K21701's Hempy Bucket Grow..Royal Queen Seeds Special Kush & Bubblelicious Auto


Well-Known Member
Topping is done after they get their 5th or 6th node.... top above the second node and she will get 4 main colas....
ok. i forgot to go back and count the nodes from the pix on last page. i'll be topping my plants but not so low. cant wait to see your plants grow.


Active Member
If you top above the second node you will get 4 main colas and a nice size clone which I have rooting in rockwool.


Active Member
I do not have any since I don't plan on cloning as I have no room for more than a couple plants at a time so I just popped her into a rockwool cube...if she makes it that's great and if she doesn't thats okay. I am not going to be home for 5 days and I have no one to watch over them....


Active Member
At the moment they are under 3 23w 6500k cfl's...they will eventually get moved under a 150w hps for flowering. And thanks!!!


Well-Known Member
that sucks not having much space. i took everything out of my closet, so i have a grow space. and i mean everything the shelf and even my mushrooms. just my 400 watt mh and my 5 plants 4 soil and 1 water farm i put in last night.


Active Member
Not really a problem...I grow for my own personal use and am not a heavy smoker...only right before bed and some recreational on the weekends....;-)


Well-Known Member
sounds like the small grow you got is perfect size them :) im a heavy smoker. even more durring winter when my knees and back hurt alot more. so how much longer you going to veg for?


Active Member
Not sure yet...I am going to be LST'ing her so I am guessing 6 weeks or so depending on how quickly she grows. I am a real light weight...it doesn't take much to get the job done....lol


Well-Known Member
Im going to try a hempy sog after the first of the year...this seem like a great way to grow...but im going to put a air stone in a few pots to see if air bubbles helps it grow faster...subed ... Plus rep...happy growing