Just couldn't stop myself...

420 swede

Active Member
Yesterday was interesting, it was the day after the day which i in the first time in 2 month scored some decent green.
Anyway i started smoking like one hour after breakfast around 11, was just gonna take a hit bcuz i had work at 5. Somehow i kinda lost track at time and continued smoking.

Around 15:30 i find myself in my hallway, with the entire upper boady smeared in with olive oil, dancing with my bong to the song "a Dj saved my life" in front of the mirror......

The doorbell rings...i look out the "hole" and its my mother showing up with a suprise food pack for work...put on a t-shirt and sunglasses and opens the door. I greet and tells her i have an eye infection. Somehow i managed to send her on her way.

Now the thing is now i got 1h & 20 min until i need to be at work so i shower and put clean clothes...and walked with my somewhat still devil eyes to work.

Shows up and pulling the same eye infection crap as last time...works ! :D

and now im here, stoned as fuck. lol i dont know why i wrote this shit.