Jollygreengiant's Quest for Dank


Well-Known Member
got some dirt, cow manure compost, and perlite
I have no idea if this will fill 10 3g bags
Im going to mix 3 parts soil, 1 part compost, 1 part perlite...sound ok?
I've also got bat guano (high N & high P) and bone & blood meal that could be mixed in, but I dont know what ratios or if thats overkill.
Might save the guano for tea and bone & blood meal for top dressing

the fucking cow shit bag broke open and spilt everywhere:evil:



Well-Known Member
got some dirt, cow manure compost, and perlite
I have no idea if this will fill 10 3g bags
Im going to mix 3 parts soil, 1 part compost, 1 part perlite...sound ok?
I've also got bat guano (high N & high P) and bone & blood meal that could be mixed in, but I dont know what ratios or if thats overkill.
Might save the guano for tea and bone & blood meal for top dressing

the fucking cow shit bag broke open and spilt everywhere:evil:
Nice man.
Sucks about the cow shit.......:cry:


Well-Known Member
I got 5 transplanted today and put them under the 600 hps
It's been fucking cold so the heat from the light brought the temp up to the low 70s
I think the low temps has prevented the rest of the seeds from germinating so I put them on top of the light and hopefully that does the trick

this one used to look the best, its looking rough now
the leaves are curled down and the bottom leaves are yellow and getting crunchy at the tips
think I need to start feeding them a little?


Well-Known Member
Hey man whats up. Glad things are going well for ya. I'm still only at 3 of 8 for germination. I hope the others come around still. Last time I germed some seeds it took like 2 weeks for some of them. That was because of cold temps though. Can't to see them take off bro.


Well-Known Member
Hey man whats up. Glad things are going well for ya. I'm still only at 3 of 8 for germination. I hope the others come around still. Last time I germed some seeds it took like 2 weeks for some of them. That was because of cold temps though. Can't to see them take off bro.
whats up TC, yeah things are good..besides school but thats the norm these days
I miss puffin' on some sweet homegrown though, the shwag has been MIA for a long time now
and payin $20 a g when I smoke it all in one sitting is getting old....which leads us back to my quest for dank:weed:

The plants pretty much came to a stop with growth, I dont know if it was the cold temps or they were ready to leave the cups and spread their roots.
I think they will probably be in some shock from the transplant but I'm really hoping that in the next few days they will start to take off with the warmer temps and plenty of room for their roots to grow

It was a bitch mixing the soil because all I have is one 5gal bucket to mix in so each grow bag I had to mix it up and fill the bag then repeat..I just filled another and transplanted the 6th plant, the rest are too small or too retarded looking to transplant.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man, I can't wait for mine to break ground. I'm gonna try to germ my power skunks too(5 more seeds) since my germ rate is so low right now(3/8). Give myself better odds.


Well-Known Member
$20 for a gram of dank wow that is effed up. Get a O of dank here for $240. Im sorry....
I can probably get a O for 240, but I never have over 100 I can throw down on some its 20 here and 20 there
I used to get a qp of shwag for 120 and roll up blunts all day..that was my shit


Well-Known Member
I got around to transplanting another the other night
All but one are small and yellow, but the one that isn't has taken off since being transplanted and is a rich dark green color and has a nice stinky smell to it.
I went ahead and topped that one since it was outgrowing the rest.
I watered yesterday with a tiny bit of fish emulsion and Olivias hoping that would help with the yellowing.



Well-Known Member
Hey JG, good to see ya, I was just thinking yesterday, that I hadn't seen you around in awhile. Have you checked out my journal, My seedlings are up, and I just harvested a tray full of ereals. Its good times. Hope your little guys come around and green up for ya.


Well-Known Member
I'm around..just havent had much time to rollitup but I have to get my fix every day or so, so I'll get on and look around for a few quick minutes then back to reality.

