve a little deeper into your psyche and figure out exactly why you feel the need to bash me.
The only man seeing these titties is my indicat33. I am one blessed woman and he one lucky man, so think what you like I have no time for trolls. But good luck with that. :)


Well-Known Member
I suppose now I should question your sexuality as you too, like most of RIU, don't have self pictures posted. That was a very selfish and sad remark. You don't know don't know why I grow, why I smoke, or why I ask for this one little piece of femininity. Many of you have been very kind....but there are equal amounts that have had really nasty things to say. APPARENTLY THE CANNABIS ISN"T WORKING SO WELL FOR YOU. Surely you all have moms, sister's, grandma's etc. Maybe you should delve a little deeper into your psyche and figure out exactly why you feel the need to bash me.
:lol: Why so defensive? Nobody's trying to bash you. Plenty of pictures of me on here.

Like most, I'm not taking anyone's word for anything on the internet.