Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: "Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women, They Become ‘Feminized Men’


Well-Known Member
You have no argument dude. I destroyed your daughter argument. How has your constitution been altered? Go weigh some nut sacks so you know which ones are real when you're on bathroom duty.

Please come to NYC so I can glue you to a subway seat during rush hour. More dongs in your face than you'll know what to do with. So much research material.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
It is all gravy to have your own views, you don't have to shit on everyone else who doesn't share your same belief system. When someone turns on the news every day they seem to be a lot less open to discussion and slam the poo hammer on anyone who doesn't agree with the MSM.

But on this topic since you already think every conservative is racist I also don't believe we should bring in muslim refugees. You can't put wolves and lions in the same cage and expect them to get along. Roast me for it, do your research and you will see that Europe is getting bent over for doing what the liberals believe is "the right thing".

Had we not even started ISIS there wouldn't be refugees. If you think there isn't agendas out there you are dumber than your posts portray.
Prepare your anus. They go in dry on RIU.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
do you think transgender people are mentally ill?
I don't understand the desire to have surgery to reverse your privates. It doesnt seem like it works very well.

That is most likely why caitlyn kept her penis. Unaltered the sexual organs have no danger of losing their utility for pleasure.

Im not sure what it is to be honest.


Well-Known Member
Your throat is a fuckin exhaust pipe homey. You're here for hours spewing bigoted and unscientific bullshit just because you like to. You're not even here to talk about it in a meaningful way, just spewing hate.
Because I hate legislation??? ROFLMAO!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't understand the desire to have surgery to reverse your privates. It doesnt seem like it works very well.

That is most likely why caitlyn kept her penis. Unaltered the sexual organs have no danger of losing their utility for pleasure.

Im not sure what it is to be honest.
i just threw you a very easy question, and you dodged it again.



Well-Known Member
I am not dodging. I do not understand why people choose to chop up their bits.
I think Bruce Jenner was a shameless publicity ploy. Maybe I am wrong but I am thinking he was just starved for the spotlight.

Either way, he is free to do what he wants along with everyone else out there.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
do you think it is a mental illness, or a disease?
I dont think it is a disease. I think they dislike their physical bkdy enough to chop off their bits.

Some might call that self mutilation but some people get plastic surgery because they dislike the way the look.

In the end it is their body and their choice. I still do not understand it. I would not be able to.chop bits.

Eyes are starting to close...


Well-Known Member
so you think it is a mental illness then?

you realize that many many transgender people do not have surgeries, right?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Are we going by literal definition?

Then no. Not mental illness.

I think that they have to be pretty unhappy to be willing to risk their bits tho.

Can you tell i care about bits alot? I would never do anything to endanger them.


Well-Known Member
I think that people should be able to do whatever they want with their bits. Hopefully under the supervision of a licensed doctor.


Well-Known Member
why is a backwoods pennsylvania homophobe wondering and posting about transgender people at 1:30 in the morning?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Most of the gay people I've known will fuck either sex.
They say "the gate swings both ways".
There is gonna be a lot of sex going on bathrooms if it's a free for all.
Open stalls would become the norm in time.