I bought a ph meter to hopefully avoid future problems
I also started germing more seeds since most of these plants are about burnt to a crisp
Either ph is fucked or the cow manure is too hot for them but they are looking sad

I'm going to turn this grow around and hopefully have some pretty healthy ladies soon.
Don't give up hope just yet:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I went out and picked up some more dirt and perlite today to start all of this shit over again.
I am going to try to tranplant the semi-alive plant, but I'm afraid it might be too late..what do you think?
The problem is working its way up to the newer fan leaves and killing them off.
I will try to save her but it looks like her days are numbered.

I also got some peat pots so I dont have to fuck with trying to get the delicate babies out of those plastic cups



Well-Known Member
Well I don't know what is happening to it, but hopefully the new ones don't follow suit. Now we are gonna be at almost the same point atleast on some of our plants. I just did my transplanting yesterday, and I also popped in an afghan kush seed, a WW seed, and a mango seed yesterday when I got them. This should be fun man! Can't wait to see you up and running again, those last ladies were so pretty. Is it the seeds from them that you are using?


Well-Known Member
I put about 10 bagseeds and 10 seeds from last harvest into the cup of water so who knows what actually sprouted.
I've separated them this time to know which is which.
I tried to transplant the bigger plant yesterday and tore the roots all up..don't know if itll bounce back or not.
But it looks like we should be close to the same schedule now..good luck on your grow bro:peace:


Well-Known Member
You as well my friend, hope this batch goes better for ya. I peaked at my afghan today, and ithas started to crack, so I turned it right side down to help out!


Well-Known Member
don't worry bro cloning is really REALLY easy. I use jiffy pucks and the cloning powder you get from wal-mart and have had nearly 100 percent success everytime. I've got the MG moisture control until Lowe's or Walmart get in more soil...i'm not sure when specifically those products should be in season but I hope its soon.

I'm also interested in making my own organic soil.

I bought one of those S&P TD series inline was the cheapest one. It's like 77 bucks including shipping. I wired it wrong and blew up the motor lol so I gotta get a new one. But if you want a good fan I would look into those; I've heard nothing but good things.

Good luck brotha


Well-Known Member
good to hear from you Bob..and thanks for the tips
I'll take a look at those fans, but I am no electrician and wouldn't know how to wire it.
I got my soil from Lowe's..don't know anything about it other than it's potting soil without nutes and it was cheap as hell..$2 a bag

I went to a friends last night to smoke and she gave me 6 seeds that came from what she called 'mustard weed' because it was orange and yellow. They are in a wet paper towel in the incubator now.


Well-Known Member
I found 250cfm inline 6inch fans at lowes for 25 bucks, I'm gonna get 2 of those, one at each end of my exhaust tube, and I think they just plug into an outlet.


Well-Known Member
good to hear from you Bob..and thanks for the tips
I'll take a look at those fans, but I am no electrician and wouldn't know how to wire it.
I got my soil from Lowe's..don't know anything about it other than it's potting soil without nutes and it was cheap as hell..$2 a bag

I went to a friends last night to smoke and she gave me 6 seeds that came from what she called 'mustard weed' because it was orange and yellow. They are in a wet paper towel in the incubator now.

well fuck that is the kind of soil i want/need. I'm pondering on doing a soilless medium with advanced nutrients or make my own organic soil....i just love organic food so...

don't worry the wiring really is's the same as wiring an extension cord to a light socket to use CFL's....

I didn't wire to the common wire like i was supposed to and put two wires to both the hi and low speed and zapped the mother fucker lol

when i get a camera i'll show pics of my cab...its not done yet so...

I wish you luck on your journey for the dankmonster peace brotha


Well-Known Member
5 out of 6 'mustard' seeds popped already and are into their jiffy pellets and into incubator.
Ive got about 25 seeds that were put into paper towels about 2 days before the mustard..only one has cracked. I now see why bagseeds suck.

I've got one already in dirt..seed came from my first grow off a lady I named the jolly green giant

